Thundercats Soaps

Parts 61-64

Part 61

At noon, Thundera News came on with it's opening segment. Afterwards, Mike Lynx appeared on the screen.

"Good afternoon, Thundera. I'm Mike Lynx and here are today's top stories. The verdict is in on the trial of Lady Leela Vs. Cheetara. Cheetara was found not guilty. However, it didn't stop there. Cheetara addressed the court that Lady Leela isn't Leela at all. She is in fact her twin sister Laura. The real Leela died over ten years ago when Laura killed her sister and took over her identity. Lady Laura was arrested on charges of murder and fraud.

After admitting to the crimes, Lady Laura confessed that she wasn't alone. Tygra set up the break up of Lord Lion-O and Cheetara. It is said that Tygra did it out of love for Cheetara, but she doesn't love him, only Lord Lion-O. Everyone was shocked by the news, especially Lord Lion-O. Lord Lion-O got in one sharp punch at Tygra, but Cheetara stopped him from beating on Tygra. If it were I, I would've kicked Tygra's a-uh, ahem. In other news---"

Snarf turned the monitor off in the control room. He turned his chair around. "Tygra?"

In the room were, Lion-O, Panthro, WilyKit, WilyKat and Snarfer.

"We couldn't believe it either, Snarf. Tygra. All this time," WilyKit said.

"Where's Cheetara?" Snarfer asked.

"She's talking to Tygra. She wanted him first," WilyKat answered.

"How are you, Lion-O?" Snarf asked concern.

"How do you think I feel?" Lion-O snapped. "I'm angry. How could Tygra do this to me? He was one of my best friends." he said angrily and punched a near, leaving a large crack. "How could he do this to Cheetara and me? Why didn't Cheetara tell me that she was involved with Tygra before?" he stopped looking at the wall and turn to the others. "Did you all know about Tygra and Cheetara?" he asked.


Cheetara paced back and forth in the council room. Tygra watched Cheetara with one eye. His left eye had an ice pack on it to ease the swelling of the black eye Lion-O had given him in court.

"I got so many questions in my mind that I don't know which one to ask," Cheetara said furious.

"Pick one," Tygra said.

Cheetara punched Tygra in the stomach. He groaned and fell on his knees. In a high pitched voice, he said, "I guess you could do that."

"Pick one? When I have hundreds? How could you do this to Lion-O and me? What were you thinking? Why--"

"Cheetara let me explain," he said as he got up. "I love you, Cheetara. I did it for you. Everything I did, was out of love for you."

"Love? That wasn't love. That was selfishness. You were only thinking of yourself."

"No, I wasn't, Cheetara. I was thinking of you. I still can't believe that you thought everything I did was as a friend."

Cheetara folded her arms. "After I announced my pregnancy, Lion-O has been nothing but supportive and caring to me and our child. I knew then that he loved me, he always have, but I was confused as to why you said all those negative things about Lion-O, about what he and Leela, I mean Laura did behind my back. I knew then that you were lying, but I thought you did it to help me get over Lion-O. I didn't think you were in love with me. I still can't believe you did all those things. Finding Laura, lying about Lion-O. You even hired some grizzly monster to kill me!"

"I wasn't trying to kill you. I was trying to kill Lion-O!" Tygra corrected her and regretted saying that the moment the words left his mouth.

Cheetara punched Tygra's right eye. He fell back, but he didn't fall on the floor. With his sensitive tiger skin, he knew that he got another black eye.

"If you truly loved me, you would have let me married Lion-O."

"Lion-O's not the right man for you."

"And you think you are?!" Cheetara shouted.

"I am, and if you look deep in your heart, you would see I'm right."

"All I see is a man who I thought was a friend, betray me so deeply that I will never forgive him."


Lion-O looked at the group before him who didn't answer his question. "You knew? You all knew and you didn't tell me? How could you not tell me?!"

"It wasn't our place to tell you Lion-O. It was Cheetara's," Panthro spoke for everyone else.

"Why would she keep something like this from me? We never kept secrets from each other."

"Maybe she thought you would react the way you are now," WilyKat said smartly. WilyKit elbowed him.

Panthro shook his head at the twins. "It doesn't matter now, does it? She only loves you. I think you should see her now."

Lion-O ran a hand through his head. "You're right, Panthro, but I liked to hear what she has to say," he said and exit the room.


"Are you telling me that you never loved me while we were dating?" Tygra asked.

"No, Tygra. It was puppy love, and I thought you felt the same way. You told me so yourself. Why didn't you tell me that you loved me when you first knew it?"

"I was nervous, and I wasn't sure of my feelings until after we first broke up. I thought I was over you when I joined the top scientists. I have dated and I've been with other women to get over you, but I couldn't. I realized that I loved you and I always will. The feelings definitely hit me when I saw you again when we became Thundercats," Tygra explained.

"The feelings came back for me, too, but it wasn't love," Cheetara admitted.

"I never told you when we got back together the second time because I didn't have the chance and I didn't want to pressure you when you wanted to break up. I figured that in time, you will realize your mistake and come back to me, but instead you went to Lion-O. He's too young, not mature or smart enough for you and could never love you like I."

Cheetara remained quiet.

"He stole you from me. That's why he had me stay on 3rd Earth while the rest of you went to New Thundera. He did that so he can move in on you."

"That's the most preposterous thing I have ever heard in my life."

"Is it?" Tygra questioned her. "Think about it, Cheetara. Why would Lion-O leave me on 3rd Earth if not to steal you from me?"

"I was never yours to begin with!" Cheetara argued back.

"Not yet, but you were to be mine. I am the architect, the most intelligent Thundercat, second-in-command. He needed me on Thundera to help rebuild and design the cities, but what did he do? He left me on 3rd Earth so he'll have a better chance to move in on you. Obvious the plan work all too well. I am not the evil one Cheetara. It is Lion-O."

Cheetara remained quiet again.

"Now that you know everything, everything I'm willing to do for you, and the truth about Lion-O, will you marry me?"

"Never," Cheetara said coldly. "I will never marry you. For the past year, my life has been ruined because of you, and I will never, ever forgive you. Get out. Get out of here and my life forever!"

Brokenhearted, Tygra face fell at Cheetara's words. Saddened, he walked to the door. "You and I belong together and we will be together," he said and left.

Tygra was walking back to his room to let everything that has happened settle when Lion-O saw him. Anger flooded the young lord's mind.

"Tygra," he said lowly.

Tygra heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Lion-O. Before he could say anything, Lion-O grabbed him and slammed him into the wall hard. Tygra could already feel the bruises forming as Lion-O punched Tygra in the face again, the stomach and ribs. "What were you thinking, Tygra? Breaking Cheetara and me up? Huh?! Answer me!"

The poor Tygra was trying to defend himself but his angry lord was obviously more powerful.


Panthro came in the council room. He saw Cheetara looking out the window, but he didn't see Lion-O. "Cheetara? Where's Lion-O? I thought he was in here with you."

Cheetara turned around. "No, he hasn't come in yet."

"Are you all right?"

"No, I'm not. Tygra was my best friend and he was behind the whole thing. I still can't believe it."

"I know. It was shocking to see that Tygra was apart of this. Practically, the mastermind: getting Leela, I mean Laura, to break up your wedding and everything else. But you know what? That's in the past and now we have the future to face, which should look good now that you and Lion-O can finally be together."

"We can, can't we?" Cheetara smiled.

"I'm gonna find Lion-O. I have no idea what he could be doing beside being with you right now."


Through the beating he was getting, Tygra said, "I love Cheetara and we belong together," Tygra could taste the blood in his mouth that was spilling on the floor and on his Thundercat uniform. "You don't deserve Cheetara."

Tygra was finally able to gather enough strength and punched Lion-O. The punched didn't faze him. He grabbed Tygra by the top of his tunic.

"Wrong answer!" Lion-O said and slammed Tygra on the opposite side of the hall. Tygra yelled in pain as he was slammed into the wall. "You're going to be in more pain than that when I'm done with you." He raised his fist ready to pound on Tygra some more.

"Lion-O!" Panthro called out.

Lion-O put his fist down and looked at Panthro angry. "What, Panthro?"

"Forget him, Lion-O. You got better things to do. Cheetara wants you."

Lion-O seem to softened a little. He turn to Tygra still feeling angry. "You hear that, Tygra. Cheetara wants me, not you," Lion-O growled and threw Tygra on the floor and left.

Tygra looked up at Panthro as he wiped the blood forming off his busted lip.

"If I were you, Tygra, I'll start packing. You won't be here for long," Panthro warned and left the tiger in the hall.


Lion-O smiled once he saw Cheetara in the council room. Her back was to him as she looked out the window. He placed his arms around her and kissed her neck. "How are you?"

She placed her hands on his. "Better. Now that you are here."

"What were you and Tygra talking about?"

"I asked him why he did what he did and why he didn't tell me how he felt. He said he did it all out of love for me. It was pure selfishness."

"Did you ever love him?"

"No, Lion-O. I was infatuated by him yes, but I never loved him. I now see it was the biggest mistake of my life."

"How did it all get started?" Lion-O asked.

Cheetara led Lion-O to the window ledge. They sat there as Cheetara explained her relationship with Tygra. She finished by saying, "I just knew that it wasn't meant to be."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Lion-O asked.

"I didn't think it was important because we never talked about my past relationship and I thought you would freak out about it. I guess I was wrong."

"Actually, I did go crazy with the others," he laughed and sobered.

Cheetara looked at him concerned. "Tell me something, Lion-O. Why did you leave Tygra on 3rd Earth while the rest of us went to New Thundera to rebuild it?"

"I thought it was best. We needed Panthro for his technological skills, Bengali's a blacksmith so you know we needed him, I needed Lynx-O for guidance, I thought the twins weren't ready to be on 3rd Earth by themselves, and you," he took her hand and held it in his. "I couldn't imagine being without you all those months."

"And Tygra?" Cheetara asked.

"It was a process of elimination. I took who I thought was best to help rebuild Thundera. I didn't take Tygra because I had him draw up designs for various cities and I and the other Thundercats would get started on the cities and bring him to Thundera later. I thought it was best also because I wanted an experience Thundercat with Pumyra in case trouble occurs. Why?" Lion-O asked.

"It's nothing really. Tygra said you had him stay on 3rd Earth to move in on me. I knew it wasn't true but I had wondered why you did leave him," Cheetara answered.

"That had nothing to do with it. I didn't even know you two had a relationship." Throwing attention on something else, Lion-O reached out and put his hand on her stomach. "How's our baby?"

Cheetara put her hand on his. "I think our child is very happy now," she smiled and frowned. "What are you going to do to Tygra?"

"I haven't decided because I wanted to talk to you about it. You're also a part of this."

"I don't want to see him ever again," Cheetara said bitterly.

"Neither do I. I think banishment is in order."

"I've been thinking, Lion-O. If I had used my powers to see if Laura was telling the truth on our wedding day, none of this wouldn't have happened."

"No, Cheetara, it's not your fault. Tygra and Laura are to blame. Maybe it was a test for our love too, and we have passed."

Jaga appeared. "It was a true test for your love and you two have certainly passed."

"Jaga," Lion-O said.

"Jaga....I can see you," Cheetara said surprised. "How?"

"Your telekinetic powers have developed and as you already know, your senses are sharper and your psychic power is more powerful," Jaga explained.

"It seems that you were also fooled, Jaga. You said that Laura was the real Leela on our wedding day," Lion-O pointed out.

"That was not me, Lion-O. You must see the truth beneath the appearances. I once told you that."

"Yes, you did, Jaga, but that is over. Cheetara and I are finally together and we will never be apart again."

"Remember the love you have for each other and your child. Keep the faith you have in each other, for that will hold you together," Jaga advised them and vanished.

"It's hard to believe that after all the time of pain and sadness--"

"That we are finally together. Yes, it is, and we will stay together... forever," Cheetara said and kissed Lion-O in a way of renewing their love for each other.

Part 62

WilyKit, two years old played in her room with her brother and their little toys in their playpen. Aline came in. She smiled but she was feeling sad about being captured and praying that she would be freed.

"Aline, hi," Kit said as she walked to Aline.

Aline picked up WilyKit. "Hi, WilyKit, how are you and your brother?"

"Fine," she said and frowned.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"You're leaving today," Kit pouted.

"Yes, I am," she said putting the toddler down. 'Hopefully I can get back to Panthro,' she thought.

WilyKit went back to play with her brother.

Ursula stood in the doorway and Aline saw her. She walked to her and they stepped out. "It's been nice having you here. The children have grown fond of you, especially WilyKit," Ursula commented.

WilyKat sat in his pen trying to put a square block in a triangle hole. "Go in you square."

WilyKit took it from him. "No, stupid. Square go in here," she said putting the square block in the square hole. "See?" she stuck her tongue out.

"Oh, shut up, Kit," Kat said and went to a corner and played with a different toy by himself. WilyKit saw her mother leave with Aline and followed them. She stood at the doorway listening to them.

"It's hard to believe that two sweet children could come out of you. I can see from Ralik because he isn't so cold, almost as if he never wanted to be a part of this, but you are a cold vengeful--"

Ursula slapped her. "You shut up and pray I don't kill you tonight. You better pray that Panthro comes through," Ursula said coldly.

"Mommy, why did you hit Aline?" WilyKit asked.

Ursula look behind her, surprised to see her daughter there. She knelt to her height. "Oh, sweetie, you shouldn't listen in on adult conversations," she picked her daughter up and walked her back to her room. She put her back with brother. "Now play with your brother."

"Mommy!" Kat said walking to his mother.

Ursula picked Kat up and kissed him. "Oh, my handsome son. You be good. Grandmother is going to watch you tonight while your father and I take Aline back. We'll see you in the morning." She put him back with his sister.

The twins watched them leave, not knowing it would be the last time that they will see them.

WilyKit awakened from her dream. She sat up in bed. "It was real. That really happened. But what did Panthro have to do and did he do it? Did my mother kill Aline?"


Cheetara smiled in her sleep. When she awakened, she felt familiar arm around her. "Lion-O?"

"Hmm?" He murmured.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I felt lonely in my bed without you, especially with us finally back together again, so I slipped in here early this morning."

Cheetara rolled over and kissed Lion-O. "I missed you too."

Lion-O kissed her back and begin kissing her neck. "I don't want to leave."

"I can see that, but who says you have to," Cheetara said enjoying him kissing her.

"I really have to go. I have to see Laura."

Cheetara pulled Lion-O from her neck. "Laura? Why?"

"I have to get her to sign the annulment papers," Lion-O answered.

"When did you get that?"

"I don't have it yet. I tried to get it yesterday after the trial but there were too many reporters around, so I have to get it today and take it to Laura at the prison for her to sign," Lion-O explained.

"Well, since this will be your last time seeing her, then that's all right. Just hurry back. The sooner you're away from her, the better I like it," she said and gave him a passionate kiss.

"You're making it hard for me to leave," he teased.

Cheetara laughed. "Well, how about I say that when you return," she whispered something in his ear. Lion-O smiled and bolted out of her room in a flash.


WilyKat woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Morning, Kit," he saw the concern look on his sister's face. "What's wrong?"

"Our mother killed Aline," Kit spoke.

"What? What makes you think that?" her brother asked.

"I had a dream but it was actually a memory of when I was two, when I last saw mom. She was with Aline. It was real. I know it was."

"Maybe we should ask Panthro about this," WilyKat said.

"No! Then Panthro would know I went through his box. I know who to ask."


After showering and dressing, Cheetara went into the control room and typed in commands to Cat's Lair on 3rd Earth. Pumyra appeared on the monitor.

"Good morning, Pumyra."

"Morning, Cheetara. I bet you're feeling great. Snarf filled Bengali, Lynx-O and me about the trial. I still find it hard to believe: Laura killed her twin sister and took over her life. It's unbelievable and Tygra's part...." she stopped at a lost for words. "Snarf told me you talked to him yesterday. I'm pretty sure you were angry."

"You bet I was. I couldn't believe it when Laura told us everything. And can you believe it that Tygra said he did it out of love for me and proposed to me. He looked brokenhearted when I told him no, but he deserved it," Cheetara said blowing off steam.

"Have you talked to him this morning?" Pumyra asked.

"No, I haven't talked or seen him since I told him off in the council room."

Pumyra decided to move on to better news.

"Has Lion-O proposed to you yet?"

"No, but I know he will soon. I think he is waiting for the right time."

"Where is he anyway? I thought he would never let you go after the trial."

"He left to get the annulment papers at the courthouse and have Laura sign them at the prison she's being held at.


At a Thunderian prison, Lion-O sat at a table in a private waiting room for Laura. In his hands, were the annulment papers. A moment later, Laura entered wearing shackles on her wrist in a blue prison uniform and being escorted by a guard. The guard bowed before Lion-O and left. Laura sat across from Lion-O and smiled at him. Lion-O had no expression.

"Hello, Lion-O. Come to see your wife so soon?" Laura asked.

"You won't be my wife for long. You have to sign these papers," Lion-O said and handed the annulment papers and a pen to her.

"What's this?"

"Annulment papers. I put an 'X' where you are to sign your name."

"Aren't you in a rush to be free of me and be with your precious Cheetara." she said sarcastically. "Well, you might as well marry her since you knocked her up."

"I didn't knock her up. I made love to her and got her pregnant."

"What do you think 'knocked up' means?"

"I already knew what the term meant. Your wording to it makes it sound dirty when it wasn't," Lion-O pointed out.

Laura rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I bet you proposed to her the moment you got back to Cat's Lair," she said as she signed her name on the papers.

"I haven't proposed to her yet. I'm going to do that once the annulment's final."

"When will that be?"

"It will be in a few days. After that, we'll decide a date, but it will be soon."

"So the baby will be born in wedlock," Laura figured. She signed her name one last time and hand the papers back to him. "Here. Is there anything else?"

"Actually, yes. The wedding and engagement rings. I need them back," Lion-O said holding his hand out.

"So you can give it to Cheetara?" Laura said upset as she took the rings off and gave them back to Lion-O.

"No. I will put them back with the rest of Treasure of Thundera. This was never Cheetara's engagement ring and this wasn't going to be her wedding ring," the Thundercat Lord corrected her. "Thank you for signing without lashing out," he stood up with papers in his hand. "Good-bye," he said and left.

Laura watched him as he left. "This isn't good-bye, Lion-O. It's only a minor setback."


Vasa smiled seeing her niece and nephew at the door. "Hey, you two." she said and saw their faces. "What is it? What's wrong?"

The twins walked in and sat on the couch. Their aunt sat on the sofa across from them.

"Did you know anyone name Aline?" WilyKit asked.

Their aunt froze for a moment. Aline. How did they find out about her? "Aline? I never heard of that name. Why? Who is she?"

"WilyKat and I believe that she was kidnapped by our parents. She was Panthro's fiancée."

"Panthro had a fiancée? How do you know that?" Vasa asked.

"Do you promise not to say this to anyone?" WilyKat asked.

"Yes, of course. You can trust me."

"Well, WilyKit found a picture of Aline with a bunch of other stuff of Panthro and Aline hidden in his room. Don't ask how. It'll take too long to explain," WilyKat said

WilyKit leaned back on the couch. "I had a dream this morning, but it was actually a memory of my last day with my mother." WilyKit pulled out a picture of Aline and gave it to her aunt. "That's what she looked like. We think our mom killed her because we never seen her or heard of her."

"I think you should talk to Panthro about this. Explain how you found the picture. If there is a connection, then he should tell you. It's time for you to know everything about your parents. You're old enough to know," their aunt advised.

"Maybe we should do that. Thanks for the advice," WilyKit gave her aunt a hug.

WilyKat gave his aunt a hug too. "We better be heading back. We told Snarf we wouldn't be gone long."

Vasa watched her niece and nephew leave. It's time for the truth to come out.


Panthro knocked on Tygra's door. "Tygra? Are you in there?"

No response.

"Tygra?" he knocked again. When he got no response, he opened the door. He gasped at what he saw or didn't see. Everything in Tygra's room was gone. It was like he packed up and left. Panthro closed the door and went looking for Cheetara. He found her in the control room. "Cheetara."

After talking with Pumyra, Cheetara was monitoring Thundera. She turned around when Panthro called her name. "What is it?"

"Tygra's gone. He packed up everything and left."

"Really? Well, maybe it's for the best. Lion-O was going to banish him anyway."

The doors opened and Lion-O entered.

"Did she sign the papers?" Cheetara asked immediately.

"She did and without physically attacking me. Where's Tygra? I need to talk to him."

"He's not here. He's packed up and left," Panthro answered.

Lion-O raised an eyebrow. "He did? I suppose he chose the cowardly way out. If that's his decision, fine. He knows he cannot return here without facing the consequences. Maybe it's better this way."

Part 63

A few days has passed now. Even though things have calmed down, the Thundercats have been busy. All of Laura belongings have been given taken to her home before she married Lion-O, but they all were going to be given to charity eventually since they all knew Laura will get a life sentence in prison.

With one less Thundercat around, Bengali has been ordered to return to help around Thundera. Tor and Sibro were now in full command of the cities reconstruction in Tygra's absence while Lion-O has visit the new cities in building to make sure everything were running smoothly. While taken care of other matters in the world, Lion-O has been spending more time away from Cheetara than he wish to, but planet matters needed to be taken care of first.

The following Saturday evening, WilyKit and WilyKat found Panthro in the control room on night watch.

"Hey, Panthro. Where's Lion-O and Cheetara?" WilyKit asked.

"Those two have been so busy these past few days that I told them to take the Thundertank and go somewhere, anywhere away from the lair," Panthro answered with his back to the twins.

WilyKat nudged his sister telling her to continue.

"Um...Panthro. Have you ever been in love before?" WilyKit asked.

Panthro turned his chair around to the twins looking alert and serious. "Why? Why are you asking that?"

The sound of his voice made the twins step back.

"What are you two up too?"

"Well, Panthro, we were curious as to whether you had a girlfriend," Kit spoke again.

"We were thinking that because Lion-O and Cheetara are finally together and we were wondering if you feel like you're missing out," WilyKat added.

Panthro folded his arms. "I've had girlfriends, not that it is any of your business. You know that, Kat. But I know you two are up to something. You have a motive for asking me these questions and I want to know what it is," Panthro said sternly.


The Thundertank rest on top of a green hilltop. The stars were out sparkling. The full moon shined an amazing glow. Cheetara and Lion-O sat on top the Thundertank admiring the beautiful night. Watching it, made them feel a little peace at what had happened a week ago and now.

"The moon and stars are beautiful tonight," Cheetara said.

"It is," Lion-O said and took out a letter and hands it to Cheetara. "Here. I have a letter for you to read."

Cheetara opened the letter. The bright full moon gave her enough light for her to read. She gasped and smiled. "It says that your marriage to Laura is officially annulled as of today." she threw her arms around him in a hug.

"Yep. I'm a free man," he pulled her away to look her in the face. "And I'll be a happy one if you can answer this simple question."

"What simple question would that be?" Cheetara asked getting lost in his eyes.

"Will you marry me...again?"

Cheetara laughed and hugged Lion-O again. "Yes, of course I'll marry you, and this time we will say I do."


Panthro stood up in his seat. He seem to tower over the young Thundercats. They took another step back. "Well, aren't you going to answer my question?"

"We were curious, that's all," Kat said.

"Don't lie to me, you two. I want the truth."

WilyKat sighed. "All right. WilyKit accidentally found a picture of you and Aline in your closet, and she had a dream about her and our mother. It was the last time we saw them. We want to know why you didn't tell us this."

WilyKit noticed that her brother didn't tell Panthro about finding a letter that assured them that their mother kidnapped Aline.

Panthro looked worried. How did WilyKit find the picture? I thought I put a lock on.

"Answer the question, Panthro," WilyKat asked annoyed and a little brave. "If you know something, tell us."

"All right. I will. Aline was my fiancée. She was murdered by them. They had no reason. They just did it for the fun of it. I didn't want to tell you this because I didn't want you to know what your parents did and I haven't fully come to terms with it."

"Panthro, I--we didn't know," WilyKit said walking to him. She hugged him. "I'm sorry. Did--did you ever found out who killed our parents? It's really important."

"I'm sorry, WilyKit. I don't know what happened to them," Panthro lied. Feeling guilty that he lied to the twins again, he stepped back from WilyKit.

Lion-O and Cheetara's entrance into the room, eased the tension.

"We have good news," Lion-O said with his arm around Cheetara. He saw the stress on the three Thundercats' faces. "What's going on?" Lion-O asked.

"Nothing, really. What's the good news?" Panthro asked.

"We're engaged, again," Cheetara said happily and showed her ring.

"It's about time. What took you so long?" WilyKit asked looking at her ring.

"I wanted to wait until the annulment was final and it was today," Lion-O answered.

"When's the wedding?" WilyKat asked.

"Two weeks," Cheetara answered squeezing Lion-O a little tighter.

"Two weeks? Why so soon?"

"Well, Cheetara is about three months pregnant now and she wants to get into her wedding dress before she gains anymore weight," Lion-O spoke and turned to Panthro. "Panthro, I would be honored if you would be my best man. You have been a true friend unlike that traitorous Tygra."

"I'll be the honored one, Lion-O, and I won't let you down as your best man," Panthro said and shook Lion-O's hand sealing the deal.

Part 64

Cheetara stood in her wedding dress. She looked herself over in the mirror and her pregnancy was hardly noticeable. "It's amazing what letting out a wedding dress a few inches would do."

"Yeah," Pumyra said as she straightened out the train on her dress. She returned to Thundera once Cheetara told her about the wedding, and as Maid of Honor it was her duty to help the happy bride-to-be. "I still can't believe you can get into it. I'm more surprised that you kept it."

"I don't know, Pumyra. I had a feeling that I would wear this wedding dress again. I just didn't think I would be pregnant."

"That dress has you glowing," Pumyra commented.

"I think it's the pregnancy."

"That and in only a few days you will be Lady of the Thundercats and of Thundera," Pumyra said.

"I don't care about the title I will receive, Pumyra. I'm just happy that I will finally be married to Lion-O and that we will soon be a family. That reminds me. Could you help me out of this? I have something to do," Cheetara said.

Pumyra helped Cheetara and a wicked smile appeared on her face. "I bet you wish Lion-O was helping you out of this dress."


"Admit it."

"Okay. Maybe a little...or a lot," Cheetara admitted and laughed at herself.

Pumyra laughed with her. "I knew it," she said helping Cheetara put her dress on the mannequin. "So what do you have to do?"

"I have to go to the Mall of Thundera."

"Why? I thought you got everything you needed yesterday."

"Almost, but there was a lingerie I wanted to wear on my honeymoon, but it won't come in until today."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Pumyra asked. "To keep you company and protect you?"

Cheetara finished changing back into her regular clothes. A yellow pantsuit, that gave her body more room than her tight Thundercat uniform. "Protect me? Pumyra, I'm capable of taking care of myself."

"I know, but you are Lord Lion-O's fiancée. You can't go anywhere you want without an escort, especially when you finally marry him."

"This will be my last time going out by myself. I'll be back before you know it. Bye," she said and left.


Panthro sat on the sofa in Vasa's home as she laid on her back resting her body in his lap. They spent the afternoon, talking and making out and talking again.

"I should tell you that the twins found a picture of Aline and questioned me about her. They know about her and Ursula."

"They did?" His lady interest questioned. "What did you tell them?"

"I told them that they murdered her but I didn't tell them that I killed their parents. I'm surprised that they didn't ask you about it."

"Yeah, that is strange," she lied. "So, what time is the wedding again?" she asked to quickly change the conversation.


"Will we get to dance? Maybe a slow one?"


"And will we tell my niece and nephew about us?" Vasa asked.

Panthro looked down at her sternly. "No."


Cheetara left the lingerie store a half hour ago and was heading back to Cat's Lair in the Thunderclaw. The engine began to sputter and her vehicle began to slow down. She looked down at the vehicle and noticed that the Thunderillium was almost gone.

"What? How can that be? It was full when I left Cat's Lair."

She stopped the vehicle and got off it. She looked at the fuel tank and saw that it was damaged.

"Someone sabotage the Thunderclaw. I better contact Cat's Lair."

Cheetara pulled out her staff and prepared to contact the Thundercats when another vehicle flew to her and stopped. The cheetah was on her guard when a teenage tiger woman and a big strong male lion stepped out.

"Do you need any help?" the teenager asked.

"No, thank you. I'm fine," Cheetara answered. She was suddenly getting a bad feeling and being in a deserted area was not helping her. She now wished that she had let Pumyra come with her.

"I think you do," the tiger said. "Now are you going to come with us quietly or painfully?"

"Remember what the boss said," the big lion warned his tiger partner. "She mustn't be harmed."

Cheetara wasn't going to let herself be captured so she twirl her staff defensively, ready to fight. The tiger pulled out a laser gun and Cheetara knocked it out of her hand. While Cheetara defended herself from the female tiger, the male lion surprised her from behind and put her in a bear hug. He pulled out a towel soaked in chloroform and covered the cheetah's mouth. Cheetara tried to fight back but the lion was too strong for her. Cheetara struggled until she lost consciousness.

"Tough girl, isn't she?" the tiger woman said.

The big lion picked Cheetara up. "Yeah, but at least we didn't harm her. Who knows how the boss would react to that if we did?"


At Cat's Lair, Lion-O just returned from checking on the cities being built and found the Thundertwins in the control room. He was going to speak when the Sword of Omens growled. Everyone looked at each other worried because the Sword of Omens hasn't warn Lion-O of any danger in quite a while. Lion-O pulled the sword out and put it to his face.

"Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight," the young lord commanded.

Through the sword's hilt, he could see Cheetara being captured.

"No," Lion-O whispered.

"What is it, Lion-O?" Kit asked.

"It's Cheetara. She's been kidnapped."

"What?" the twins gasped.

"I thought she was here," Kat thought.

"Apparently, she's wasn't. Cheetara was captured in a deserted area, not to far from here. WilyKat, get Pumyra and tell the Snarf's to watch the lair. Kit and I will be in the Thunderstrike. We'll contact Panthro from there. Let's go," Lion-O said authoritatively.


Vasa sat up and looked at Panthro. "What do you mean 'no'? Why can't we tell them? When are we going to tell them?"

"Let's wait until after the wedding. The wedding is Lion-O and Cheetara's day. We shouldn't spoil it with our news."

His companion didn't seem to go for that. "You always have an answer for everything, don't you?"

Panthro pulled his love close to him. "Yes, I do," he said sharply and kissed her. As the kiss deepens, he pushed her down on the sofa and laid on top of her.

"We haven't done this in a while," the panther said.

"No, we haven't," Vasa said enjoying Panthro kissing her.

Panthro's nunchuks, which was on the floor, began to beep.

"Uh-oh. Trouble," Vasa said.

"It's probably nothing. I'll tell them I left the nunchuks in the tank while I took a swim in Lake Jaga," Panthro said.

The nunchuks continue to beep.

"I'll feel much better if you do check it," his lover told him in between kisses.

Panthro got off her and in an annoyed response he said, "Fine. This better be good," Panthro said picking up his nunchuks off the floor. "Panthro here. What's up?"

"Panthro, this is WilyKit. Lion-O wants you to meet us at Sector 13."

"Why? What's happened?"

"Cheetara's been kidnapped. According to the Sword of Omens, she was kidnapped there."

"I'm on my way," the panther said in his serious mode. He turned off his communicator off and looked back at his love. She understood of course and gave him a hug goodbye. With that out of the way, he ran out to meet the others.


Panthro was the last to arrive at Sector 13. The only thing there in the deserted area was the Thunderclaw.

"According to Pumyra, Cheetara went to the mall to pick up something that wasn't there yesterday. I think that while she was shopping, the people who kidnapped her cut the fuel line which let the Thundrillium leak out while she was in the store and on her way back. They must have followed her until her fuel ran out and captured her," Lion-O concluded.

"Well, the only person who could have ordered her capture had to be Tygra," Panthro thought aloud.

"That blasted Tygra. I should have hunted that coward down, beat him to a bloody pulp and then personally banished him. If she is harmed in any way, I'll kill him with my bear hands," Lion-O growled.

"Maybe you can find him with the Sword of Omens," WilyKat suggested.

Lion-O nodded at the youth and pulled out his sword again. "Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight."

Through the sword's hilt, he saw a haze and then a bright flash of light that blinded him.

"Aah!" he yelled out and rubbed his eyes.

"What is it, Lion-O?" Pumyra asked.

"I couldn't see. Something's blinding the sword."

The Thundertank beeped and Panthro opened the communication channel. "Panthro here. Go ahead."

"Snarf! Panthro where's Lion-O?"

"I'm right here, Snarf. What is it?"

"There was a prison break out today. You need to get over there."

Frustrated, Lion-O said, "I don't have time to hear about a prison breakout, Snarf. I need to find Cheetara. WilyKit and WilyKat will be there."

"Uh, Lion-O. I think you would want to hear about this," Snarf said, his worry obvious.


Cheetara sat in a chair unconscious. She was tied with ropes around her ankles, wrists, and body. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was in a well decorated room. The room looked liked a bedroom. The cheetah couldn't figure out where she was, but she knew how she got there. Her kidnappers entered the room.

"Why--why have you brought me here?"

"Boss told us," the female tiger responded.

"Paid us real well," the lion added.

"You had better let me go or Lord Lion-O will make you pay for what you've done," Cheetara warned them.

"Boss said that wouldn't happened." the tiger said.

"And who is this boss?" Cheetara questioned.

"Me," a voice said at the doorway.

Cheetara gasped at the person standing in the door. "No. It can't be."

"Oh, but it is. Surely, you didn't expect to marry Lion-O without my permission." Laura said coming into the light.


Parts 65-67: Cheetara and Laura have their final showdown.

Tygra's not gone, he's just invisible. More fanfics!

Panthro's quite the killing machine, isn't he? Main page.