
When the Thundercats returned to Cat's Lair, they put Cheetara to bed to let her rest. Cheetara didn't awaken again until the next morning. When she woke up, she sat on her windowsill, looking at the morning sun on 3rd Earth and thinking about the events that happened over the past few days.

A soft knock was heard on the other side of her door. "Cheetara, are you awake?" It was Lion-O.

"Come in, Lion-O."

Lion-O came in and she noticed the large patch on his bruised shoulder. Lion-O saw her eyes returned to the outside scenery. "How are you?"

"I'm fine...I guess." Cheetara said a little depressed.

Lion-O sat in front of her on the windowsill. "No, you're not. Do you want to talk about it?"

"I was thinking about the person I was and all that has happened."

"Lisa." Lion-O said simply.

"Yes. Before I was captured, I wondered how she could love Dracula, a person of pure evil when she was so pure of heart. Now I know. She saw and felt things that only she would in Dracula. When I was Lisa, I tried to get Dracula to make me a vampire, but he couldn't. There was goodness in him, Lion-O, and only she saw it."

Lion-O looked a little nervous before asking the next question. "Did you and Dracula make-"

Cheetara cut him off. "No. Thankfully, you and the others came. It's strange that my spirit was dormant and I couldn't do anything, but I saw all that was happening, from being alone with Dracula to seeing you fight him." Cheetara explained and continued. "Anyway, I realized now that he actually loved Lisa and she loved him. She wasn't tricked into loving him as I previously thought. She knew about the wicked things that he did and still loved him. No wonder Dracula loved her. It's a blinding, yet powerful love and he felt the same way towards her." Cheetara interpreted Dracula and Lisa's relationship.

"I see." Lion-O said understanding. "Are you going to be okay, mentally?" Lion-O asked concerned.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." She assured him and looked apologetic. "I just have a lot of apologizing to do; to all the Thundercats, especially you, Lion-O. I'm sorry for attacking you and interrupting your fight with Dracula."

"There's no need for you to apologize, Cheetara. You weren't yourself."

"No, I wasn't." She said and placed a gentle hand on his patched shoulder. "How's your shoulder?"

"A little sore, but I'll be fine in a few days."

"And your back?"

"The same."

A guilty look came across Cheetara's face and she turned away from Lion-O. "I feel so guilty about hurting you, Lion-O. You were only trying to save me, and I cannot believe I knocked out Panthro, Tygra and Bengali."

Lion-O place a sympathetic arm around her. "You have nothing to feel guilty about. We're all okay and we have nothing against you."

"Thanks. I guess I need reassurance." She said and leaned on him.


Shaft walked through the desert after Alucard destroyed the Dracula's castle and returned to his eternal slumber. By dawn, he came across a dark pyramid with a strange dark red sky hovering over it. He entered to see four ancient statues surrounding a boiling cauldron.

"The Thundercats have beaten Dracula. It's surprising to see a powerful enemy of 3rd Earth be defeated by the Lord of the Thundercats." He said and pulled off his the hood on his cloak. "No matter. I'll find a way to defeat Lion-O and when I do..... EYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mumm-Ra laughed wickedly, thinking how he'll crush Lion-O.

I knew Mumm-Ra was here somewhere.  More fanfic.

Maybe Cheetara could become a feline vampire.  Main page.