Thundercats Soaps

Part 68

Part 68

Pumyra and WilyKit were in Cheetara's room, adding the final touches to Cheetara and her dress. Pumyra straighten the curls in Cheetara's hair one last time, and WilyKit was making sure Cheetara's dress and her train was neat. When her bridesmaids were finished, Cheetara looked herself over in the full length mirror. The afternoon sun beaming in the room made the diamonds and pearls on her dress and necklace sparkle.

"Everything looks beautiful. You two did a wonderful job."

"We did, didn't we, Pumyra?" WilyKit said patting herself on the back.

"We most certainly did," Pumyra said.

"I can't believe this day has finally come. I am marrying, Lion-O. I'm so.....worried. I'm worried that something or someone will stop the wedding like last time," Apprehensive, Cheetara placed her hands on her stomach.

"You're talking about Tygra, aren't you?" Kit asked.

Cheetara nodded. The fear of someone disrupting her wedding was apparent on her face.

"Don't worry, Cheetara. Lion-O, Panthro, and Bengali have made sure nothing and no one can get into Cat's Lair with out them knowing."

"Pumyra's right. The security from the alarms to infrared have all been updated. All the guest must bring their wedding invitations and ID when they come. Bengali will also be checking the guest with an eye scanner. That way, we will know they are who they are suppose to be," WilyKit explained.

Cheetara smiled. "I guess I'm worried about nothing, huh? It's just that Tygra is missing, like he dropped off the face of Thundera, and I know he doesn't approve of my relationship with Lion-O. I just thought that he would pick today to show up and ruin everything, but you may be right. Tygra can't get in without Lion-O knowing." Someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?"

"It's WilyKat."

"Come in, Kat."

WilyKat entered wearing a black suit. "Wow, Cheetara, you look pretty."

"Thank you."

WilyKat noticed her dress was white and looked confused. "I thought it was tradition for a woman to wear white to be--Ow!"

WilyKit smacked her brother on the back of his head. "Shut up, Kat!"

"It's all right," Cheetara smiled at Kit hitting her brother and shutting him up. "Lion-O and I have our own tradition."

WilyKat continued to rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I came in here to tell you that they are ready to start."

"Give me one more minute," Cheetara said.

WilyKat nodded and left but not before glaring at his sister. That smack on the head really hurt.

"I guess I just need my crown and I'll be ready."

"I have that," WilyKit said placing the royal crown on Cheetara's head and pulling the veil over her face.

Pumyra opened the door. "Let's go."


In the Throne Room, Lion-O also had his royal crown on as he stood in a white formal suit at the altar. Standing by him was his best man, Panthro. He leaned over, "When Cheetara enters, the doors will lock until the ceremony is over, right?"

"Yeah, Lion-O. No one will be able to get through even if they tried," Panthro assured him.

Soft music begin to play as the doors opened. Pumyra stood a moment before walking in. After Pumyra was halfway down the aisle, WilyKit walked in. When the two took their respected spots across from Lion-O, the wedding march begin to play. Everyone stood to see Cheetara standing in the doorway. Her eyes locked on Lion-O as she walked in. From the corner of her eye, she saw her friends from 3rd Earth: RoberBill and RoberBelle, Willa, Nayda, the unicorn keeper and his wife, SnowMan and even Snowmeow. When she reach Lion-O, they joined hands and faced the minister.

When everyone seated, the minister begin.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in matrimony. Hopefully, the third wedding will be the final one for Lord Lion-O," the minister joked causing light laughter to come from everyone including the bride and groom. He continued, "However, I and everyone else in this room are confident that this marriage will last forever. Standing before us, are two people who have been through pain and sorrow, but because of their love for each other, they have pass that and they are now entitled to peace and happiness, and today, we will see these two people become one. Does anyone have any why reason that these two people should not be wed? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."

There was a calm silence in the room. Lion-O and Cheetara both breathed a sigh of relief when the minister continued.

"Lord Lion-O and Cheetara have written their own vows. Cheetara."

Lion-O and Cheetara faced each other.

"Lion-O, when I first saw you as a baby, I never thought you would be my husband. I didn't think I would have one because I wanted to be a Thundercat and commit myself to serving and protecting you and all of Thundera. It's amazing how things never go the way you plan. I was attracted to you the moment I first saw you when we landed on 3rd Earth. That attraction soon gave away to love before I even knew it or even want to admit to it, and after we told each other how we felt, we experienced, happiness, joy, anguish, heartache, and then happiness again. If I could turn back time, I wouldn't change anything, not with this extra joy I'm carrying. I'm happier than I have ever been, and I've never loved with anyone like I have love you. I will always love you, care for you in good times and bad, and be by your side no matter what, always and forever."

Lion-O could see the tears of joy streaming from her eyes. Lion-O put his hand under Cheetara's veil and wiped the tears. He begin to say his vows.

"Cheetara, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. When we landed on 3rd Earth and I was an adult, I wasn't sure if I had a chance with you. Later I thought, I should take a chance and tell you how I felt, and that was the best decision I made in my life. When I learned I could not marry you, my heart died, but only you were able to you revive it with your love by telling that you still loved me even though we couldn't be together. Maybe a year ago wasn't the right time to marry, but it is now. All the evil that has kept us apart are gone. There will be nothing but good times ahead for us, our children, and Thundera. I will always love, care for and protect you and the family we have in the making. No matter what, I will always be here for you when you need me, now and forever."

"We will now have the exchanged of rings," the minister said.

Lion-O turned to Panthro. The blue panther gave Lion-O the wedding ring. Lion-O took Cheetara's hand and placed a ring with two heart shaped diamonds intertwining on her finger. "Wear this ring always, for it represents my love for you." Lion-O took Cheetara's hand and kissed it.

Cheetara gave her bouquet to WilyKit and Pumyra gave Cheetara her ring for Lion-O. She begin placing it on his finger. The ring had two circled diamonds shaped like the symbol infinity. "Wear this ring always, for it represents my love for you." Cheetara took Lion-O's hand and kissed it.

"By the powers invested in me, in front of these witnesses on the planet Thundera, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the minister said.

Lion-O lifted Cheetara's veil over her head and kissed Cheetara passionately. Everyone clapped and cheered loudly after Lion-O dipped her. Lion-O finally pulled Cheetara up for a breath of air.

The minister introduced them. "I now present you Lord Lion-O and Lady Cheetara!"

The orchestra played the recessional. WilyKit handed Cheetara her bouquet. Cheetara took her husband's hand. Together they walked out of the room for the first time as husband and wife with their friends clapping and cheering them on.


In the ballroom, all the guest waited for Lion-O and Cheetara to make their entrance. Some people talked, ate and danced a little. Panthro came in. He took the microphone in is hand.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Panthro.

"Thank you. It is my esteem privilege to introduce to you Lord Lion-O and Lady Cheetara."

Lion-O and Cheetara walked in and everyone cheered loudly and clapped hardly. They were almost blinded by the flash of cameras from guest and a few press members who were allowed to come. Lion-O pulled Cheetara close to him and kissed her deeply again in front of everyone. They broke apart and went to the Thundercats table. Vasa was also sitting with them by her niece and nephew of course.

"I have to tell you two. I was so scared when the minister asked if anyone disapprove of you guys marrying. I know we have the security and all but I was still scared," WilyKit said.

"I was, too. I'm surprised no one heard my heart pounding," Cheetara said.

WilyKit looked at Cheetara's ring. "Whoa! That's what I call a rock."

Cheetara looked at her ring. "Yes, it is beautiful, but it's not important to me as Lion-O," Cheetara looked at her husband and kissed him.

"We actually have inscriptions on our rings," Lion-O said.

"What does it say?" Pumyra asked.

"Mine says, 'You are mine as I am yours...'"

"My ring concludes it with, '..In mind, body, heart and soul,'" Lion-O said.

"Aw, how sweet," Vasa said.

Other guests came talking to Lion-O and Cheetara, almost literally pulling them from their friends.

"I for one am I glad that those two finally got married," Vasa commented.

"Do you think you will be getting married soon?" WilyKit asked.

"I hope so."

"What about this mysterious guy you are seeing? Why didn't you invite him to the wedding? It would have gave us a good chance to meet him," WilyKat said.

Panthro looked nervous around the group.

"Oh, well, he's kind of shy, but as soon as he wants to open up to you more, you will see him," their aunt said.

The twins looked kind if confused at their aunt's words, but shrugged it off.

After talking with some of the guest, Lion-O and Cheetara sat in their throne chairs. Having a little time alone, Lion-O took his wife hand and kissed it. He then kissed her cheek and moved towards her ear, kissing it.

"Lion-O," Cheetara said gently pushing Lion-O away. "We're in public, we can't do that now."

"When can we?" he asked eagerly.

"We'll find sometime to be alone, tonight. I promise. In the meantime, I could use something to eat."

Lion-O understood and left his throne chair. While Cheetara waited for Lion-O to return, some of the guest walk to her and expressed their congratulations. Cheetara smiled when her husband return a few minutes later. He had a small plate of food in his hand and a glass of sparkling cider she thought. He took his seat next to her and gave her the food and drink.

"Thank you," Cheetara said taking the food and nonalcoholic drink and begin eating.

"This day is going so well. Who would've thought that when you caught Laura's bouquet, that you would marry next and I'd be the groom."

"I guess she involuntary brought us back together, wherever she is," she said as finished the food and sparkling wine in nearly in five gulps.

"It's true what they say. Pregnant women do eat a lot of food and fast."

"I'm eating for two," Cheetara politely commented.

The newly wedded couple looked up at their wedding cake entering. They got up and walked towards the yellow cake with a cream colored icing that was about 6'4 with ten layers on tiers separating every two layers. On top of the cake were miniature dolls of Lion-O and Cheetara.

"Well, is anybody hungry for some cake?" Cheetara asked.

Everyone sent out shouts of yes.

Lion-O moved closer behind Cheetara as she picked the knife and put his hands over hers as he whispered in her ear, "I'm hungry, but it's not for cake."

Cheetara smiled and tried to hide her blush. Cutting the first slice of cake together, Cheetara put it on a plate. Lion-O closed his eyes as Cheetara broke a piece of the cake off with a fork and put it in his mouth.

"It's good," Lion-O said. He picked up his fork and threw it back.

Cheetara and everyone else laughed. Lion-O picked a small piece of cake with his hands and moved it around like an airplane in front of Cheetara. Cheetara closed her eyes, excited, wondering how he would give her her piece of cake. He put some icing on her nose. Cheetara laughed. Lion-O put the piece of cake in her mouth and affectionately kissed her nose, taking the icing in his mouth. He kissed her again on the lips, softly.

"I'm going to get you for that," Cheetara teased when Lion-O pulled away.

"I really hope you do," Lion-O shot back.

A slow dance song begin to play. Lion-O lead Cheetara to the floor as the couple danced to their first song as husband and wife. Other couples followed Lion-O and Cheetara's lead and begin dancing too. Panthro took Vasa's hand and lead her to the dance floor. They were cautious not to stand too close to each other and draw attention.

"I know you don't want to do it now, Panthro, but when do you want to tell the others about us?" Vasa asked. "Lion-O and Cheetara are married now."

"You're right, but this is their day. They've earned it, but I guess it is time. That and I think the wine is controlling me. The way you're looking tonight is turning me on."

"You want to take a walk and tell me how I'm turning you on?"

"I'll show you after I have a dance with Cheetara and congratulate her again," Panthro said. When the song ended, another one played. Panthro and Vasa walked to Lion-O and Cheetara. Panthro asked for a dance with Cheetara and they exchanged dance partners.

"Having a good time?" Panthro asked as he danced with Cheetara.

"The best time of my life," Cheetara said. "But it seems I'm not the only one having a good time. You and Vasa seem to be getting close."

"It was just a dance," Panthro said simply.

"Yeah, right," she wasn't being fooled. "Just how long have you been sleeping with WilyKit and WilyKat's aunt behind their backs?" Cheetara asked.

Panthro felt his heart pounding but he was trying to hide his dismayed expression. "What in the world are you talking about, Cheetara?" he asked pretending to be oblivious to Cheetara's accusation.

"Don't deny it, Panthro. I know."

Giving in, he asked, "How did you know?"

"It could be because I'm a woman or my sixth sense, but I have been putting the pieces together."

"What pieces?"

"When I came back to Thundera on the twins birthday, you and WilyKit got into an argument which lead me to believe that something might be going on with you two. At the trial, Laura questioned you and it appeared that she had something on you. She knew too, didn't she. Finally, there's the closeness of you and Vasa tonight. You're playing a dangerous game," Cheetara told him.

"I know," Panthro grumbled.

"If Kit and Kat are to find out..."

"I know, Cheetara, I know. We're going to tell them, but not tonight. This is your and Lion-O's day," Panthro explained.

Cheetara looked worried. She had a bad feeling about Panthro keeping this big secret from the twins. "Okay, Panthro, but--"

"Ahem." Lion-O interrupted the two from behind. "May I have my wife back?"

Too caught up in their conversation, Panthro and Cheetara failed to realized that the song was over.

"Oh, sure. No problem, Lion-O," Panthro said. Cheetara stepped away and went back into her husband's arms. The couple walked away, leaving Panthro and Vasa by themselves.

"Can we be alone now?" she asked.

Panthro smiled a little, not really in the mood now after his talk with Cheetara. "Uh, yeah. Come on." They exit the room with anyone noticing.


After dancing to a few more songs on the dance floor and sneaking some private moments together, the newlyweds returned to the ballroom trying to hide the blushes on their faces. Pumyra saw them and walked to them.

"Making out?" Pumyra asked.

Cheetara laughed, "What gives you that idea?"

"Well, for one thing, your crown is on backwards, Cheetara, as well as yours, Lion-O." Pumyra pointed and helped the couple straightened their crowns and Cheetara's hair a little. "It's time for the garter toss."

"Finally," Lion-O said excitedly pulling Cheetara a little closer to him.

While Pumyra was calling the single men to gather for the garter toss, Lion-O sat Cheetara in her throne chair. The men gathered. Cheetara lifted her dress up to her garter. Lion-O put his mouth on the garter and pulled it down Cheetara's leg to her ankle. He pulled the lacy band off her foot and threw it back. A lucky man in the crowd jumped in the air to catch the garter worn by the Lady of the Thundercats.

WilyKit looked around. "Where's Panthro? He should've been here for this." she left the room to find him. "Panthro," Kit called. She continued to walked down the hall towards his room. She saw that his door was partly opened and a light was on so she figured he was in there. As she got closer to his room, the young Thundercat heard giggling and moaning. "What the heck?" she wondered. She looked through the cracked door to see what was going on and gasped. "I don't believe it." she stepped back slowly, barely being able to move, to walk. It took her a while but somehow she got the energy to leave after what she saw.

The female Thundercat made her way back to the ballroom and found Pumyra.

"Where did you go and have you seen Panthro?" Pumyra asked.

She's seen him all right, but not the way Pumyra was talking. ", I haven't seen Panthro. Where's Lion-O and Cheetara?"

"They left to change clothes and make their final entrance before leaving for their honeymoon."

Panthro and Vasa returned looking a little happy.

"Hey, Panthro," Pumyra saw him coming in. "Where were you? You missed the garter toss."

"I was just showing Vasa around the lair," Panthro lied. "When we were coming in, we saw Lion-O and Cheetara standing outside. They are ready for their final introduction."

Pumyra nodded and she and Panthro went to the microphone in front of the room. Panthro spoke first, "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you..."

Pumyra spoke next, "Lord Lion-O and Lady Cheetara."

Lion-O and Cheetara entered the room for the final time that night. Lion-O wore simple pair of black slacks and a white shirt and Cheetara had changed into a white pantsuit.

"We liked to thank you all for coming, but before Cheetara and I leave, my wife has to give away her bouquet to the next bride."

All the single women gathered in circle. Cheetara turned her back against them and laughs as she threw her bouquet back. The women jumped in the air to get but only one caught it--Vasa. Afterwards, Lion-O and Cheetara made their exit after being playfully bombarded with rice and confetti. Outside Cat's Lair, the Thundercats were outside saying good-bye to Lion-O and Cheetara for the next two weeks.

Cheetara hugged Vasa. "I see you caught my bouquet. I guess that means you're next."

"I hope so," she smiled while Kit gave her aunt a dirty look.

"Well," Cheetara began looking at everyone. "I guess this is it. I'm going to miss you."

"Yeah, right," the Thundercats said in unison.

WilyKit hugged Cheetara. "Have a good time."

"I will," Cheetara smiled but suddenly frowned. Something wasn't right with WilyKit. "Are you all right, Kit? You seem tense."

"I'm fine, Cheetara. Don't worry about me. Have a good time."

"There won't be a problem about that. I--whoa!" Cheetara called out as Lion-O picked her up.

"We'll see you in two weeks. Time for our honeymoon," Lion-O said excited. He carried Cheetara in the private jet that would take them to their destination.

The Thundercats stood out there until the jet took off in the sky.

"Well, having a bed on that personal jet, it's not hard to figure out what they're going to be doing on their way to their honeymoon," WilyKat said smartly.

"Where are they going anyway?" Vasa asked.

"The Paradise Planet. It's in another quadrant. The planet is like a place on 1st Earth. I think it was called Hawaii," Pumyra answered.

"That's a weird name--Hawaii," WilyKat said.

"I wouldn't worry about it, Kat. You won't be going to a place like that for a long time," Kit said smartly.

"You should talk," her brother shot back.

"Okay, guys that's enough. Let's go inside. We have a lot of work to do," Pumyra interrupted them before it could get any worse.

"Goodnight, everyone. I'll see you later," Vasa said.

"I'll walk you to your car," Panthro offered. The two walked away. It wasn't a big deal to anyone else, but to WilyKit, now that she knew something, something she wasn't suppose to know, it meant a lot.


Parts 69-70: WilyKit and WilyKat learn the whole truth about Panthro's past. WilyKit makes a life changing decision.

I can't believe she did. She actually married the lion. Get me out of here before I gag. More fanfics.

So why didn't Tygra show up? Main page.