Thundercats Soaps

Parts 44-47

Part 44

The next six weeks past by rather quickly. Bengali returned to New Thundera to help out with the rebuilding of the planet. Panthro hasn't been in contact with the twins' aunt ever since their argument. He had been trying to sort his feelings out between his old love and new love but at the end he still didn't know what to do. Cheetara also has been playing the "no contact game." She has stayed away from Lion-O at all times alone. The only time she sees Lion-O is when she is with Snarf or one of the other Thundercats. She got what happened between her and Devon out of her mind, but she couldn't get making love to Lion-O out of mind. She didn't go a day without thinking about it, and when she saw him, she only felt worse. Another thing that was bugging her was Leela. No, she hasn't been bothering her. It's just that she has been so nice to the cheetah. She always smile around and acted too nice and sweet to her, at least that what's Cheetara thought. She preferred it if Leela was annoying and insulting her instead of nice and pleasant.

One afternoon, Cheetara went down to the hangar and saw Panthro working on the Thunder Strike. In her hand, was a bowl of strawberries. "Hi, Panthro, is there anything wrong with the Thunder Strike?" She asked munching on her strawberries.

Panthro was under the hood checking out the engines when he heard Cheetara talking to him. "No, just doing a routine check." He said coming from under the hood. "Another one?" He asked surprised.

Cheetara finished eating a strawberry. "Another one what?"

"Strawberries," he answered. "You've been eating them like crazy for a while. What's up?"

"Nothing. Well, actually, I'm on a diet and I've been having this sudden urge to eat strawberries lately." She explained.

"A diet? You? I thought cheetahs could burn the fat off by running." Panthro said and thought. "But then again I can see why."

Cheetara was a little surprised by Panthro's words. "Why do you say that?"

"Have you seen the way you have been eating lately?" Panthro asked but Cheetara was looking confused at Panthro's words so he continued. "I'll use this morning for an example. At breakfast, you ate three stacks of pancakes, two strips of bacon, two round sausages, hash brown, and a glass of milk and orange juice. You don't eat like that, now why sudden food craze?"

Cheetara shook her head, not knowing, "I don't know, stress maybe." She guessed.

A wicked smile crept Panthro's face. "Well, you will be turning 30 in a few months. Maybe it's that sign of getting old and you're handling by of overeating." He teased.

Cheetara looked at him smartly. "Ha. Ha. I will have you know that I kept the same figure like my mother when she was eighteen. The only time she gained weight was when she was pregnant with me." Cheetara pointed out.

Panthro shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe that's it then; you're pregnant."

Cheetara shocked by Panthro's words, dropped the bowl of strawberries. It shattered at the impact of the floor. She know her body has been acting weird lately but she hadn't thought that was the reason.


At Vasa's house, WilyKit and WilyKat were laughing loudly at the funny stories their aunt has been telling them about their father. Vasa has been throwing her problems with Panthro by spending time with her niece and nephew. She tried not too, but every now and then she would think about Panthro and realize how much she missed him.

"Our father did that?" WilyKat asked laughing.

"I can hardly believe it." His sister laughed loudly with him.

"It's true," their aunt confirmed it. "I sometimes find in hard to believe myself." She looked away at a blue vase on the coffee table. The color of the vase reminded her of Panthro's color. She wanted to ask the twins about how he's been doing and what he's been up too, but didn't because she knew a lot of questions would come up.

"Aunt Vasa, what's wrong?" WilyKit asked concerned.


Tygra and Leela were in Tygra's lab talking. They hadn't really talked since that incident in her bedroom. Tygra was at the lab table experimenting chemicals together and Leela watched from behind on a stool and telling him where the other Thundercats were.

" Lion-O, Bengali, and the snarfs all went to the Thundrillium mines to gather Thundrillium." Leela concluded.

"Have you and Lion-O gotten closer?" Tygra asked with his back to her.

"Yes and no. He does realize I don't hold any grudges to Cheetara and he has notice my kindness towards her. I guess he wants to go slow with me which is fine. While we're on the subject about Cheetara, is it me or is she acting a little strange?"

Tygra turned his head so he could see Leela from the corner of his eye. "Strange? What do you mean?"

"Well, for starters, her eating behavior has changed a lot. I've never seen a person eat so much so fast, and she seems a little tired and stressed for some reason. I know I didn't have anything to do with it, and even though she's not showing much, she is also gaining weight, especially in her breasts. It looks as if she's storing something."

Tygra laughed. "You think weight gain in her breast would bother me?"

"With you being a guy and the fact that you're in love with her, I would think not." She answered with a smile, but soon frown. "I have, however, notice the looks Lion-O has been giving her. I don't like it. Have you noticed the way he has been staring at her?"

"I have, but it doesn't matter. Cheetara is mine now and forever, and there isn't anything Lion-O can do about it." He smiled confidently and continued with his work.


Panthro helped Cheetara picked up the shattered bowl of fruit. She took the rest of it from him and put it in a nearby trash can. She walked near the edge of the hangar and stared at the scenery of plains and soft rolling hills in front of Cat's Lair.

Panthro laid a hand on Cheetara's shoulder and turned her around to face him. "I was kidding, Cheetara. I know you're not--" He stopped because now he wasn't sure. "Are you pregnant? You and Tygra slept together?"

Cheetara shook her head. "No, no, no, Panthro. You got it all wrong."

"Then why did you freeze up like that when I said you were pregnant?" Panthro asked.

Cheetara didn't say anything. She just turned back to the scenery, hugging herself.

"I know what it is, Cheetara. Why didn't you say it was Lion-O?"

Cheetara looked at Panthro scared. Was it that obvious? Did he know that she slept with Lion-O? She couldn't help but wondered what Panthro thought. Her heart was racing with fear and embarrassment.


"Aunt Vasa, what's wrong?" WilyKat asked.

"It's not important." Vasa answered.

WilyKit became suspicious. She has been actually enjoying spending time with her aunt and was putting the thoughts of her hiding a big secret pass her. However, now she had the feeling she was hiding something. "You're lying. You promised us no more lies."

"You're right, and I'm sorry. I was involve with this man six weeks ago and it looked like we were going somewhere, but then I found out that he still carried a picture of his fiancé who died many years ago. He is still in love with her, but he claims that he loves me. I don't believe him. I told him that until he resolve his feelings, I don't want to see him." She explained as her eyes began to water. "Now I don't think he's ever coming back."

WilyKit and WilyKat gave their aunt a comforting hug.

"You what I think, Aunt Vasa. You're jealous and you're selfish." WilyKit pointed out.


"Are you going to tell Cheetara how long you've really been in love with her?" Leela asked.

Tygra stopped with his work. He place the beakers down and turned around facing Leela. "Are you crazy? You think I want to risk all that now. She doesn't need to know. All she needs to know is that I love her and that's all."

"There's still something I don't understand about this. If you were still in love with Cheetara when you broke up the second time, why didn't you tell her that you loved her then? Why did you let her go?"

The orange tiger sighed as he thought about the sad moment when he let Cheetara leave his arms the second time. He looked down at the floor thinking about the mistake he's regretted so many times, but he thought it was right. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me." Leela said.


For some unexplained reason, Cheetara placed her hand on her stomach. "Please don't mention his name. I get nauseated."

"I feel the same way when Leela's name is mention." Panthro joked

"Why did you mention him anyway?" Cheetara asked annoyed.

"Admit it, Cheetara. You're still in love with him. I don't see why you had to lie to me about it. I think the word pregnant got you shook up because you wanted to carry Lion-O's child." Panthro explained.

I don't love Lion-O anymore. Hmm. If this is what Panthro thinks, then I guess I should let him. I don't want him to know about me sleeping with Lion-O. No one must ever know. Cheetara thought. "Can't fool you, huh?"

"No, but you can try. However, I think you should see Tygra about your problem. I know he's not a professional doctor, but he may be able to help you." Panthro suggested.

"I think you're right. Thanks for the advice." Cheetara walked to the hangar door leading back inside Cat's Lair. "And when I get back, we can talk about you. There's something wrong with you too, and I want to help you through it."

Panthro nodded and wave hesitantly as he left. "Great. How does she always know something wrong with me? What am I going to do now?"


Vasa looked at Kit confused. "Jealous? Selfish? Why would you think that?"

"Because you are." WilyKit answered. "This guy you love will always love his fiancé. They were going to be married and spend the rest of their life together."

You're the first woman he's gotten involved with since her death. The hurt is still there." WilyKat added.

"Yes, but don't you think he should be over that now, right?" Vasa asked.

"Maybe, but he really loved her. If you were in his position, what would you do?" WilyKat shot the question back at her.

The red-orange hair woman thought a minute before answering. "I guess I would be doing the same thing he's doing. I think I made a terrible mistake."

"Do you want to call him now?" WilyKit asked.

"No!" She answered suddenly. "I mean no." she said calmly. "He's probably busy. He's always busy."

"So who is this guy you're in love with and what does he do?" WilyKit asked.

"More importantly, when can we meet him." WilyKat asked.


Tygra had just finish explaining Leela why he kept his love for Cheetara a secret. He turned back around and resumed his work.

"I guess I can understand even though it does sound a little--"

"Stupid?" Tygra guessed.

"I was going to say a little different from what others may do, but it sounds understandable."

"Right." Tygra said sarcastically.

A warm smile crept Leela's face. "As Lady of the Thundercats, I am ordering you to take the night off and give Cheetara a night she won't forget."

Tygra turned around and looked at Leela puzzled. "Excuse me?"

"Give her a night on the town. Be fun, romantic, and spontaneous. Loosen up. Don't be so serious all the time." Leela said joyfully. "And I'll help you."

Tygra smiled a little. "Really?"

"Of course. You've done so much for me. It's about time I help you out."

"Thank you, Leela. Tonight will be the most romantic night Cheetara has ever had."

Part 45

Cheetara stood in front of Tygra's lab door. She was about to knock but stop to think about what Panthro said.

Cheetara looked at him smartly. "Ha. Ha. I will have you know that I kept the same figure like my mother when she was eighteen. The only time she gained weight was when she was pregnant with me." Cheetara pointed out.

Panthro shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe that's it then; you're pregnant." (44)

"No, that's not it. I'm not pregnant. I can't be pregnant. Tygra will assure me I'm not." Cheetara told herself.

She was going to knocked but the door opened. Cheetara was a little surprise to see Leela.

"Hi, Cheetara." Leela smiled warmly at the cheetah.

Cheetara forced a friendly smile. "Hello, Leela. Is Tygra still in there? I need to talk to him."

"Oh, sure he's here. I'm leaving so you can have him all to yourself. I'll see you later." She smiled happily and left.

Cheetara walked in and smiled at Tygra. He smiled at her warmly. "So what brings the most beautiful woman in the world here?"

Cheetara sat in the stool Leela sat in. "I'm not feeling well. I think it may be stress."

Tygra sat on a stool next to her. His face turning concern. He took his hand in hers. "You're not feeling well? What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I have been stressed lately and that may explain why I'm eating more, but I've also been throwing up. I have also been feeling a little tired. I know I'm sick but I don't know what it is, stomach flu I guess."

Tygra nodded taking it all in. "You've been tired lately, vomiting, and you're eating more. Anything else?"

"Well, yes." She began nervously. "I am, um...I..."

Tygra laid a hand on her shoulder. "You can tell me, Cheetara. Just take your time and say it."

"" Cheetara finally came out.

"You're late?" Tygra asked a little shocked. "How long? A couple of days? A week?"

"Six weeks?"

"Six weeks?" Tygra gasped. There was a question he wanted to ask. He didn't want to but he knew he had to. "Cheetara are you--"

"No, I'm not." Cheetara said almost immediately. "I'm not pregnant. I haven't slept with anyone," she lied.

Tygra let out a sigh of relief. "Whoo! That's good news. For a second there, I thought you were pregnant. With that out of the way, that means it's something. I hope it's not serious, but from what you're telling me, it might be. Why didn't you say anything to me before?"

"I was afraid I guess."

Tygra pulled Cheetara into a hug. "You should never be afraid with me around." He looked into her eyes. "If you're sick, I'll find a cure for you. I promise. I just need to get some blood from you and check it out. If I find something, I'll get you all right?"

Cheetara hugged Tygra. "Thanks, Tygra. I really owe you."

"You owe me nothing, Cheetara." Tygra said returning the hug.


Panthro returned to work under the hood of the Thunder Strike when a loud, annoying voice made him jump. "Panthro!" Leela called happily.

The panther jumped and hit his head on the hood. He came out from under it rubbing his head. "What is it, Lady Leela?"

"I'm just wondering what's going on."

"There's nothing going on."

"Sure there is. You and Vasa. How's that going?" Leela asked.

"We broke up." Panthro answered.

"Why?" Leela asked in a childish voice.

"None of your business. In fact, since we broke up, you don't have any hold on me."

Leela's face became dark. "Wrong. You had a relationship with the twins aunt behind their backs, so I can still tell. Now what happened?" She ordered Panthro to tell.


Vasa looked rather nervous at the twins question. She had said too much and had to think of something to stop them from asking more questions. She couldn't let them know that she was secretly dating Panthro.

"Well?" WilyKit said

"Oh, I'm sorry, WilyKit. I was thinking about him. He's a mechanic." She said. It wasn't really a lie. Panthro was a mechanic in a way as other things.

"When did you meet?" WilyKit asked.

"Don't get so nosy, Kit?"

"Oh, like you didn't want to know." WilyKit shot back.

"No, it's all right. I don't mind. I met him when he was working on my car." Now that was a lie. She decided to change the subject before things get out of hand. "How's everything at Cat's Lair?"

"Work is light with the peace we've been having." WilyKit answered.

"Speaking of work, we better be getting back. Panthro wants us to assist him with the Thunder Strike."

WilyKit looked at her watch. "Wait a second, weren't we suppose to be back an hour ago?"

Kat jumped up immediately. "We gotta go. Panthro will have our hides for sure when we get back. Bye." They twins gave their aunt a hug and hurried out the door, before Vasa had a chance to ask them about Panthro indirectly.


Sometime passed as Panthro reluctantly explained to Leela his break up with Vasa. She waited Panthro finished before speaking again. "I'll feel the same way if I were her, but Vasa should understand. What you don't understand is that she feels that you don't love her to be in a serious relationship."

"But I do love her, and I want to be in a relationship." Panthro said.

"Tell her that. No, show her that. She feels like a replacement."

"But she isn't."

"She doesn't know that." Leela said and noticed the twins showing up. "The twins are coming."

WilyKit and WilyKat landed their space boards in the hangar.

"How's your aunt?" Leela asked.

"She's fine." WilyKat answered and looked at Panthro. "Sorry we're late, Panthro. We were visiting out aunt and we lost track of time."

"That's okay. You guys can still help me out and tell me how your aunt's doing."

The twins nodded not thinking anything else about it and helped Panthro with the Thunder Strike.


Cheetara stared at the screen in the control. She couldn't concentrate on her work ever since Tygra took her blood and were running tests. What was wrong with her she asked herself. "Could I be pregnant? No, I can't be. I'm not. I don't need this now. It has to be something else, but what? A disease? Oh, no, could I have caught something from--"

The sounds of the door opening caused Cheetara to stop talking to herself. She turned her chair around and saw Tygra standing in the door way. "I've finished doing the blood test." He said.

Cheetara searched his face for an expression but couldn't find any. Tygra was certainly hiding his feelings well. "What did you find?" Cheetara asked.

"It'll be best if I tell you in the lab." Tygra said and left.

Cheetara got up and followed Tygra quickly. Something was definitely wrong. He didn't say anything on the way to the lab. She felt a lump in her stomach that it was the worst news possible. Tygra opened the lab door and let Cheetara go in first. Cheetara looked around and saw that the lab room wasn't a mess. Oh, good. I'm not pregnant. If I were, Tygra would've trash the room I believe, but what could it be. Oh, no. I do have a disease. Cheetara sat on a stool and waited for Tygra to sit down in front of her.

"I've got the results. I double checked to make sure it was right." Tygra said and looked straight into Cheetara's eyes. "You're pregnant, and from the looks of it, six weeks."

Cheetara's eyes widen. "Pregnant?! Six weeks?! How could I get pregnant?"

"Do you really need me to answer that?" Tygra asked angrily.

"I don't believe this. That explains everything. Oh, no, no. Why did I have to get pregnant now?"

"The real question is, Who's the father?"


Bengali, Lion-O, Snarf and Snarfer just finished loading the Thundrillium into the Whisker. For the past three hours, they have been mining and loading Thundrillium for the lair and their air vehicles. Once that was done, Bengali got in the driver seat, driving the others back to Cats Lair after a hard days work. Lion-O groaned and rubbed his stomach.

"You okay, Lion-O?" the white tiger asked.

"I'm not sure. I have been nauseated lately. Must be your cooking, Snarf."

Snarf looked upset. "Snarf! My cooking is fine. You're just not taking care of yourself." Snarf pointed out.

"But I thought you were suppose to take care of me, Snarf. Isn't that what you're preaching all the time when I don't do right?" Lion-O said slyly.

Snarfer snickered. "He's got you there, unc." Snarf growled at his nephew. "Sorry uncle."

Snarf shot back at Lion-O. "But you're married to Leela now, Lion-O. Isn't she suppose to be taking care of you?"

Lion-O growled and Snarfer laughed again." Hee. Hee. He's got you there, Lion-O." Lion-O shot and angry look at Snarfer. "Sorry, Lion-O."

Bengali decided to change the conversation for Snarfer's sake. "It appears you're not the only one who's not well. What's with Cheetara?"

Lion-O looked at Bengali a little confused. "What do you mean?"

"I know I've been back for a little while and I have no idea what's going on, but I know something's not right with Cheetara. For example, the other day, I caught Cheetara sleeping on the control panel at the beginning of the morning shift. Cheetara has always been a morning person and sometimes she seems distant, as if she's thinking about something that she wants to forget. Did something happen to Cheetara while I've been gone?" Bengali asked.

Lion-O knew what happened to Cheetara, but he had no answer for the strange behavior. He looked away at the scenery thinking.

"Do you know, Lion-O?" Bengali asked bringing the young lord from his thoughts.

Lion-O looked at Bengali. "No, I haven't noticed anything." He lied. Except that she's avoiding me for making love to her.

"Well, something's wrong with her. Have you talked to her? Are you guys closer?"

Lion-O looked at him as if he knew something.

"As friends of course." Bengali stated.

"No, not really." Lion-O answered and a sharp pain hit Lion-O's stomach. "Ow. Ooh," he rubbed his stomach. "I better take something when I get home."


A sharp cramping pain hit Cheetara's stomach. She groaned and rubbed her stomach. The pain subsided and she looked back at Tygra who was waiting for an answer.

"Well?" Tygra asked.

Cheetara lowered her head. "It's Devon."

"Who?" Tygra asked.

"When I left that night after my dispute with Leela, I went to Cat Hall. This guy Devon was trying to hit on me. I don't know how he did it, but he put a drug in my drink. When I came to, I found out he slept with me. I made him paid for it of course."

Tygra hugged her. He cursed himself for letting Cheetara leave Cats' Lair alone. "He raped you. I'll kill him for what he did to you. Come on, I want to meet this man."

"No!" Cheetara pulled back suddenly. "I don't want to do that. I want to forget it."

"But Cheetara, we can't let him get away with it." Tygra argued.

"I told you, I made him pay for what he did to me. Let's not talk about this anymore." Cheetara was almost begging.

"All right. But what are you going to do with the baby? Are you going to keep it or are you going to have an abort--"

"Tygra." Cheetara interrupted. "How could you even suggest such a thing? This child may have come as an accident and at the wrong time, but I would never kill it. I love this child I'm carrying."

"How can you love it without loving the father?" Tygra asked angrily.

"It doesn't matter. I have a life inside of me, and even though I don't love the father, I will always love this child. It's apart of me. I cannot help but love something I took a part in creating." Cheetara explained and took Tygra's hand in hers. "I know you are upset and I understand, but please try to understand my decision."

"I do." Tygra said quietly. "When are you going to tell the others?"

"I'll tell them tonight at dinner, but I must do something first." She pulled away from him and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute. Where are you going?"

"I have to see an obstetrician."

"Are you sure you want to go to a hospital and get an obstetrician where everyone may be suspicious?"

"Don't worry, Tygra. This one can be trusted. She was my best friend in college. I'll see you later and not a word to anyone." Cheetara told Tygra and left. She only walked a few steps before she leaned on the wall. "I'm pregnant. I don't believe this. Why is this happening to me? Why now?" She asked herself and began crying. She went to the elevator and pressed the down button. She figured she would finish her crying in there. The elevator dinged and opened. Cheetara's eyes widen when she saw who was in the elevator. She began to step away but the person pulled her into the elevator. The door closed behind her.

"Cheetara, you're crying. What's wrong?"


Lion-O pressed a button to stop the elevator. He walked closer to her and brushed the tears off her face. "Come on, Cheetara. You can tell me," he told her in a soft voice.

Cheetara wanted to tell him but the words wouldn't leave her mouth. Instead she hugged him. "I just need to know if everything will be all right. That I could get through this."

Lion-O didn't know what Cheetara was talking about but gave her the support she needed as he brushed her blonde hair. "Of course everything will be all right." He said and looked into her eyes. "I know you can get through this. You can get through anything." Lion-O assured her with a gentle kiss. "Can you tell me what this problem is?"

Cheetara stepped back and press the button the turned the elevator back on. "I'm fine now. I just needed to know that this was the right thing to do."

"What is?"

Cheetara noticed that Lion-O was holding a glass in his hand. She used that to change the subject. "What are you drinking?"

"Alka-Seltzer. My stomach has been acting up lately. I don't know what it could be. "What is it that you were crying about?"

"It's not important." The elevator opened. "Take care of yourself." Cheetara said concern and rubbed her hands on Lion-O's firm stomach gently. She suddenly stop when she saw what she was doing. She stepped out of the elevator and watched the doors closed in front of Lion-O.

Lion-O stood there thinking for a while. He figured Tygra knew what's was wrong with Cheetara was Tygra. He pressed for the third floor leading to Tygra's lab room. He entered the tiger's lab without knocking. "Tygra, is there something with Cheetara?"

Tygra turned at the lion's rudeness. He was already upset that Cheetara was pregnant and was keeping the baby but thought it wasn't her fault. In his calmest voice he said, "Wrong? Like what?"

"I don't know. She was crying when I was in the elevator with her, and when she stopped, she was a little happy."

"Whatever it is, she'll tell us when she's ready. Try not to worry." Tygra told him.

He's knows why Cheetara is crying but won't tell. By Jaga, if he cause her to cry, I swear I'll-no Tygra wouldn't do that. He loves Cheetara, but what could have gotten her so upset? Lion-O wondered.


Cheetara arrived at her friend's practice twenty minutes later. She took a minute to straighten her hair from running. She took a deep breath and walked in. She saw a secretary at the desk. "Excuse me. Is Dr. Sarah Lane here?"

"She should be. She owns and runs the place. Hey, you're Cheetara." The woman said.

"Yes, I'm a Thundercat."

"Actually, I meant--"

"Yes, I'm that too."

Even a year after her failed wedding to Lion-O, people always think of her as the woman that was dumped by the Lord of the Thundercats on her wedding day.

The secretary noticed the insulted and angry look from Cheetara. "Um, Dr. Lane should be in her office. I'll go check. You can have a seat on the couch over there." The woman pointed behind Cheetara and left.

Cheetara sat down, looking nervous. She picked up a magazine on babies and mothers-to-be and begin reading.

"I don't believe this. The last time I saw you it was college graduation." A woman said.

Cheetara recognized the voice and put the magazine down. She looked up and saw a female cheetah with shoulder length brown hair and bright brown eyes. "Sarah." She smiled and hugged a friend she missed for so long.

"I couldn't believe it when my secretary told me that you were here. So, the Lord and Lady of the Thundercats finally let you have a life?" She teased. "Come on. Let's go to my office where we can talk." She looked at her secretary. "Lynxra, you can go home since it's quiet. I'll close up."

Sarah walked Cheetara to her office and let Cheetara take a seat on the sofa.

"I'm sorry for not calling." Cheetara apologized.

"You can drop here anything, Cheetara. You know that."

"I heard about you opening up your own clinic a few months ago."

"I would've done it sooner if Thundera hadn't blown up. Thank you, Thundera."

Cheetara laughed. "You love to be sarcastic."

"I have to be to keep my sanity. So why are you here?" She asked.

"I can't see my old college friend."

"Sure, but as I recall you hate doctors and taking medication. Remember when you caught the flu and you didn't want to take your medication and I had to fight you to get you to take your medicine?"

"As I recall, I kicked your butt." Cheetara laughed, thinking about her old college days.

"Which is why you'd make a better Thundercat than I." She answered and thought carefully before saying her next words. "It's useless isn't it?"

"What is?"

"This Thundercat thing. From the day we start school as children, all Thunderians are train as if they were going to tryout for the Thundercat Trials for the next Lord of the Thundercats until they are sixteen. Most of us already know when we are children that we don't want to be Thundercats and yet we are forced into it. It seems like such a waste."

"I don't think so. The training is necessary to make all Thunderians strong so we could defend ourselves when we are attacked and when the Thundercats cannot come to our aid. And we don't always know when we are children if we're going to be Thundercats or not. I didn't know that until I was sixteen."

"You would support that, wouldn't you." She teased and looked at her seriously. "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

Cheetara looked shocked. "How did you know?"

"I'm not an OB/GYN because I'm a woman. I already see the signs. First of all, you were reading a baby magazine when I saw you."

"I could have been looking for something to read," Cheetara defended herself.

Sarah nodded. "All right, I'll give you that. However, the last time I saw you was your wedding day. Your waistline was a lot thinner. Your waistline has thickened, your breasts are swollen, and I see lines around your eyes. You're not getting enough sleep, Cheetara."

Cheetara nodded. "You're right. I'm not."

"Who's the father? Lion-O?" Sarah guessed.

"No, of course not. He's married."

"You're right and I'm pretty sure his wife is keeping you two apart as much as possible. So who is he?"

"A man I met at a bar. It's kind of long and I really don't want to get into it."

"I understand. Do you know how far long you are?"

"Six weeks."

"Well, I was going to give you an exam but I can't do that until you're eight weeks."

"Why is that, Sarah?"

"At eight weeks, there will be a fetal heart rate and I can check it and I can also give you an accurate pelvic exam." Sarah got up and walked to her bookshelf and pick some books off the shelf and put it in a bag. She walked back to her desk and checked her calendar. "I can check you two weeks from today at 9 am. Will that be fine?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. That will also give me enough time to tell the others. Could you also do another favor for me? Could you keep this between us? I don't want anyone else on New Thundera to know."

"My lips are sealed, Cheetara. I also think it'll be best if I give you an exam at the Cats Lair." She walk back to Cheetara on the sofa and handed her the bag books. "I have these baby books for you to read. It'll answer any questions for you until your check up and prepare you."

Cheetara stood and hugged her friend. "Thank you so much."

"It's no big deal. I know this child isn't expected but why don't we celebrate anyway. There's a nice restaurant nearby."

Cheetara heard her stomach growled. "I am a little hungry."

Sarah grabbed her purse and laughed. "Well, naturally, Cheetara you're pregnant. It's expected for a woman to be hungry more than she usually is. Let's go."

"Sarah, could you stop by Cat Hall on the way to the restaurant." Cheetara asked.

"Cheetara, Cat Hall is a tavern. You do know that you're pregnant?"

"Of course, I do. I'm not going to have a drink. I need to talk to someone first."

Sarah gave Cheetara a puzzled look. "Who?"

"The father of my baby?"

Sarah didn't ask anymore questions and drove Cheetara to Cat Hall after they left her clinic. Cheetara walked in Cat Hall and as she knew, she saw Devon sitting on a rubber donut on the stool. She didn't want to see him but knew she had to. She stood by Devon and he turned around.

"Hey, cutie, come to say that you forgive?" He asked putting her hand on her.

Cheetara took Devon's hand off her. "Don't you ever touch me again, and I'll never forgive you. I only came to see you because I have something to say."

Devon groaned a little and rubbed his stomach. "Well, what is it that you have to tell me?"


At a quarter till ten that night, Lion-O sat outside on the steps of Cat's Lair. After dinner ending nearly three hours ago, Lion-O became concerned about Cheetara, but the sword didn't warn him of any danger. He waited outside for her when she didn't show up two hours after dinner. He hope she'd come home soon so they could talk and he could find out why she was crying. Tygra stepped outside and stood next to Lion-O.

"She's still not back?" Tygra asked.

"No, and I'm getting worried." Lion-O said.

"I'm worried, too. What about the sword?"

Lion-O rubbed the Sword of Omens in the claw shield. "It hasn't warn me of anything yet. I promised myself that I would never use the Sword of Omens' Sight Beyond Sight unless it growled. I'm on the verge of breaking that promise, Tygra."

Tygra nodded understanding and began thinking. I hope you didn't do anything stupid or dangerous because of your pregnancy, Cheetara.

"Why don't you go back inside and check the communicators in case she is trying to contact us?" Lion-O suggested.

Tygra didn't want to go. He wanted to stay put and wait for Cheetara to come. He nodded and left anyway.

Just as Tygra entered the lair a vehicle pulled up. It was a hovering sports utility vehicle. Lion-O stood up wondering who was in there and hoping it would be Cheetara who would come out. Much to his relief Cheetara stepped out. The vehicle flew away and Cheetara walked up the steps to see Lion-O.

"Cheetara, where have you been? I've been worried sick about you."

"Well, you can see that I'm fine now. Good night." she walked passed him but Lion-O caught her arm and she looked at him.

"Who dropped you off?"

"Sarah Lane. She was at out wedding remember?"

"I do, but why did you see her and what's in the bag?" he asked taking notice of Cheetara's bag.

"Must I tell you everything I do. You're not my husband, you know?" She snapped angrily at the lion. Cheetara pulled her arm from Lion-O's hand and walked up the steps.

Lion-O ran in front her, blocking her to get pass him. "But I am your Lord. You are my responsibility. It's only right that I know what's going on among my people."

"Well, not this one." She pushed him aside and walked in Cat's Lair.

Lion-O followed Cheetara back in the lair and saw her talking to Tygra. She pulled out a book from the bag and showed it to Tygra, but Lion-O couldn't see it. Tygra put an arm around, together they walked up the steps. Tygra does know what's wrong with Cheetara, but what is it? What are they hiding from me?

Part 46

Through the next week, Cheetara tried to tell the others about her pregnancy at the council meetings and at dinner, but the words never came out. Tygra kept nudging her to tell the others but she kept chickening out. At the next meeting, Tygra was going to make sure she tell them that she was pregnant. Everyone including, Leela, Snarf and Snarfer was at the meeting. Lynx-O and Pumyra were the only ones absent because they were on 3rd Earth.

Tygra sat next to Cheetara as Lion-O was putting the meeting to an end. Lion-O will know today that Cheetara is pregnant. I guess the only good thing out of this is that Lion-O isn't the father. Oh, the look on his face will be priceless.

"Well, if that's everything, I suggest that we end this meeting." Lion-O said.

"Not yet, Lion-O," Tygra said. "Cheetara has an announcement to make."

Cheetara shot an angry look at Tygra, although she wasn't surprise that he'll do that. She had a feeling that he was upset with her being pregnant and understood his feelings, but thought he'll give her a little more time.

"Cheetara, what is it that you have to say?" Lion-O asked.

Cheetara looked around at the Thundercats: Lion-O, Leela, Panthro, Bengali, WilyKit and WilyKat, staring at her, waiting for her to speak. She noticed Snarf and Snarfer watching her from the window sill. She let a deep breath and rested her eyes on Lion-O. "I'm pregnant."

At first it didn't seem like Lion-O heard Cheetara. He just sat there staring at her. He didn't even move a muscle. It was as if he was frozen in time. Everyone else except for Tygra, mouths dropped in shocked. They all looked at each other with hanging mouths and then to Lion-O who they thought would say something, but he was still frozen. Snarf and Snarfer looked at each other and then at Tygra. Someone had to say something and with her husband still in shock, Leela decided to speak.

"Well, um...uh, we--I," Leela struggled to speak. "I--uh--um...congratulations! Tygra. Cheetara."

"The baby's not mine." Tygra said sternly.

A doubled gasp went through the room as well as low mutterings as who the father could be.

"If Tygra's not the father, then who is?" Panthro said.

"I need to have a word with Cheetara...alone." Lion-O finally spoke with a stern and serious voice.

Nobody was hesitant with Lion-O words. They immediately got up and left. Tygra had a wicked smile on his face when he saw Lion-O's reaction, but was hiding it surprisingly well.

"Tygra, I need to speak with you." Leela commanded.

Tygra followed Leela down the hall. The remaining Thundercats stared at each other a little confused and headed for the lounge.

The Council Room was unsurprisingly quiet. Lion-O stared at Cheetara three chairs away. She refuse to look at him. "That's my baby you're carrying, isn't it?" Lion-O asked.

Cheetara looked at him dryly and turned away.

"Right. Stupid question," he said. "Come sit by me, Cheetara."

When she didn't get up, Lion-O got out of his seat and sat by her. He turned the chair around so she'll see him face to face. Lion-O took her hands and placed them in hers. "Now last week makes sense. Why didn't you tell me then, Cheetara?"

"I was afraid. I couldn't tell you. I didn't want to think about that night again," she cried looking down.

Lion-O turned her face to his. "I do not want you to feel ashamed for what we did. If anything, I seduced you. How are you feeling?"

"I have mixed feelings about this."

"Nothing bad I hope." Lion-O pulled her chair closer. "I want you to know that I love you and our child. There is nothing in the world that would make me think otherwise. You just don't know how beautiful you look now do you?" Lion-O asked looking into her scared amber eyes.


Panthro, Bengali, WilyKit, WilyKat and the snarfs were in the lounge thinking about the mornings events.

"What do you think they are talking about?" WilyKat asked throwing a ball in the air.

"Who knows," his sister said.

Panthro sat at a table looking out the window. "He's probably asking who the father is and when did it happen."

"What are you thinking Bengali?" WilyKit asked noticing the white tiger looking distant.

"I was wondering why Leela wanted to talk to Tygra and alone. She has to know that Tygra and Cheetara don't love each other. I don't see why they are pretending...unless they do care for each other."

"Impossible," WilyKit said. "Cheetara loves--loved Lion-O too much to fall in love with Tygra."

"Okay, that may clear Cheetara, but what about Tygra? Does he has feelings for her?" Bengali asked and noticed the looks the others were exchanging looks and had a feeling he was being left out of something important.


"So she slept with another man." Leela said once Tygra was through explaining how Cheetara got pregnant. He explained everything but said that she slept with Devon voluntarily instead of him drugging her. "That--"

"Don't you dare say it, Leela. You started that argument that caused Cheetara to get her pregnant." Tygra blamed Leela.

"Hey, I didn't tell her sleep with some guy at the bar. That was her choice." Leela argued back and looked at Tygra with sympathy. "So how are you feeling about this?"

"How do you think I feel? Cheetara's pregnant and I'm not the father. I was suppose to be the one who fathered her children. I was suppose to be the one who gave her new heights of pleasure. She was suppose to call my name and moan for me not some loser who only wanted Cheetara for her body." Tygra said angrily. "It was suppose to be me!" He shouted and calmed down. "It's not her fault though. I know that."

"You know, instead of being angry about this, you can use this to your advantage." Leela said as a wicked plan foiled in her mind which brought out an evil smile.


Lion-O pulled Cheetara out of her seat and put on his lap. "Can I get a smile out of you? This is a wonderful thing."

Cheetara forced a smile.

"That is not a real smile. Don't you want to talk to me or about the baby?"

"I was afraid you'll be ashamed and not accept your--our child." Cheetara spoke.

"I can never be," he said running his fingers through her spotted mane. "I love you."

"I know." Cheetara said. She hadn't realized that until their night together.

Lion-O frowned when Cheetara didn't say that she loved him. He knew that she loved him and hoped that she would tell him. Another time he hoped. "Did you tell Tygra I was the father?"

"No, I told him it was a man I met at the bar on your anniversary."

"Where did you go that night anyway?" Lion-O asked.

"I did meet a man at Cat Hall. He tried to get me to sleep with him, but I didn't."

"Was Tygra upset to know that he's not the father? When he found out you were pregnant, I'm pretty sure he was happy to think he was the father?" Lion-O said hoping saying that would Cheetara to admit that she doesn't love Tygra.

Not knowing Lion-O's plan was working, Cheetara felt that she had to tell Lion-O. "There's something I have to tell you."


"What are you guys hiding from me?" Bengali asked fed up with being left out.

The snarfs looked at each other and then at WilyKit and WilyKat. The twins looked at Panthro, mentally saying that he will explain. Panthro nodded and began explaining.

"A few years ago, before Thundera exploded, Cheetara and Tygra dated."

"You're kidding."

"Nope. In fact, they dated before they were Thundercats and broke up and got back together when they became Thundercats and broke up again."

"Couldn't they make up their mind?" Bengali remarked.

"Apparently not. Anyway, we all believe that Tygra still has feelings for her, whereas Cheetara does not."

"Does Lion-O know about their past relationships?"

"No, and we think it's best that we keep it that way. It's not our place to tell him. It's Cheetara and Tygra's, mainly Cheetara," Panthro said.

"I understand, and I won't tell him, but why haven't you all confronted Tygra about his feelings?"

"What difference does it make now? Tygra is with Cheetara again, and if we ask him if he had feelings with Cheetara while she was dating Lion-O, he would easily deny it," Panthro explained.

"Snarfer," Snarfer perked up, "I think Tygra had feelings for Cheetara while she was dating Lion-O."

Everyone looked at each other and then at Snarfer confused. "Snarfer, why do you say that?" Bengali asked.

"When I was in Cats Lair while Lion-O and Cheetara were together, I got some bad vibes from Tygra whenever he was around them."

"Now that you mention it, Snarfer, Tygra was acting odd, almost resentful to Lion-O during that time," WilyKit noted.

"If what you're saying is true, is it possible Tygra found a way to disrupt Lion-O and Cheetara's wedding with Leela?" Snarfer asked.


"How can I use this to my advantage?" Tygra asked.

"Telling Cheetara you forgive her, show her that she's special to you, and when she least expect it, plant the big one on her."

"What big one?" Tygra asked.

Leela waved her hand in front of Tygra. "The big one."

Tygra nodded understanding and had a feeling Leela's suggestion would work.


"What is that you have to tell me?" Lion-O asked, although he knew what it was.

"Tygra does love me, but I am not in love with him."

"But why did you agree to be his?" Lion-O asked.

"I thought that in time I would love him as he love me, but with this baby coming, I won't. I think I always knew that I wouldn't."

Lion-O took her hand in his. "Does this mean that you love me?"He asked.

"I didn't say that." Cheetara said and took his hand, placing it on her stomach and covering her hand with his, "However, I was talking to the baby last night and I was telling him or her that I hope his or her father love you like I do." Cheetara smiled at Lion-O with bright amber eyes. "I'm glad it's true."

Lion-O put his hand over hers, "Even if this child wasn't mine, I'd love it like my own."

Cheetara was so touch by his words that she got a little teary eyed and felt that he belonged to her at that moment. Smiling, she leaned over and kissed him.

Part 47

Panthro and the rest of the Thundercats stop to think about what Snarfer said. It was quiet for a while as they thought about Snarfer's good observation.

Snarf shook his head. "Brrr. Tygra wouldn't do that. He's a Thundercat."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Panthro asked.

"Yeah. Remember Grune?" WilyKat added.

"Tygra's good. He doesn't have evil in him. He's also intelligent. He's smart enough to know right from wrong," Snarf defended Tygra.

"Snarf, you and I both know that Tygra has some psychological problems."

"Psychological problems?" Bengali, WIlyKit, and Wilykat said confused.

It was apparently up to Panthro to explain. "Tygra was a shy, quiet child. I'm not sure he had any real friends before he met Cheetara." Panthro began.

Snarf added. "I think she was his only friend and soon became his girlfriend."

"You all know what happen so I'll skip. Silky. The Keystone. Need I explain? When Tygra was attached to anything, he became obsess with it."

"Snarf. Especially the Keystone. Brrr. I can remember how addictive he was to it. When he was attached to it, I heard him talking to it, saying it was his only friend, how he only need it to live and nothing else. It was scary, and when Lion-O and I tried to tell him the Keystone was bad for him, he would get all defensive and angry."

Panthro added on from Snarf. "I think Tygra is the same way with Cheetara. Out of all of us, he's closest with Cheetara. Always have been, always will be. Personally, I don't think he ever got over her. He's attached, almost obsess with her. I really do believe Tygra's been in love with Cheetara before Thundera exploded and Cheetara never knew it."

"Now that I think about it, it does make sense." Bengali agreed with Panthro's and Snarf's explanation and the twins nodded. "But I still find it hard to believe Tygra is really like that."

"We can." WilyKit said.


Tygra opened Cheetara's bedroom door and closed it. "She's not in there." Tygra told Leela.

"They're still talking," Leela said annoyed and frustrated. "They have to be doing more than talking."

"Like what? No, they wouldn't. Cheetara isn't like that."

"Oh, but it's not like her to sleep with a stranger, get pregnant by him and wanting to keep the child."

"It wasn't her fault," Tygra defended Cheetara.

"It's as much as hers as that man. She knew exactly what she was getting into, and she's probably going to try to get pity from my husband. There is no way I'm going to let that happen. Lion-O's mine, not hers." Leela marched angrily to the council room and Tygra ran after her.


Lion-O and Cheetara had been kissing for a while and heavily. Their heavy kisses matched their heavy breathing. Lion-O hands ran up and down the contours of Cheetara's body. Cheetara's hands ran up Lion-O's firm chest, pass his face and into his hair. Cheetara heard her conscience and pulled away from Lion-O's lips. "I shouldn't have done that," she breathe heavily and got off Lion-O's lap. She walked to the window cooling down from the hot scene earlier.

Lion-O came up behind her and wrap his large arms around her smooth body. She instinctually lean on him. "You have every right to kiss me."

"Yes, you would say that," Cheetara said smartly.

"I mean, you should listen to your heart and not with your mind all the time," Lion-O explained.

"What are we going to do now?" Cheetara asked.

"For now, I guess you'll have to tell the others the same thing you told Tygra."

"What about when the baby's born? After all, it will have some of your features."

Lion-O hugged her closer. "Don't worry about it. I doubt if anybody will notice. As much as it's going to hurt me, you'll tell them that I'm not the father. However, I will claim the child as my heir."

Cheetara broke from Lion-O's arms and looked at him shocked. "What?!"


Leela was almost near the council doors when Tygra called out after her. "Leela, wait!"

"What for?" She asked stopping in front if the counsel doors. "Don't you know what they're talking about?" Leela was about to press the button to open the doors.

"No." Tygra said sternly as he pulled her hands away from the button. "Let them have their privacy. They need to talk."

"They've been talking for nearly an hour. They've talked enough."

"No, they haven't and you should understand and respect that." Tygra spoke softly which was surprising Leela.

"Why? What's with you, Tygra. Why are you being so soft for those two. You hated seeing them together and now you have sympathy."

"Let's just say I have sympathy for Lion-O," the orange tiger said quietly.


Bengali looked at WilyKit and WilyKat curiously. "What do you mean?"

"A few weeks ago, Kit and I told Tygra we were surprised that he and Cheetara were together. Tygra also said that Lion-O and Cheetara getting back together was crazy."

"He was also looking insulted when we were talking about them and looked kind of glad that they broke up," Kit added. "It was strange."

"Speaking of Tygra, is he still talking to Leela?" Bengali asked.

Panthro folded his arms. "I don't like it. They spend too much time together and they are always secretive about what they talked about. It's almost like they are partners in crime," the blue panther said suspicious of his fellow Thundercat.

"Are you saying that Tygra could be a traitor to Lion-O because of his relationship with Cheetara?" Snarfer asked.

"Look at the facts," Panthro stated. "We've all seen Tygra act resentful to Lion-O while he dated Cheetara and he has been obsessive with objects like the Keystone and Silky and he has done evil things while obsess with it, why should a woman be any different?" Panthro pointed out and laughed a little. "It's amazing what a woman can do to a man."

"You mean to say that Tygra is so deeply in love and so obsess with Cheetara and having her his that he was willing to disrupt Lion-O and Cheetara's wedding to have her to himself?" WilyKat asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." Panthro stuck with his words.

Snarf listened to what they all were saying and couldn't believe it. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Snarf shouted silencing everyone with his outburst.


"How can you claim our baby as the heir?" Cheetara asked.

"Because that's my child." Lion-O answered.

"No, Lion-O, the heir is by you and your wife, Leela. Not me."

"I told you who my wife is." Lion-O said firmly.

Cheetara thought carefully, recalling the moment he called her his wife. "I know, but if you name our child as the heir, then a lot of questions will raise particularly, who the real father is."

"They won't think I'm the father. Sure there will be questions, but that will because the people will think I'm still in love with you and I am. Don't worry, everything will be fine," Lion-O promised her.

"I hope you're right." Cheetara said turning her back on him to look out the window.

Lion-O put his around Cheetara and held her close. "When's your doctor appointment? I know you asked Sarah to be your obstetrician."

"Yes, I did. I have an appointment next week at 9 am. She's going to be here."

"I'm going to be with you."

"Lion-O, I don't think that is wise."

"Why? Because of Leela? I don't care about her. It's my baby, too and my responsibility as much as yours. I'm going to be with you," Lion-O voice was strong and determined and Cheetara knew that when he talked like that, there was no stopping him.

"I just hope everything works out," Cheetara said but had a feeling that there was dark trouble head.


The silence after Snarf's outbursts lasted only a minute for the Thundercats had to recompose themselves. "We were only expressing our feelings, Snarf," Panthro stated.

"We shouldn't think of Tygra like this-- Tygra being in love with Cheetara for years, working with Leela to break up Lion-O and Cheetara's wedding. He's not like that. I admit that Tygra is a quiet person, but I don't think he'll do the things you guys are implying," Snarf defended Tygra.

"You can never tell, Snarf," Kat said.

"It's always the quiet ones," Kit added to her brother's comment.

"I still don't believe it--another Thundercat turning bad. I refuse to believe it and to prove you guys are wrong, I'm going to find Tygra and ask him myself." Snarf said and ran out the door.

"We can't let him do that. Come on, Kat," WilyKit said and followed Snarf.

Panthro waited for the others to leave before speaking again. "Bengali, I do think it is best that this conversation never gets to Tygra, Lion-O, Cheetara and Leela. After everything that's been said, I think it is best that we should be suspicious of Tygra from now on."

"From now on? Panthro we don't proof about everything Tygra is accused of, especially the wedding."

"We do in a way. Tygra was responsible for checking all the guest who in. Maybe he let Leela slip in, but Tygra was doing so many other things, that I'm not sure, but I do have a gut feeling that Tygra had a part in destroying the wedding."

Bengali didn't want to believe that his friend was capable of the things said but felt some of it had to be true. "We never investigated Leela getting in Cats Lair because we thought Leela was Lion-O's fiancé when he was born. She was so slick in answering the questions we bombarded her with. If Tygra and Leela were working together then, that means we will have to do some investigating to prove it."

Panthro folded his arms thinking, "I'm up to it. Are you?"

Bengali nodded. "I'm in, but when should we start?"


"I just thought of something, Panthro. Even if we find proof that Tygra and Leela worked together to break Lion-O and Cheetara up, Leela will still be here because she is Lion-O's rightful wife."

"If the Book of Omens say that Lion-O had to marry Leela, there must be something to say that they shouldn't be married.


Leela looked at Tygra confused. "Sympathy for Lion-O? Now you are the last person I expect to have that. Why?"

"If Lion-O truly loves Cheetara, then he is hurt like me. He wanted to father her child as much as I, although she does deserve me and not that boy."

"Hey!" Leela said insulted by Tygra's comment on Lion-O.

"Sorry, but to me he will always be that little 12-year-old boy on Thundera. He hasn't fully matured to the role of Lord of the Thundercats. When we first arrived on 3rd Earth, I didn't think he should have been Lord of the Thundercats. Sure, his body was young and strong and ready to lead but Lion-O wasn't ready in the mind. How many times we have been hurt or could have been killed because of that boy's arrogance and cockiness when it was insulted? It's more times than I like to say. Now he's experiencing a level of some maturity. He's hurt and wished that he could changed things around so he'll be the father like I want. I love Cheetara so much and I will always be by her side even if there is a child that's not mine biologically but I hoped to raise it as my own," Tygra said with sorrow.

Leela saw the sadness in the tiger and felt pity for him. Here this intelligent man was deeply hurt by the woman he loved but forgives her and will always be by her side. Leela pull the orange tiger into a hug. "Oh, Tygra, I'm so sorry, and I understand how you will, but maybe Cheetara just isn't the woman for you."

"She is," the tiger cried. "She's the only one who understands me. She's the only one for me no matter what. She always have and will be ever since the first day we met."

"I didn't know you were feeling like this, but the more Lion-O is sympathetic to Cheetara, the more they will be drawn to each other and not us and I'm not going to let that happen."

Tygra recognized that cold voice in Leela. It only meant one thing. "You're reverting back to your old ways."

"You got that right and not a moment to soon. Cheetara being pregnant is going to cause trouble for Lion-O and I and as long as I have breath in my body, I won't let that happen," Leela growled angrily and opened the door. She saw Lion-O holding Cheetara close to him, their bodies were pressed against each other making Leela's eyes flare with jealousy. "What the hell's going on here?"

Lion-O and Cheetara looked at each other and saw Leela's flaming eyes. Snarf, WilyKit, and WilyKat showed up at the door by Tygra.

"I was consoling Cheetara and what are you doing here? I thought I made my order clear that Cheetara and I are to be left alone."

"I'm glad I didn't listen to your orders. You only been in her for an hour and now she's seducing you," Leela answered angrily.

"You're still jealous that Cheetara and I are friends aren't you?" Lion-O asked getting upset as well.

"Stop it. Both of you," Cheetara interrupted Lion-O and Cheetara. "Leela, I was not seducing Lion-O. I was telling him what had happened and he was hugging me, supporting my decision. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap. I have a headache."

"Do you want me to bring you a glass of water?" Lion-O asked concerned.

Cheetara smiled thoughtfully at Lion-O. "No, I'll be fine, but thanks," she excused herself.

Leela saw the looks Cheetara and Lion-O gave each other. That only fueled her anger. "I don't trust her. She's using this pregnancy to get close to you, Lion-O. She makes a mistake and expects you to run to her aid."

"You are walking on thin ice, Leela. For your own benefit, you better be careful about what you say about Cheetara," Lion-O cautioned her and left.

"Something's not right here. I know it," Leela said aloud, fuming as she stepped pass Tygra, WilyKit, WilyKat and the snarfs.

The remaining Thundercats looked confused not knowing what to think if what had just happened. They all agreed that Cheetara's pregnancy will cause interesting developments to occur for the Thundercats now and until the birth of the child. Speechless on what to say, they all shrug their shoulders.


Parts 48-50: Lion-O accidentally blurts to Leela that he fathered Cheetara's baby. Lion-O gets in an argument with the rest of the Thundercats after he tells them that Cheetara's child will his heir. Tygra learns whether Devon or Lion-O is the father of Cheetara's child.

Tygra just can't win.  More fanfics!

I sense trouble is brewing...Main page.