Thundercat Soaps

Parts 7-9

Part 7

Two months have passed now. New Thundera was progressing very well. Although Tygra didn't like it, Tor and Sibro were the help he needed. The cities were being built twice as fast, and it was needed because more people were returning home everyday. The more people that were returning, the more volunteers the Thundercats got in helping to rebuild their planet.

After completing the city Jubatus a month ago, Tygra was busy working on another city. He usually work at the new cities from dawn until dusk or even later. He stayed away from Cat's Lair to avoid seeing Lion-O and Cheetara being together. Different plans on getting back at Lion-O ran through his mind but he threw them out because the Thundercats would figured out he was behind it. While looking for a place to build another city, Tygra and Tor were flying in the Whisker when they noticed a cave.

"Tygra, what kind of cave is that? I could have sworn it wasn't there when we were here yesterday." Tor said.

"I'm not sure, but let's check it out." Tygra said and landed the Whisker.

The two walked in and turned their flashlights on when they got deeper in the cave. There was nothing out of the ordinary until they heard a something growling.

"What's that?" Tor said

"Who's there?" Tygra called out.

The growling became louder as it became closer to Tygra and Tor. Tygra flashed his light and a beast stepped out. The beast body was like a grizzly bear, whereas the head and claws were like a lion.


Panthro sat with his feet in Lake Jaga, which was a few miles out of Claudus City. He had a sad, distant look on his face. He took a picture out of his pocket and stares at it. It was a picture of Panthro and a woman hugging each other. The woman was a beautiful, blue panther with long red hair.

"Well, Aline," Panthro sighs as he look at the picture. "It's been 14 years since your tragic death. Everytime I think about it, I wish I could turn back time, but I guess that's the one thing the mighty Panthro can't do: build a time machine. My heart died the night you died. It's been 14 years, but I can remember it as if it was yesterday." Panthro said and began to remember the his last moments with Aline.

"Die, Panthro." A voice said

Aline looked at the voice and her eyes widen in fear. "Panthro! No!" She yelled and jumped in front of Panthro as the shadowed figure shot a laser out of the gun which pierced Aline's chest. "Aah!" She screams and falls into Panthro's arms.

"Aline!" Panthro called out as he held her close.

"Their children....don't let them fall into evil's hand." She said weakly and died.

The shadowy figure laughs as Panthro cradles Aline in his arm.

Panthro mind came back to reality and his eyes had tears in them.


Tygra flashed his light at the beast and took out his whip, preparing to attack. "What are you?" He asked.

"He," a man said as he came from behind the creature, "is my pet." He was an old ocelot, walking on a cane. "I am Ocelo. I see you have come for my services."

"Services? What services?" Tor asked.

"None from you of course. You don't have revenge on your mind, but he does." Ocelo said as he looks at Tygra.

Tygra looked shocked and Tor shot a surprised glance at him. "I have no idea what he's talking about. He obvious got a few loose screws. Thundercats don't seek revenge on anyone."

"If you say so." Ocelo said not believing. "But you'll be back."

"Let's go, Tor." Tygra said.

"I'll do you job for a 1000 Thunderdollars." Ocelo said as Tygra and Tor left.


Panthro wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at the picture for a while until he heard Cheetara's voice coming from the Thundertank.

"Come in, Panthro!" She sounded worried.

Panthro jumped in the Thundertank. "What is it, Cheetara? Anything wrong?" He asked.

"I was going to ask you that. I've been calling you for twenty minutes. Are you all right?" She asked concerned.

"I'm fine, Cheetara."

"Are you sure because-"

"Nothing's wrong!" Panthro snapped and calmed down. "I'm sorry, Cheetara. I didn't mean to snap like that. I was just thinking. What's up?"

"Nothing except you were suppose to show Lion-O some sketches for some new vehicles you were going to make." Cheetara said.

"Oh, man. I forgot. I'm on my way."

"I'll tell Lion-O. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Don't worry about me. I can handle anything. Panthro out." Panthro cut off communications from Cheetara. No one must ever know.

Part 8

It was nighttime when a figure in a dark cloak returned to the cave once visited earlier that day. Ocelo was waiting with his pet. To him it was a pet, but to his enemies it would be a ferocious 10 feet monster which can double in size.

"So you have returned." Ocelo said as he lit a torch bring more light to the room.

"Shut up, and let's get down to business." The man said as he removed the hood on his cloak. It was Tygra. He opened the briefcase he was carrying and pulled out the money, showing it to Ocelo. "I've done my part. Now can your beast do what I want?"

"Of course. Who shall my beast kill for you?" Ocelo asked.

Tygra handed Ocelo a picture. Ocelo looked at the picture and looked rather surprised.


"You're late." Cheetara said as she stood at the doors of Cat's Lair.

"We're sorry." Kit and Kat said as they stepped in.

Cheetara closed the door behind them. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Snarf. He's the one who gets upset when you don't tell him you're going to be late for dinner. Tygra's working late. So what's your excuse?"

"We went to Claudus City to see Vasa." Kit said

"She was going to tell us about our parents because she knew them before they died." Kat said.

"In a car accident, right? I remember Panthro telling me that." Cheetara said.

The twins nodded.

"Did she tell you anything?" She asked hopefully.

"No! She kept asking about us. How are we doing? What have we been doing? Every time we asked about our parents. She would change the subject and ask about us. She's hiding something Cheetara, and she won't tell us." Kit said angrily.

Cheetara frowned and then look serious as if she had a solution to the problem. "I think I have a answer to your problem.


After dinner, Panthro, in the Thundertank headed for Claudus City to meet with Vasa. She contacted him earlier and told him that she had to talk with him. When he got to her home, she immediately pulled him in.

"I'm so glad you came. I need your help. I don't know what to tell the kids." Vasa said.

"Why didn't you tell them what your mother told you or contacted me?" Panthro asked.

"I couldn't because mother didn't tell me anything, and I tried contacting you, but you never called back."

"Oh, yeah." Panthro realized. "Why didn't your mother tell you?" Panthro asked.

"Because she didn't like me." Panthro looked confused and Vasa continued. "Ral was her favorite child. Smart. Wise. Noble. I wasn't as perfect as Ral. As soon I got out of high school, I went to college on the other side of the world because I couldn't stand my mother. She called me and told me about their deaths. I left school for the funeral, and when I asked her what she told WilyKit and WilyKat, she said that she didn't and will never tell them about me. All those years I had to stay away from them. When Thundera exploded and reformed again, I assumed that you finally told them the truth. They're 17 years old! They are old enough to know the truth!" Vasa finally snapped.

"No, they're not!" Panthro snapped back.


"The Lord of the Thundercats." Ocelo said handing the picture back to Tygra. "Isn't your enemy high and powerful?" He teases. "You want to rule Thundera?" He asked but when Tygra didn't say anything, he continued. "Getting the Lord of the Thundercats is going to cost you more. One thousand times more."

"A million Thunderdollars!" Tygra said astounded and calmed down. "I expected this. After all, Lion-O does have the Sword of Omens. I have the money. Just tell me what you thing can do." Tygra said.

"My pet can grow 10 times his normal size, but his greatest feature is his poison claws. Each of his talons has poison in it that will be deadly for Lord Lion-O." Ocelo said.

"Will it kill him instantly?" Tygra asked eagerly.

"It depends on the person. It usually takes four hours. Once the talons are removed from him, he will experienced cold chills and will fall in and out of consciousness. The more he sleeps, the faster the poison will enter his body and the quicker he'll die. The less he sleeps-"

"I got it." Tygra interrupted. "Is there a cure?" He asked.

"Why? Are you having second thoughts?" Ocelo asked and laughed at the dark look Tygra was giving him.


"What's your answer, Cheetara?" WilyKit asked.

"I'll go with you to see Vasa tomorrow. Now she can't hide anything from two teenage Thundercats and a adult Thundercat, can she?" Cheetara asked.

"There's no way she could." Kat said. "Thanks, Cheetara. We owe you."

"It's nothing. Now go apologize to Snarf." She told them in a motherly tone.

"We will. Let's got, Kit." Kat said.


"And why not?!" Vasa shouted back.

"Because who knows how they'll react if they found out. They'd probably act like their parents, especially if they knew my part in this." Panthro said.

"You still blame yourself, don't you? It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything to prevent that night from happening." She told him softly. She moved closer to him and kissed him. Panthro returned the kiss eagerly and stopped. "I'm sorry. It was my fault. We shouldn't have been doing this or -"

"It's all right." Panthro said. "Maybe it was what I needed. I'm sorry for shouting at you. It was 14 years ago today that she died."

"I know. I should've understand how you must be feeling now, but I don't know what to tell them." Vasa said.

"I know. Your mother told me. I came to the funeral to express my condolences, and she explained everything to me and I'll tell you."


"I am a Thundercat scientist and it's my duty to know the cures for all kinds of disease and poisons." Tygra said through clenched teeth.

"Very well." Ocelo said with no care. "The Totem of Dera will cure Lord Lion-O within one hour after pulling the talons out. After that," He pulled a flower with red and white petals out of his pocket. "This rare Thunderian flower can cure him. Mix the flower's juices with the healing water from the Gardens of Thundera and inject it in him" Ocelo explained.

"Excellent." Tygra said wickedly and handed Ocelo the briefcase." The rest of the money is in there." Tygra said.

"It had better be. Otherwise the Thundercats will know about you deception." He said and hands Tygra the flower. "Take it...just in case."

"Just get the job done. Tomorrow." He said and left. When he got a good distance from Ocelo's cave. He dropped the flower on the ground and tore it apart with his boot. He laughs as he continue to smash it in the ground.

Part 9

Tygra happily pushed his draperies open in his bedroom the next morning. "What a beautiful morning. The sun's shining, the birds are singing, and Lion-O will be dead by dinner." He sighed blithely as he took out the picture of him and Cheetara. "After today, my love, you and I will be together, forever, and I'll get an unexpected bonus: Tygra, Lord of the Thundercats. I can see it now." He smiled cockily and pictured everyone praising him as the new Lord of Thundera. Cheetara was right by his side and gave him a kiss. "I can't even wait." He said excitedly and left the room, humming happily and ran into Cheetara.

"Good Morning, Tygra. You seemed to be in a good mood this morning." Cheetara said.

"Oh, I am. I feel like I'm on top of the world." He said looking at her intently, but Cheetara doesn't seem to notice it.

"I know what you mean. Being with Lion-O makes me feel the same way, too." She said dreamy and snapped back into reality. "I'll see you later. I have a lot to do." She said and ran off.

Tygra watched her as she left. After today, I'll make you feel that way again.


Cheetara, WilyKit and WilyKat left for Vasa's home later in the morning. When they arrived, they landed their vehicles and knocked on her door. Vasa opened the door.

"WilyKit. WilyKat. I wasn't expecting you here today. What is it?" Vasa asked.

"I'm Cheetara, a fellow Thundercat, and according to the Thunderteens, you knew their parents and you refuse to tell them what their parents were like. Now why is that?" Cheetara asked.

"I'll tell them. Come in." Vasa said.

Cheetara, Kit and Kat, sat on the sofa and Vasa sat across from them. "I couldn't tell them the last time they visited because I wanted to get to know them, but I'm ready now. Your parents were very nice, honest people. They were loyal to Thundera and the Thundercats. Your mother was a homemaker. She refused to work because she wanted to spend time with you. Your father was my college professor, and my family knew yours." Vasa lied.

"Really? Our Dad was a professor?" Kit asked excitedly.


"Did they commit any crimes?" WilyKat asked.

Everyone, especially Vasa looked at Kat surprisingly.


Panthro and Lion-O were watching New Thundera in the control room when something begin to beep at Panthro's console.

"What is it, Panthro?" Lion-O asked.

"I'm not sure. I'll enhance the picture." Panthro said and begin typing commands in the computer. The monitor showed Ocelo's monster heading for Cat's Lair.

"Great Jaga. What is that?" Lion-O asked.

"It looks like a giant grizzly cat. I thought those monsters were extinct." Panthro said

"It's heading for the lair. I'm going out there" Lion-O said and ran out to battle the monster.


Tygra was at his work site looking at his blueprints of the city being built. He took a break and looked at his watch. He pictured the monster shooting his claws at Lion-O and Lion-O dying. It should be done by now. He thought and he begins laughing.

"What's so funny, Tygra?" Sibro asked walking up to Tygra.

"Oh, I was thinking about something funny that happened yesterday. It's nothing." Tygra lied.


"HO!" Lion-O commanded his Sword of Omens and it blasted it power at the beast. He fell back a few feet but it got back up and swung its tail at Lion-O. He dodged and the tail hit a tree, falling on Lion-O. He pushed the tree off his back and threw it at the beast. "I'm going to need some help." He said and raised his sword in the air. "Thunder! Thunder! Thunder! Thundercats HO!" He commanded. The sword stretched to its fullest length and the signal shot in the sky, calling the other Thundercats.


"Crimes? Why would you ask something like that?" Vasa asked.

"I thought our parents had a bad or cool side to them. Cheetara's parents were rebels when they were younger before settling down." WilyKat said.

"Yeah, and Panthro told us his dad was a wrestler." WilyKit added.

"Sorry, but your parents weren't like that." Vasa said.

Cheetara looked at the window and saw the Thundercat signal. "The Thundercat Signal. We have to go. Excuse us." She said and ran out in a blur.

"We'll come back later." Kit said as her brother left.


Tygra and Sibro were looking at the blueprints when they looked up and saw the Thundercat signal.

"The Thundercat signal. You better go, Tygra. I'll take care of things here." Sibro said.

"Uh...right." Tygra said and got in the Hovercat and flew off. I'll take my time. He thought.


Panthro was in the Thundertank shooting lasers at the beast and Lion-O was on top of the Thundertank fighting it with his sword. The beast continue to block the lasers and opened his claws. He shot them at Lion-O.

"Look out!" Lion-O shouted and jumped off the Thundertank and rolled on the ground.

The claws hit the Thundertank but it didn't hit Panthro thanks to the protective shield he put up. The beast turned to Lion-O, preparing to shoot again.

"Lion-O!" Cheetara called with her hand out.

Lion-O grabbed Cheetara's hand and got on the Thunderclaw. "Thanks, Cheetara."

"What is that thing and how do we stop it?" Cheetara asked as she flew higher.

WilyKit and WilyKat were throwing explosive pellets at the monster and Panthro was shooting lasers and fire from the Thundertank, but it was ignoring them.

"It seems to be ignoring all the Thundercats." Lion-O said.

The beast looked up and saw Lion-O. Its claws shot out at Lion-O.

"Look out!" Lion-O shouted.

Cheetara maneuvered the Thunderclaw out of harms way.

"Except me." Lion-O said upset and jumped off the Thunderclaw.

"Lion-O!" Cheetara yelled worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." He assured her.

Tygra flew the Hovercat next to Cheetara. "What's going on?" He asked.

"The beast wants Lion-O and Lion-O's going to fight it." Cheetara explained.

Lion-O told the others to stay back while he fought the monster himself. He was doing well until the grizzly cat tripped Lion-O and his head fell back on a rock. He became a little dazed. The monster prepared to shoot its claws at Lion-O and Cheetara sped towards him on the Thunderclaw. The monster shot his poison talons and they were aiming at Lion-O until Cheetara jumped in front of him and getting hit with the poison claws herself. She screamed a painful scream that rang in Lion-O's ears.

"Cheetara!" Lion-O called out.

"Cheetara!" Panthro, Kit and Kat shouted.

"NOOOO!!!" Tygra shouted in pain.


Parts 10-11: Lion-O gets revenge on the monster. Tygra tries to take his anger and mistake out on Ocelo. Tygra and Lion-O work together to save Cheetara.

Oh, the days of their lives.  More stories.
I watch this mindlessly on TV.  Let's go to the Main page.