Thundercat Soaps

Parts 12-14

Part 12

After breakfast the next morning, Lion-O invited everyone to Cheetara's room where she was still resting to make an important announcement. Everyone was curious about what was so important that everyone had to hear, especially Tygra. He sensed something was up and was upset with himself for leaving Lion-O and Cheetara alone last night. When they came on the room, Lion-O stood by Cheetara on the bed.

"I know everyone is wondering why I asked you all up here, so here goes. Cheetara and I are getting married."

Everyone but Tygra were happy and congratulated the engaged couple while Tygra stood in complete shock. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Lion-O and Cheetara getting married? He never wanted that and he wasn't going to let it happen. After being congratulated by everyone else, Cheetara noticed Tygra still in shock.

"Are you all right, Tygra?" Cheetara asked.

Tygra snapped back. "What? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Just a big shock that's all. Congratulations both of you." He said and shook Lion-O's hand and hugged Cheetara.

"We better get going soon, Tygra, if we want to get to the city opening in time. No sense for the Lord of the Thundercats being late to a city opening where he has to give a speech." Lion-O said and looked down at Cheetara. " I should be back by one." He told her and gave her a quick kiss, and received an aw from WilyKit and WilyKat. "Ha. Ha." He said dryly and left.

After Lion-O and the others left, Tygra checked on her conditioned which was fine. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel great and excited about marrying Lion-O."

"What I can't believe is that you two are getting married. It's crazy."

"Why would you say that?" Cheetara asked.

"Well, look at the age difference." Tygra said as he sat on the bed with her.

"I'm 28. Lion-O's 25."

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no. You're 28 and he's 16." Tygra corrected her.

"Tygra, Lion-O is not the young, impulsive, person we first met on 3rd Earth nearly five years ago. He has matured over the years and acts like a mature man." Cheetara told him.


"All right. I admit Lion-O's mind may be young, and yes, that led me to have my doubts when I started dating him, but he prove to me that he was mature and was ready to be in an adult relationship."

"You should know what goes through a teenage mind to get the attention of an older woman." Cheetara was about to say something, but Tygra stopped her. "Just here me out. He's rushing into it. He proposed to you because of what happened."

"That's not true, Tygra. We were talking about marriage before this happened."

"He's probably marrying you to get you in bed with him." Tygra said.

Cheetara slapped him. "You take that back. He's marrying me because he loves me and wants to spend his life with me. How could you even say that?"

"Because it's probably true." Tygra answered.

"You weren't like this when we dated or were you?"

"I was mature."

"And you're saying Lion-O's not?" Cheetara was getting angry.

"To a certain extent." He said and sighed, "Look, Cheetara. You're my closest friend and I care about you very much. I don't want to see you get hurt." Tygra said concerned.

"Lion-O will never hurt me."

"You may say that now, Cheetara, but who knows what may happen in the future."

"He will never hurt me. He loves me, and we have a love that cannot be broken. You seem to be upset that Lion-O and I are together. Are you?" Cheetara demanded to know.

You can always read my mind, Cheetara. He thought. "Upset? Why would I be upset? I couldn't be more happy for you. I just think that you and Lion-O are rushing into this. You have been dating a little over two months. You don't know each long enough to get married."

"We have been living together for years. I know as friends, but we have known each other for a long time, since he was a baby. We are ready. Besides we were talking about marriage almost ever since we dated." Cheetara explained.

"So I have nothing to worry about?" Tygra asked.

"That's right." Cheetara said.

"Well, that settles it." It means I will have to stop the wedding on my own. "I better go. I have to meet Lion-O at the city opening. Bye." He started to leave.

"If you see Panthro, tell him, I want to talk to him." Cheetara told Tygra.

Tygra gave Cheetara an approving nod and left.

About ten minutes later, Panthro came in and sat in a chair near her bed. "Tygra said you wanted to see me."

"I do. I want to know who were you talking about last night."

"Cheetara, I don't want to get into this."

"But I want to. I saw how grief stricken you looked. Did.... did someone from your past die for you? Was it a wife, fiancé or girlfriend?"

Panthro looked at Cheetara and realized that he couldn't get out of this. She wouldn't rest until she find out and that went the same for Panthro. "It was my fiancé, Aline."

"Oh, Panthro, I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked concern.

"No, I don't want to. It's too painful."

"I understand." She said and gave him a comforting hug.

"I'm just glad it didn't happen again. You and Lion-O deserve each other, and I'll be glad to see you two marry." Panthro said and let go of the hug.

"Thank you. I'll be glad too."

At one, Lion-O returned to Cheetara's room, still holding his speech and some extra paper and a pen.

"How was the ceremony and your speech?" Cheetara asked giving him a quick kiss.

"It was fine like the others, except at the end."

"What happened at the end?" Cheetara asked.

"The crowd cheered louder than usual when I announced our engagement. Speaking of the wedding, we have a lot of things to do. I brought some extra papers so we can make a list about what we want."

"I know I want Pumyra and WilyKit to be my bridesmaids. Who will be your best man?"

"I'm giving that honor to Tygra. I pretty sure he'll be happy and very honored for that privilege." Lion-O said.

"I was thinking that the we have the wedding ceremony in the Throne Room and the reception in the Ballroom." Cheetara suggested.

"I was thinking that too. This is going to be the most incredible wedding in Thundera's history."

"And it will be the most memorable." Cheetara added.


Tygra entered his room and punch his wall. "Engaged. D--n it. I didn't want this to happen. This is my fault. I brought them closer with that monster. No, it was Ocelo's fought. I have to stop the wedding. I can't let them marry. I won't let them marry." Tygra said determined.

Part 13

Tygra paced back and forth in his bedroom. It has been three month's since Lion-O and Cheetara announced their engagement. Their wedding was tomorrow and their engagement party was tonight. The big problem, for Tygra anyway, was that he hadn't come up with a way to stop the wedding. On his bed was the Book of Omens turned to pictures of previous Lords and Ladies of the Thundercats.

"Think, Tygra, think. There is a way to stop this wedding. I know it. I just have to find it." He told himself. He look back at the book on his bed and noticed something. He picked up the book and looked at a picture of the 3rd Lord of the Thundercats and his wife. "I remember there was something important about him. Because of him-Of course, that's it! Why didn't I realized it before."

He dropped the book and ran out the room only to run into Panthro.

"Where's the fire, Tygra?" Panthro asked.

"I just have to do something real quick."

"Okay. Just be here for Lion-O and Cheetara's engagement party tonight." Panthro reminded him.

"Don't worry. I will. In fact, I'm getting their wedding present right now." He told Panthro and ran off.


Lion-O and Cheetara were taking a stroll behind Cat's Lair. When the Thundercats and Snarfs built the lair, they also built in a lake in the back. Cheetara also added a flower garden near the lake and the engaged couple sat down under a tree in front of the lake. Ever since they begin planning the wedding, things have been busy around the lair. Decorations, food, guest list, music and of course designers for Cheetara's wedding dress and Lion-O's formal suit. Planning the wedding wasn't the only busy thing, there were small crimes occurring on their somewhat peaceful planet. To relieve tension, they decided to take a break by relaxing in front of the lake.

"Do you know what's going to happen tomorrow?" Cheetara asked Lion-O.

"Besides our wedding tomorrow, no."

"I hope everything runs smoothly. I don't want anything to go wrong."

"Nothing's going to go wrong tomorrow. Everything's going according to plan, and if the mutants try anything, we'll know it with our security. Nobody can stop this wedding." Lion-O assured Cheetara.


At the tower where Thunderians returned home and check in to see where they go, Tygra was in the tower looking at the list of people who had returned to New Thundera and their current resident now. He has been searching for hours on the computer at list of thousands of people who had returned home. He was about to give up when he saw the name he was looking for.

"Yes." He said and printed a copy of the person's name and address. "I've got you now, Lion-O." He said wickedly.


Cheetara smiled at Lion-O. "You're right. Nobody's stopping our wedding tomorrow. I was just worried that since the mutants haven't bother us in a while, that we may some trouble with them tomorrow, but you have assured me that nothing will happen." She said and gave him a hug. "I should tell you I had a dream about the future. We were married and had two children, a boy and a girl."

"Oh, really. What did they look like?" Lion-O asked.

"Like you and me. We were happy and peaceful. That's all I remember."

"Speaking of kids, let's get started on them now." He said and immediately kissed Cheetara, catching her off guard.

"Hey, lovebirds. Cut it out or we'll get the hoses." WilyKit said.

Lion-O and Cheetara looked up and saw WilyKit and Pumyra.

"I told you we'll find them here." Pumyra said.

"May we help you?" Cheetara asked.

"Yes. You can come with us so you can get ready for your engagement party." Pumyra said as she and WilyKit pulled Cheetara away from Lion-O. "And we suggest you do the same." Pumyra told Lion-O.


Tygra arrived at a house near sunset in Jubatus. He knocked on the door and prayed that the person he was looking for was home. Someone opens the door and Tygra smiled. "Hello. I'm Tygra, a Thundercat. I believe you and I need to have a talk. May I come in?" He smiled. The person nods and let him in.


Lion-O and Cheetara sat at the head of a large dining table in the Dining Hall. They and the rest of the Thundercats except Tygra were dressed in evening attire. They looked for Tygra before the party but couldn't find him and went ahead with the party without him. Panthro was talking with some guest when Tygra came in.

"Tygra, where were you." Panthro asked.

"I was getting Lion-O and Cheetara their wedding present. It took longer than I thought." Tygra answered.

"Well, it's getting late and since you're the best man, you should give the toast." Panthro said.

"Certainly." He got everyone's attention. He got a glass of wine and raised it in front of Lion-O and Cheetara. "Lion-O, Cheetara, I'm very happy for you. I can't imagine a more happier couple." Cheetara and me. "I will be glad when tomorrow comes because you both will be getting what you deserve. To Lion-O and Cheetara." He raised his glass high as did everyone else. He drunk some of his wine and sat back down watching the happy couple talk and laugh with their guests. Enjoy your last night with Cheetara,Lion-O. Because it will be the last night you'll ever enjoy with her. I saw to it today. You will never marry her. Cheetara is mine, now and forever. He thought wickedly and finished the last of his wine.

Part 14

Cheetara was awaken the next morning with the sun shining on her face. She happily woke up because she knew what was happening today. She was getting married. She stretched and hopped out of bed and walked to her window smiling. "I'm getting married today. This is going to be the happiest day of my life." She said excited. She left to take a shower and wash her hair. When she returned to her room, Pumyra and WilyKit knocked and Cheetara let them in.

"Aren't we extremely happy this morning?" Pumyra teased.

"Can you blame me? I'm getting married." Cheetara said.

"No. We brought your breakfast, and Snarf and Tygra got Lion-O covered since you two can't see each other before the wedding." WilyKit said.

"Don't tell me you believe in that tradition." Cheetara said.

"We don't want anything to go wrong." WilyKit said.

"Besides it's tradition." Pumyra added.

Cheetara sighed and raised her hands as if giving up.


"You're kidding." Lion-O said after Snarf and Tygra explained the same situation to him in his bedroom.

"No, we're not. You cannot see each other until the wedding." Snarf said.

"But we have a million things to do." Lion-O said.

"Yes, and you can do them separately. Don't worry, Lion-O, as your best man, I will make sure everything runs smoothly." Tygra assured him.

"And just to make sure you don't try to see Cheetara, I will be following all day. Snarf. Snarf." Snarf told him.

Lion-O rolled his eyes and groaned.


Cheetara was in her room putting on her makeup. Pumyra helped Cheetara put her hair in a French roll earlier and was now tending to other duties as Maid of Honor. Her wedding dress was still on the mannequin and she was in her robe. Tygra knocked on her door.

"Is it all right if I come in?" Tygra asked.

"Sure. Come in."

Tygra walked in. "I need to talk to you, Cheetara."

"About the wedding?"

"How did you know?"

"Everyone has been coming in here and telling me how happy they are for me and Lion-O." Cheetara said and put her eyeliner down. "So I assume you would be next."

Tygra pulled Cheetara out of her chair and looked down at her. "Please listen to me when I say this, but you cannot marry Lion-O."

"What? Why are you saying this? I thought we had this conversation."

"We did, but you mustn't marry him." Tygra said.

"Why?" Cheetara asked.

"Because I.... I--"

"You what?" Cheetara asked getting angry.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't believe this. This is suppose to be the happiest day of my life and you're ruining it."

"I'm doing this for you."

"Liar! I don't know who you are doing this for, but I know it's not for me. I should tell Lion-O what his best man is trying to do, but I won't. I won't tell him what you're trying to do." She said angrily.

"Cheetara, please if you--"

"Shut up! Whether you like it or not, I am going to marry Lion-O, and nobody not even you is going to stop me! Get out!" She shouted and ordered him out of her room.

Tygra knew he wasn't going to get anywhere now so he left. He closed the door behind him, took out his cell phone, and dial someone's phone number.

"Hello." A person answered.

"Go ahead with the plan." Tygra said


Lion-O looked himself over in full-length mirror. He had on a white royal suit. Attach to his suit, was a white cape that came to his white knee-high formal boots with gold trims. Snarf and Tygra came in as he put his crown on.

"It's almost show time, Lion-O. Ready to go?" Tygra asked.

"You know it, Tygra. Do you have the ring?"

"I most certainly do." He said and pulled out the black box holding the wedding ring.

"Before we go, let me say this, Lion-O." Snarf said and raised himself on his tail. "Lion-O, I'm very proud of you and your parents would be, too. You're no longer an impulsive, cocky boy, but a mature levelheaded young man. You're not my little boy anymore." Snarf was getting teary-eyed and wiped the tears away.

Lion-O gave Snarf a hug. "Thanks for helping me become the man I am, Snarf." he said and looked at Tygra. "Thanks to you, too, Tygra and the rest of the Thundercats."

"It was my duty. Let's go. Time for you to meet your bride." Tygra said and the three headed for the throne room.


Cheetara twirled her wedding gown around so WilyKit and Pumyra could see. Cheetara wore a Cinderella-like long white ballroom wedding gown. The dress had designs covered with diamonds and pearls. She wore a pearl necklace and earrings and the royal tiara that all Ladies of the Thundercats were to wear on her head. The tiara was made of diamonds and it had the Cat's Eye in the center. The long veil attached to the end of the tiara came to her hips.

"What do you think? Isn't it gorgeous?" Cheetara asked happily.

WilyKit and Pumyra were wearing their yellow V-shaped bridesmaid dresses. "It's beautiful." WilyKit awed.

"Lion-O's feet certainly will be in the air." Pumyra added and looked at the clock. "It's time. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Cheetara said. WilyKit handed Cheetara her bouquet of flowers and Pumyra pulled the veil over her head. "Well, let's do it, Lady Cheetara."


When Pumyra, WilyKit and Cheetara arrived at the Throne Room doors, the music began to changed. The doors opened and Pumrya stood and walked in holding her bouquet of flowers. When she was halfway down the aisle, WilyKit walked in and stood by Pumyra and the servants closed the doors. The wedding march music played and everyone stood up and looked at the door. The servants opened the door and Cheetara stood. Cheetara slowly walked in. She noticed that all their friends from 3rd Earth, Willa, Nada, RoberBill, RoberBelle, Snowman and Snow Meow, just to name a few made it. She looked back up and saw Lion-O staring at her in awe.

When she reach, Lion-O, he took her hand and kissed it. "You look beautiful." He said and they looked ahead at the minister.

Everyone sat down and the minister began. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to join this man and this women in holy matrimony. Marriage is a wonderful thing, and what makes it wonderful is the two people who love each other and work at it everyday to make marriage the wonderful thing that it is. Lord Lion-O and Cheetara have that love. Is there anyone in this room who feels that these two people should not marry? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

The throne doors burst open and a red-haired women stood catching her breath. "No, Lion-O, you can't marry her. I'm Leela, your wife."

Lots of shock and murmurs went through the room. The Thundercats looked at each other confused and shocked. Lion-O and Cheetara looked at each other stunned and confused and back at Leela. Tygra had an approving smirk his face.


(Hee. Hee. I bet no one saw that coming.)

Parts 15-18: Everyone learns who Leela is. Tygra is extremely happy. Lion-O must choose between Leela and Cheetara.

Oooo, the introduction of a new character.  What will happen next?  More fanfics to appease me!

I still say I can watch this on tv without having to work at reading words.  Main page.