Thundercat Soaps

Parts 32-33

Part 32

Things have been running smoothly for the pass two months on New Thundera. With the departure of Cheetara, Tygra has been busy with the construction of Thunderian cities and experiments in his lab. Lion-O has been making an attempt to become closer to Leela, since he knew that he must move on and not wish for the impossible. Panthro was working at the main controls in Cat's Lair when he decided to check in on Third Earth. He punched in a few buttons and Pumyra appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Panthro. How is everybody?" Pumyra asked.

"We're getting along." He said simply.

"Ah, I've heard that before."

"I'm going to go straight to it. How's Cheetara?" Panthro was concerned.

"She's doing very well. This break from Thundera was exactly what she need. Cheetara never admitted that at first, but she is now. She's so calm and serene, but she miss you guys terribly."

"Has she said anything about Lion-O?"

Pumyra had mixed expression. "Bengali, Lynx-O and I feel that it is best not to mention Lion-O's name around her. She hasn't said anything, but I feel that she will. She just needs time."

"Tell her we send her our best." Panthro said.

"I will, and what about the new aircraft you and Tygra were working on?"

"It's complete. The new ship is fast, sleek and great in combat."

"Great. We could use a faster way to get around 3rd Earth."

"Keep me posted if she changes. I'll talk to you later. Panthro out."


That following evening, Panthro went driving in his Thundertank and decided to stop at the twin's aunts house. He looked to see if their spaceboards were there and puled into the driveway when he didn't see anything. He knocked on the door and a moment later, it opened.

"Panthro, what are you doing here? I didn't expect to see you anytime soon." Vasa said.

"We need to talk." Panthro said walking in.

"Come in." She said smartly as she closed the door behind him. "What's been going on?"

"WilyKit and WilyKat didn't tell you?" Panthro said surprised as he sat on the sofa.

"No. They keep Thundercat business to themselves. However, I and other Thunderians know something's not right at Cat's Lair. You can tell me, Panthro, I promise not to tell."

"Cheetara has left the Thundercats and has been gone for two months. I don't think she's going to return." Panthro looked sad and concerned for his friend.

"Cheetara's gone? Why would she leave? Did she tell you where she was going?" Vasa was completely baffled.

"Two months ago. The mutants planned a clever surprised attacked on us. Lion-O, Tygra, and myself went to 3rd Earth because we thought they were attacking there, but they were actually here. Rataro and his mutants captured the twins and Cheetara who stayed behind. Cheetara was brainwashed to kill Lion-O. When we realized that it was trap, we got to New Thundera as fast as we could. Lion-O went into the RatStar to rescue Cheetara, but she turned on him and tried to kill him."

"What? No, she wouldn't."

"She did. We couldn't help because she trapped us in one of her telekinetic cages. Lion-O finally was able to snap her out it, but when she did, she cried horribly. That was the worse part, seeing her cry like that. I've never seen anything so sad."

Vasa saw the sad look on Panthro's face and pulled Panthro in a hug, allowing his head to rest on her bosom. "How terrible. Poor Cheetara. What happened after that?" She asked rubbing him soothingly.

"Lion-O was so full of grief and guilt that he sent Cheetara to 3rd Earth. He felt that she needed to be away from him and would recover there."

"I'm so sorry, Panthro. Is there anything I can do?"

Panthro smiled. "What you're doing now is helping."

Vasa laughed. "I'll bet. Somehow I get the feeling that something else is on your mind. Am I right?"

Panthro pulled away from Vasa, removed the straps of his Thundercat uniform, laid on his back and pulled Vasa to lay on his firm, muscular chest. "You're right. I wanted to talk about our little night together."

Vasa blushed. "I was hoping that you would bring that up. I have no regrets."

"Neither do I. I think we were both very emotional and seeking comfort when we first slept together."

"And those times after that?" She asked.

"I think it was physical attraction then and the fact that we're so good together." He laughed as his lover playfully slapped him. "But this time it was different. It was more than the physical attraction, more like love."

"Are you saying you love me?" She asked hopefully.

"Yes, no, I don't know. I haven't felt this way since Aline and I want to go slow."

"You want to go slow after our special night?" She asked incredulously.

"Okay, that was a bad choice of words--"

"I know what you mean and I feel the same way. I just wish I could get some kind of relationship started with my niece and nephew."

"They haven't talked to since they found out you were their aunt?" Panthro asked.

Vasa shook her head. "Not exactly. WilyKat has been around talking to me, but WilyKit doesn't want to have anything to do with me. She's just like her mother. Ursula hated me and kept me away from Ral a lot after they married. I tried to be like her, but that didn't work."

"Be like her when? You tried to be a spy too? I thought she didn't know about Ralik and Ursula secret life until after they died."

"That's right. What I meant, Panthro, is that I was trying to like the same things she liked." She told him. Please believe me.

"Oh." Panthro said and pulled her closer to him. "I'll have a talk with the twins, and see if I can convince WilyKit to open up to you."

"Thank you, Panthro."

"In the meantime, I have a few hours before anyone worries about my absence..." he trailed off as he kisses her and begin removing small layers of clothes.

Part 33

The next few days were also quiet and peaceful. WilyKit and WilyKat thought they should have some fun before their night watch. They were heading out when Panthro stopped them in front of their bedroom door.

"What's up, Panthro?" WilyKat asked.

Panthro walked in. "I wanted to talk to you two about your aunt."

"What about her?" WilyKit asked darkly.

"I wanted to know how you're getting along with her and from WilyKit's response it's not good. She's your only family. Can't you try to forgive her?"

"Well, I'm trying to but WilyKit isn't."

"Why are you so interested, Panthro?" WilyKit asked with an attitude. "Do you like her?''


Tygra was busy working on another city with his assistant Sibro. They were looking at the blueprints of the city when Leela arrived on one the Thunderclaw. She saw the orange tiger giving his assistant instructions.

"Am I interrupting?" Leela asked.

Tygra turned to Leela. "Um.. no, your highness." He handed the plans back to Sibro. "Tell them to raise the arch five degrees to the right."

"Yes, sir. Lady Leela." Sibro bowed before her.

Leela nodded politely and Sibro left. "Life is good. Lion-O and I are becoming a little closer each day, the people are calling me Lady Leela, bowing before me and treating me like a queen. Oh, wait. I am." She laughs happily. She was going to mention Cheetara's absence, but decided not to because of Tygra's feelings. "How are doing, Tygra?"

"I'm fine." He answered flatly.

Leela nodded understanding how the tiger was feeling. "I know. You miss Cheetara."

"Like crazy. Her voice, her eyes, her smile, her voluptuous body." Tygra looked like he was in fantasy world and beginning to drool.

"Tygra!" Leela snapped Tygra out of his fantasy.

"Oh, sorry. I wish--No, I should be there with her, consoling her, comforting her. I know Lion-O's your husband now and you like him, but I really want to make him pay for the pain he's caused Cheetara." He balled his fist. "If he hadn't persuaded her to fall for him, she wouldn't be on 3rd Earth right now recovering from her breakdown."

"Have you ever stop to consider that she might have fallen in love with Lion-O on her own will?" Leela inquired.


Lion-O was walking through the halls of Cat's Lair and stopped when he came to Cheetara's chambers. So many times he passed by her room and didn't enter, but this time he walked in. He immediately felt her presence as if she was there right by his side. He missed her terribly and thought that being in her room would give him comfort. He sat on her bed and saw a picture frame faced flat on her night stand and picked it up. It was picture of Lion-O and Cheetara holding each other closely.

"I remember taking this picture." He said and stared at the picture, remembering how happy they were.

Snarf saw the Cheetara's door, partly open and walked in. "Lion-O, what are you doing in here?" Snarf asked, knowing the answer.

Lion-O looked at Snarf flatly. "I'm pretty sure you know why, Snarf."

"Snarf. I do. How are things with you and Leela?"

"The same, basically, although I am trying to be closer to her. I'm glad she's gone out. I'm really trying, Snarf, but it's not working."

Snarf sat on the bed beside him. "How could it with her mood swings. One minute she's all nice and sweet and the next minute she's a witch. If only her looks matched her attitude, but I thought you two were getting along a little bit."

"I have been talking to her more about the stressful duties of ruling a planet and other things and she seems to know what to say but-"

"You prefer Cheetara's consolation and advice." Snarf finished and Lion-O nodded in agreement.

Lion-O put the picture frame back on Cheetara's night stand, leaving it up. "Sometimes things just doesn't go as planned and you just have to deal with it and accept it."

"Don't worry, Lion-O. Something good has to come from all of this." His furry nursemaid told him.

"I hope so." Lion-O said getting up. "I'm going to get some air. I'll be back soon."


Panthro looked at the twins nervously. "Wh-what are you talking about, WilyKit? I barely know her." Panthro struggled to answer the question.

WilyKit apologized. "I'm sorry, Panthro. It's just that I don't like her. She lied to us about herself and our parents, and it's not just her. Our grandmother lied to us as well. Why didn't she tell us?"

"Maybe she thought you two were to young to handle the truth." Panthro said.

"You know I'm tired of hearing that, Panthro. My brother and I are going to be 18 in less than two months and we'll still be treated the same way; just like kids. One of these days you going to see what this kid can do!" WilyKit snapped at Panthro.

"Calm down, Kit. Panthro's only concern and he is right. Vasa is our only family and we should form some kind of relationship with her, and I think we can do that by inviting her to our birthday party like I said. You're acting like a kid by not wanting to invite her. We should be acting like adults now." WilyKat explained to his sister, but WilyKit refused to respond.

"Aren't you going to respond?" Panthro asked.

"Fine. She can come, but I'm not promising that I'll be jumping for joy when I see her." Kit stated.

"You're doing the right thing, WilyKit." Panthro told her, but she refused to agree.


Tygra laughed at Leela's words. "Did you hit your head this morning? Why wouldn't she fall in love with him in if she wasn't persuaded?"

"There is a word that best fits this: attraction." She answered and continued. "Lion-O is a very attractive man, who's kind and noble as well as other things, and maybe while you were on 3rd Earth, they naturally fallen for each other without any persuasion whatsoever."

"Because of Lion-O." He retorted "He made me stay on 3rd Earth so he could move in on my Cheetara." His voice was bitter.

"Wait a minute." Leela said as she pushed her hair back. "Let me get this straight. You and Cheetara were going together, but when you guys planned to return to New Thundera to rebuild it, Lion-O left you and Pumyra on 3rd Earth, brought the rest of the Thundercats here and in the process, move in on Cheetara and made her forget about you." Leela said trying to understand. "If you ask me, I think you should forget about Cheetara. If she can't stay loyal to you after being apart for less than a year, then she isn't worth it."

Tygra was about to grab Leela, but realized they were in public. "Don't you ever ever say anything negative about Cheetara again." He warned her coldly.

"I'm only being your friend. If-"

"It wasn't like that." He cut her off abruptly and sighed. "Lion-O didn't steal Cheetara from me that way. We weren't going together. We were a couple years ago, but broke up. However, I knew we were going to be together again, but Lion-O took her away from me before we could get back together."

"Did she say anything or sent signals that she wanted to be with you again?"

"No, but she was going to."

Leela looked very confused. "Tygra, I was under the impression that Lion-O stole Cheetara from you while you were dating. You weren't dating though. Cheetara was single and free to date anyone she wanted. You're using this as an excuse from the truth. You can't accept that fact that she has moved on in her life and you will never get back with her again."

Tygra became very angry. The orange tiger's eyes boiled at Leela's words and he grabbed her arm, squeezing it making a bruise form. Leela tried to break free but his grip was unbreakable.

"Let go or I'll scream, and have the people of Thundera on you." Leela said.

Tygra pulled her closer to him. "You are wrong about Cheetara and I. We will be together." He said crisply and released Leela, pushing her away from him.

Leela rubbed her sore arm. "If that's true, then how come you're not close with Cheetara the way you want to be?"

"She lost her trust in men when she broke up with Lion-O, but when she returns, she'll want to be with me. I know it. She must."

Leela threw her hands up as if giving up. "Fine. Look, Tygra, you are an intelligent, but sensitive man, and despite all that you has happen, you are a nice guy, and did everything for your love for Cheetara...I just don't want you to get your hopes up over nothing." Leela said concerned.

"I'll be fine." Tygra assured her.

"What's going on? You two look serious." Lion-O asked from behind.

"We were talking about Cheetara and how concern we are for her." Leela lied.

"You're concerned for Cheetara, Leela?" Lion-O asked surprised.

"Why is that so surprising, Lion-O? Yes, I had a grudged against Cheetara at the beginning, but I am over that, and I never wanted what happened to Cheetara two months ago to happen." Leela said sweetly as she joined his side. "I wouldn't wish anything ill on Cheetara." She easily lied to her husband. "We're disturbing Tygra, Lion-O, let us leave him return to his work."

Lion-O and Leela walked in to the city and greeted the people who were building homes, parks, and business. "Tygra has really outdone himself on the cities. They're marvelous."

"Yes, it is." She agreed and leaned on his muscular arms. "This is nice. I'm so glad that we are finally getting along." She stopped and turned Lion-O to face her. "And I promise that I won't disappoint you." She raised herself up on the end of her toes and kissed him and Lion-O didn't pull away.


Later that evening while everyone slept. Lion-O quietly went to the hangar. He got in the Feliner and flew off. He had to do this he told himself. It was the only way. In a few hours, he reached his destination--3rd Earth. Lion-O quietly slipped out of the Feliner and into Cat's Lair. After entering the mighty lair, he entered the room of the person he wanted to see so badly. He saw her sleeping peacefully in bed and had a sudden desire to be in bed with her. He laid a light kiss on her cheek.

Cheetara slowly awakened. "Lion-O." She said surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to see you, Cheetara. It's been two months since I've seen your face, heard your voice."

"You could've easily contacted me from Thundera."

"It's not the same." He said watching her get out of bed and leaning on her window sill. He got up and stood beside her. "Besides, I've come to a decision that had to be said face to face. I'm resigning as Lord of the Thundercats."

"Lion-O, you can't."

"I can and I will. I don't care anymore, Cheetara. My title and my kingdom isn't important without you in it. I'm resigning and I'm leaving Leela and that's my final decision. I love you, Cheetara, and I can't imagine my life without you. Don't you love me? Don't you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you?" He asked.

Cheetara thought carefully before answering. When she came to a decision, she smile. "Of course I want to be with you and yes, I do love you, but-"

He placed two fingers on her lips. "Then that's all that really matters." He leaned over and kissed her.

Their kisses started off as soft and gentle, but became hard and passionate. She let out a soft moan as his tongue explored the insides of her mouth. She returned his kisses with the same sensual, hungering passion, making him moan for her as she had for him, but suddenly pulled away. Lion-O looked confused, but Cheetara's eyes were full of desire. She removed her gown, revealing her nude body to him. It seemed to have glowed in the moonlight that was coming in her room. Lion-O smiled approvingly at her body and removed his clothes too. Cheetara was taken back by surprised. She always pictured how his powerful, muscular body would look and feel around her and how large he'll be but she didn't imagine that. She jumped on him, wrapping her long legs around his waist and resume kissing him passionately. Lion-O's hand ran up and down her smooth body, from her back to her hips. Lion-O slowly walked back to Cheetara's bed. He gently pushes her down on the bed, and positioned himself above her, allowing her to feel the full extent of his arousal as he began to make love to her.

Cheetara and Lion-O suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Cheetara rolled on her side to find that she was still alone. Lion-O looked on his side and found Leela sleeping beside him. They both slipped out of bed and walked to the window. Cheetara looked at the millions of stars and the moon on 3rd Earth. Lion-O stared at the stars and Plundarr Moons that surrounded New Thundera.

It's over. There is no chance of us getting back together. It's time to move on. They both thought.

Cheetara got back in her empty bed and let sleep claim her once more and Lion-O returned to bed and cuddled close to Leela.


Parts 34-37: WilyKit becomes more like her mother and snaps at Panthro. Cheetara returns and both she and Lion-O discovers Tygra's feeling for her.

YES!  Lion-O drops Cheetara!  More fanfics!

Looks like Panthro's in for some trouble.  Main page.