The Return of Dracula

Part 2

The thundertank roared as it headed for Castlevania. Lion-O sat in the passenger seat as Panthro drove the tank and Pumyra sat in the back seat with the top open. The cannon was out ready to fire on Dracula and any other vampires they may come across at Castlevania.

"How much longer until we reach Castlevania, Panthro?" Lion-O asked impatiently. He tried to be patient, but seeing his fellow comrade in trouble only made him worry more about what's happening.

"Not much longer. We should be there in a few minutes." Panthro answered.

"We have to go faster. Tygra's life is on the line and so is Cheetara's if she's aware of what's happening to Tygra." Pumyra added.

"I'm going at full speed now. We'll get there in time to save them." Panthro said confidently.


Dracula stared at Cheetara softly while Cheetara stared at him seriously. She had to get to Tygra and check on him. The way he was looking wasn't giving her any signs that he was well, but Dracula was still a few feet closer to Tygra than she. She figured if she checked on Tygra, Dracula would attack her, but something told her he wouldn't harm her, especially with the gentle look he was giving her. She wondered why he was staring at her like that and not trying to attack her.

"Lisa...Lisa is that you?" Dracula asked.

"The name's Cheetara." Cheetara corrected him, keeping her staff aimed at him. Keeping her eyes on Dracula, she slowly moved towards Tygra and checked for a pulse. "He's alive, but his pulse is weak." She said relieved and a dark shadow came over her. She looked up and saw Dracula towering over her. She immediately jumped back.

"It is I, my love. Dracula, your husband. Don't you remember?" He asked.

"I've never met you before, and you got the wrong idea, thinking I'm your wife." Cheetara told him.

"But you are or were before you died." Dracula said moving closer to her.

Cheetara twirled her staff. "Stay back."

But he didn't. He kept walking closer to her. "You are as beautiful now as you were the night I first met you."

Cheetara shot her beams from her staff at Dracula. It didn't faze him. Cheetara noticed that her staff was useless against him, but for some reason, she kept firing, either hoping to hurt him or not hurt him at all. When he was close enough, he took her staff out of her hands and tossed it.

Dracula pulled Cheetara closer in his arms. She struggled with him, trying to break free, but his grip tightened, his arms strong but peculiarly gentle. "You know I'm your husband." He told her, forcing her to look at him. "Look into my eyes." He said.

For some reason, Cheetara did what he said. He wasn't hypnotizing her, she knew that, but a strange familiar feeling overcame her as she stared into his eyes. It wasn't evil at all, but soft, almost loving. She felt him pulling her closer to him and the unusual feeling was becoming stronger and very familiar to her. The feel of his body against hers, the familiar strokes of his hand caressing the small of her back, the look in his eyes. It was all becoming very familiar to her, but it was odd that it would be, having never met him before until now. She didn't understand what was happening to her. Why wasn't she trying to break free when she knew that she could, she asked herself, only to realize that she didn't want to break free. She noticed him lowering his head in order to kiss her and she wasn't going to stop him.

"HO!" Lion-O shouted holding his Sword of Omens. The power from the sword blasted Dracula, knocking him from Cheetara, who fell to the ground. Lion-O and Pumyra jumped out. Lion-O ran to Cheetara and Pumyra checked on Tygra. "You okay, Cheetara?"

"Uh..I think so." She answered as Lion-O helped her up. "Tygra--"

"No one hits the Great Count Dracula and gets away with it." Dracula's angry words cut Cheetara off.

Lion-O pulled Cheetara behind. She saw Pumyra checking on Tygra and left's Lion-O's side to help her. Dracula opened his cloak and large fireballs shot it at Lion-O. Lion-O jumped out of the way. Panthro decided to help Lion-O by surprising Dracula from the side with a karate kick to the stomach. However, it didn't seem to hurt the powerful vampire.

Dracula looked at the blue panther oddly. He has seen a lot of weird looking things and creatures in his time but never has he seen a blue, baldheaded panther. "What the hell are you?"

Panthro growled angrily and insulted, and before he could attack, Dracula quickly backslapped him hard. Panthro went flying hard towards the thundertank that was ten feet away. Cheetara and Pumyra were now laying Tygra on the back seat of the thundertank when something from outside rocked the tank, knocking Cheetara and Pumyra off their feet.

"What was that?" Pumyra asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going back out there. Dracula won't hurt me." Cheetara said.

"Cheetara, wait!" Pumyra called after Cheetara who immediately got out. She stopped and realized what Cheetara had just said. "Now how does she know that he won't hurt her?"

Cheetara saw Panthro lying unconscious in front of the thundertank when she first got out. She looked at the battle going on between Lion-O and Dracula and saw that her leader wasn't doing well. She saw Lion-O jumping in the air, preparing to attack Dracula with the sword. Dracula quickly grabbed one of Lion-O's leg, swung him around like a lasso twice and threw him to the ground. Lion-O fell hard, but he got back and started fighting again.

Why am I just standing here? I should be helping Lion-O fight, but a part of me doesn't want me to. Why is that? Why do I have this strange feeling about Dracula? It's as if I know him from somewhere, but that's ridiculous. I've never met him before. Cheetara thought curiously as she stared at Dracula.

Pumyra stood from inside the tank and looked at Cheetara. What's with Cheetara? Why is she staring at Dracula like that? Does he has some kind of spell on her?

"You're powerful with that sword, boy, and such an indomitable spirit. I knock you down and you get right back up, still wanting to fight." Dracula said impressed. "Someone like you will make an excellent vampire." Dracula eyes began to glow and became hypnotic to the young lord. "Come to me." He said in a hypnotic tone.

Cheetara saw Lion-O trying to resist Dracula, but she knew it wouldn't be long before Lion-O submits. She ran as fast as she could in front of Lion-O. "No!"

Dracula broke his control and stared at Cheetara. He reached out to touch Cheetara, but she pushed Lion-O back. "Go back to the tank, Lion-O." Cheetara told him.

"No, you go back, Cheetara. I'll handle Dracula." Lion-O said.

"No, I won't." She said and looked back at Dracula. "Get away from us." Cheetara commanded. Dracula was going to pursue, but for some reason, he didn't. He back away from Cheetara, manifested into a bat, and flew away.

Lion-O stared in disbelief as Dracula flew away. "How did you--"

"I'll explain later, Lion-O. Right now we have to get Tygra and Panthro back to the lair."


Dracula changed back to his powerful form when he returned to his castle. He walked into his throne room, thinking about Cheetara, He sat in his large throne chair, still thinking how Cheetara resembles Lisa so much. "She looks just like Lisa. She sounds like Lisa. It has to be her."

Shaft walked in. "I saw the battle from the castle. Why didn't you finish them off? You could've easily done that." Shaft asked curious.

"Did you see the woman that looked like my wife?" Dracula asked, ignoring Shaft's question.

"The blonde. Her name is Cheetara."

"Her name may be Cheetara now, but thousands of years ago she was my wife and I intend to make her mine again."

"Perhaps a reincarnation, but this isn't the same Lisa."

"Explain, Shaft." Dracula ordered.

"I've been around ever since your last battle with Alucard and Richter Belmont. I've watched and studied the Thundercats when they arrived here a few years ago, especially Cheetara. True she resembles Lisa greatly and has a pure benign heart like her but she is stronger and magical." Shaft said and noticed the surprised look on Dracula's face and continued. "Cheetara is a cheetah with a human's body, which makes her the fastest being on this planet. Cheetara also possesses a sixth sense, telepathic and telekinetic powers, those of which she displayed not too long ago."

"A kindred spirit in a way." Dracula said impressed with Cheetara.

"Indeed she is." Shaft agreed.

"New body or not, that is Lisa. I know it is. The way Cheetara looked at me proves that, and I intend to revive Lisa's spirit in Cheetara. I will have my wife back again." Dracula said determined.

"There is a way." Shaft said and Dracula looked up. "Bring her here and I will revive Lisa's spirit in her."

"The next time I go out, I will bring Cheetara back."

"But how will you get her, Lord Dracula? Once she tells the Thundercats what you think of her, they will more than likely keep a closer eye on her and away from you." Shaft pointed out.

"You do have a point. I intend to have my vampires out on this planet tomorrow night. That way, those Thundercats will be out helping their friends and Cheetara will be in their home."

"What about Tygra? Won't he be in their lair since he is injured?" Shaft asked.

"Don't worry about that tiger. I sucked enough blood out of him to make him my slave. He'll cause trouble for anyone in the lair when he awakens tomorrow night." Dracula said darkly. "I'll have my wife back tomorrow and then the world."


In the counsel room, all the Thundercats including Bengali and Lynx-O waited for Pumyra to return from sickbay on Tygra's condition. Cheetara was strangely quiet. Lion-O noticed it and wondered what was going on with her. Before he could ask her, Pumyra came in.

"Tygra's lost some blood, but he's going to be all right. Had he lost another pint, I couldn't say that he would have survived. It's strange though. He should have awaken, but he's so dormant as if he's in some trance." Pumyra said not quite sure how to explain Tygra's conditioned.

Panthro slammed his fist down hard on the counsel table. "That Dracula is going to pay, knocking me out."

"What I don't understand is why did Dracula backed off when you told him, Cheetara?" Lion-O asked.

"He thought I was his wife from a long time ago. Apparently, I must look like her before she died." Cheetara responded quietly.

"It almost look like he was going to bite you when we arrived."

"He wasn't, Lion-O. It may have looked like he was holding me tightly, but it was gentle and I couldn't let go for some reason, but I think he was trying to kiss me."

"Do you think he had some mind control over you so you couldn't move?" Bengali asked.

"No, he wouldn't do that." Cheetara was positive.

"How do you know that?" Pumyra asked.

"I just do."

Pumyra looked at Cheetara oddly. "Cheetara could I see you outside? I forgot to ask you something earlier tonight."

The men looked at the women oddly as they left. Once he heard the counsel doors closed, Lynx-O spoke. "What we have to do is find more information on Dracula and how to stop him." Lynx-O said.

"Right." Lion-O agreed. "First thing tomorrow, we will go to the Treetop Kingdom, Berbil Village, all our friends home and ask if they have any information on vampires, particularly Dracula."


"What is it that you need to ask me?" Cheetara asked when she and Pumyra entered her room. However, she knew Pumyra was lying.

"What's with you, Cheetara? Did Dracula put some kind of spell on you?" Pumyra asked.

Cheetara tried to pretend she didn't know what Pumyra was talking about. "I don't understand what you mean, Pumyra."

"Don't lie to me, Cheetara, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I saw you staring at Dracula when he was fighting Lion-O. You also said that Dracula would never hurt you. How do you know that? What did he say to you? What did he do to you?

Cheetara knew their was no use lying to Pumyra. She knew more than she wanted anyone to know. "All right, Pumyra, but you have to promise not to say anything about this to anyone."

"I promise I won't. Now what's going on?"

"As you know, Dracula said I looked like his wife who died a long time ago. From the moment I arrived at Castlevania, I had this strange indescribable feeling about the castle, but it was soon becoming familiar to me. I tried to avoid that, but I can't anymore. I feel as if I've been there before, and when Dracula held me in his arms, it was familiar to me, but how can that be. I've never met him before or seen Castlevania until tonight." Cheetara explained.

"Wait a minute. You said 'Castlevania.' Is that the name if his castle? Did he tell you that?" Pumyra asked.

"No, he didn't. I just knew that Castlevania is the name of Dracula's castle." She hugged herself tightly, worried. "I don't understand what's happening to me."

"I think you better stay away from Dracula. He might have put some spell on you to make you have all these unusual feelings." Pumyra suggested.

"I think you're right." Cheetara agreed. "But not a word to anyone. Perhaps once we finally defeat Dracula, the spell he has on me will be lifted."


The Thundercats spent the rest of the night aiding their friends from vampire attacks that Dracula created the night before. When dawn finally came, they only got a few hours rest before going back out and asking their Third Earth friends information on Dracula and other vampires and uncovering people who were victims of Dracula and other vampires the night before. By noon, Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara and the Thunderkittens met back in the counsel room. On the table, was a large book titled The Dark Evils of First Earth.

"I got this book from the Treetop Kingdom. Maybe we can find information on Dracula in here." Panthro said and turned the pages of the book. He opened it wide enough for everyone when he saw Dracula. "There he is."

It was a painted picture of Dracula. Lion-O read the caption. "Count Dracula, Lord of the Vampires and Castlevania and embodiment to everything that is dark and evil. Count Dracula was a ruthless vampire who killed, stole the souls of innocent people, made them slaves and vampires. He was a terror to the people of Transylvania for hundreds of years before Richard Belmont, a vampire-hunter and Alucard, Dracula's son team up to defeat him in an epic battle."

"Dracula had a son?" WilyKat said surprised. "Who would want to mate with an evil guy like that, unless she was a vampire?"

Cheetara bit her lip and looked around a little nervous.

"Well, it says that his son was half human." Panthro said.

"She must have been an ugly and desperate woman." WilyKat commented.

Panthro ignored WilyKat's comment and turned the page. Everyone except for Cheetara gasped once they saw a picture of Lisa on the next page. Lion-O, Panthro, Kit and Kat looked at the picture of Lisa and back at Cheetara and then at Lisa again.

"Gee, WilyKat, you know just the right thing to say." WilyKit said smartly.

"How was I to know that she would look like Cheetara?" WilyKat said.

"Besides your cheetah spots and tear lines, Cheetara, you and Lisa share an uncanny resemblance." Lion-O observed.

"I see that." Cheetara said nervously and read the caption under Lisa's picture. "Lisa, wife of Dracula and mother of Alucard. Sources indicates that she was the only woman Dracula loved, but he never made her a vampire like him. She was a beautiful and kind woman. Lisa was killed by the people of Transylvania after her relationship with Dracula was discovered and accusations of being a witch." She stopped a little scared to read on. "What could have possessed her to give a child to such an evil man?" Cheetara asked aloud.

"Love can be blind." Panthro answered and turn the page. It was picture of Alucard.

"Wow. He looks kind of cute." WilyKit commented. Everyone looked at her surprise. "Well, he does."

"Only you would think a half-human/half-vampire guy is cute." WilyKat said smartly.

"Well, it's better than having a crush on Chilla." WilyKit shot back.

"Chilla?!" The adult Thundercats were shocked.

"This isn't about me. We got vampires to deal with." WilyKat tried to throw everyone off.

"Right." Panthro agreed. "But after this, you and I are going to have a long talk." Panthro said and read aloud the caption under Alucard's picture. "Alucard, only child of Dracula. Alucard, half human/half vampire, inherited his father's strength and dark magic and his mother's sympathy for mankind. He aided Richter Belmont a vampire-hunter in defeating Dracula. Being the only vampire, Alucard entered an eternal slumber."

"Does it say how we can defeat Dracula?" WilyKit asked. "With him being the most powerful vampire, I'm pretty sure he won't be easy to defeat."

Panthro turned a few pages. "Well, not really. Just the usual stuff Willa told us: crosses, stakes, and they hate garlic. However, the book also mentions holy water, holy ashes, and holy books."

"And where are we suppose to find these things?" Kit asked.

"We'll split up and ask the Berbils, Warrior Maidens and the rest of our friends if they know where to find these items. We'll meet back at the lair before sunset." Lion-O commanded.

Near sunset, Lion-O, Panthro, Cheetara and the Thunderkittens met back at the lair with items that they hope will be able to defeat the vampires plaguing Third Earth and Dracula. Cheetara got holy water from the Wollos. Lion-O got the holy ashes and a holy book from the Warrior Maidens. Panthro had a cross and a stake, and the Thunderkittens brought back the garlic and extra crosses. They all noticed the sun had set when they explained what they found and knew Dracula had awakened and would soon attack.


Dracula smiled evilly as he looked at the night sky through his window. He mentally made contact with the people he turned into vampires over the past two nights. Vampires he created near the Treeptop Kingdom, the Wollos and Bulkans village, and in the Unicorn Forest.

"Awaken my vampires and slaves. Awaken to the voice of your lord and master." He commanded and all the his vampires and slaves awaken to Dracula's voice. In Cat's Lair, Tygra who was asleep all day and the night before awaken to the voice of his master. "Wreak havoc on everyone on Third Earth!" He commanded.


The Lair Alarm blared madly and the Thundercats took calls of help from their friends.

"Lion-O, the Berbils are calling. They are being attacked by Dracula's slaves." Cheetara said.

"The Wollos are being attacked by vampires." Kit added.

"Vampires are attacking the Treetop Kingdom." Panthro added.

"WilyKat, contact the Tower of Omens." Lion-O ordered and WilyKat followed. Lynx-O, Bengali and Pumyra appeared on the screen. "Thundercats, Dracula's vampires are attacking at all areas and we have to move fast in separate groups. WilyKit and WilyKat will join you Lynx-O to help the Berbils. Bengali and Pumyra will help the Wollos and Snarfer will hold down the Fort at the Tower of Omens. Panthro and I will assist Willa and the Warrior Maidens at the Treetop Kingdom while Cheetara and Snarf will stay at Cat's Lair." Lion-O said authoritatively.

"But I need to be out there with the other Thundercats." Cheetara argued.

"You have to stay here where it's safe. Dracula is probably doing this to drag you out and besides, someone has to look out for Tygra. For some strange reason, he's still out." Lion-O explained.

"All right. I'll stay." Cheetara said.

"Thundercats, HO!" They all cheered and left to go on their separate missions.

The Thundercats were gone for a only a few minutes before Tygra opened the door from his room, looking for his first victim of the evening. He found Snarf in the kitchen, washing dishes. Snarf turned around when he entered.

"Oh, Tygra, you're finally up. How are you feeling?"

"Kill Snarf." He said in a controlled voice.

Snarf saw Tygra moving closer to him and grabbing a kitchen on the way. "Snarf. What are you doing?" He asked a little scared.

"Kill Snarf!" He threw the sword at Snarf . Snarf dodge, but a few of his hairs were cut off.

"Snarf! What's gotten in you, Tygra?!" Snarf screamed running from Tygra.

"Come back here, you little furball." He growled.

"Cheetara!" Snarf screamed.

Cheetara was in the control room monitoring everything outside when she heard Snarf scream. She jumped from her seat and ran to the kitchen where the scream came from. "Tygra, stop!" She told him but he continued to chase Snarf. Snarf ran behind Cheetara and Tygra made an attempt to attack Cheetara. Cheetara pulled out her staff and hit Tygra in the chest. Tygra grabbed the staff and the two struggled for control of the staff. "Tygra, it's me. Cheetara. Stop!"

Snarf tripped Tygra with his tail, causing Tygra and Cheetara to fall on the floor. Cheetara fell on her back and Tygra was above her, trying to push her staff on her neck in order to choke her. "Smart smooth, Snarf." She commented sarcastically.

It seem it was at a stalemate, but Tygra was soon gaining more control of the staff and pressed it on Cheetara's neck. Cheetara used the strength left in her legs and pushed Tygra off her. He went over her and Cheetara got up quickly and kicked Tygra in the chest. Tygra fell back but retrieve his bolo whip and wrapped it around himself, becoming invisible.

"Uh-Oh." Cheetara and Snarf said together.

"Wha-where is he?" Snarf asked.

"I don't know. He could be anywhere." Cheetara said. "We better try and get to the gadget room and retrieve the infrared glasses. That way we could--Aah!" Cheetara screamed as she felt something wrap around her body from behind. "Tygra's got me." Cheetara struggled with him and never realized how strong he was. She pushed Tygra against a wall. She kept pushing back, hoping to get him release her, but it was no good. Still, she continued. She saw Snarf ran back into the kitchen and wondered what he was doing. "What is he--Aah!" She screamed as Tygra squeezed harder. "Tygra, let go!"

Snarf ran out the kitchen with an object in his hand. He saw Cheetara struggling with an invisible Tygra. He saw her back which meant that the back of Tygra was in front of him. With all his strength, he jumped in the air with the object and hit Tygra on the back of the head with it, with all his might. Cheetara fell to the floor and above her, Tygra became visible and fell on top of her. She pushed an unconscious Tygra off her and looked at Snarf. "Thanks, Snarf. How did you knock him out?"

"With a frying pan, what else? And you guys think I'm useless. Snarf Snarf."

"I'll never doubt you again, Snarf." She thanked him and looked at Tygra. "Apparently, Dracula must have control on Tygra. My guess is that only the Sword of Omens can heal him, so we better put him in one of the metal prison cells." Cheetara suggested.

They carried Tygra below to the prison cells and put chains on him so he wouldn't escape.

"There. He can't get out. I better contact Lion-O and tell him what's going on." Cheetara said.

"You can't do that, Cheetara. He's too busy fighting the vampires."

"You're right, Snarf. I could distract him." She said and yawned. "Oh, this has been a long and tiring two days." Cheetara stretched tiredly.

"Did you get any sleep last night, Cheetara?" Snarf asked.

"Not really. I was up all night fighting the vampires and only got two hours of sleep today."

"Why don't you go to bed, Cheetara? With Tygra all chained, we shouldn't have any worries tonight." Snarf offered.

Cheetara thought it would best if both stay watch, but she also wanted to sleep. Thinking Snarf was right, she agreed. "Thanks, Snarf. Good night."

Too tired and sleepy to change her clothes, Cheetara just pulled off her boots and got in bed. Within minutes, she was asleep. A cool breeze from her window entered her room and then a bat. The bat manifested into Dracula. He stared at the sleeping cheetah, admiring her beauty and the fact that she was his wife a lifetime ago. After a few minutes of staring, he picked her up. Cheetara stirred and saw Dracula. She pushed him off her and fell back on her bed. Cheetara jumped back up and pulled out her staff.

"That won't work on me and you know it." Dracula said.

"Maybe not, but I can outrun you." Cheetara tried to sprint past him, but he easily grabbed her arm.

Cheetara tried to break free from Dracula's grip, but it was hopeless. He wasn't holding her hard at all, but Cheetara didn't have the desire to break free from on, but she knew she had to. So she used the one defense that would never fail. She kneed him in the groin.

"Aah!" Dracula cried in pain, release Cheetara and fell to his knees, rubbing his groin.

Cheetara took this as an opportunity to escape. She started to run again, but Dracula grabbed her right ankle and Cheetara tripped and fell on the floor. Dracula rose and came over Cheetara as she rolled on her back. She saw him coming and waited for him to come closer before making her move. When he was close enough, Cheetara brought her knees to her upper body and kicked Dracula in the chest, pushing him back. She hopped up and ran towards the door.

"Stop!" Dracula commanded with his hand aimed at her.

Cheetara stopped. She tried to move but it was like an invisible force was controlling her body. She knew it was Dracula's magic controlling her. Cheetara tried to summon her telekinetic powers she displayed not too long ago to overcome Dracula's dark magic, but it didn't work.

"Come to me." He voice was deep and powerful.

Cheetara tried to fight it but her body didn't listen to her. It only listened to Dracula and walked to him. Dracula put his arms around her, stroking and caressing her body.

"Let me go!" Cheetara shouted.

"You don't want me to let go as much as I do." He lean over and kissed her. His lips crushed hers, forcing her to open hers, allowing his tongue to explore her mouth. Cheetara felt her body responding to his and that was scaring her. He parted slowly and looked in her eyes. "You even kiss like Lisa. You wanted that as I much as I did."

Cheetara struggled with him. "I wouldn't have wanted it if you didn't have a spell on me."

"The powers I have on you is keeping you from running away from me. You're attracted to me on your own will. Now you must come with me and return to your formal self."

"Never! Let me go!" She struggled.

"I'm never going to let you go." He said and his eyes became a hypnotic deep red. "Sleep, my love. Sleep." He said in a narcotic tone.

His eyes were mesmerizing hers. Cheetara tried to avoid his eyes, but couldn't. As she stared into them, she became lightheaded and sleepy. Her eyelids were becoming heavier and heavier. She found it difficult to concentrate and finally, she passed out in his arms. Dracula picked Cheetara up. At the Treetop Kingdom, the Sword of Omens growled. Lion-O noticed the sword growled but figured it was because of the vampires attacking them and continued fighting. Dracula, carrying Cheetara in his arms, walked to the window and flew away. No one was the wiser.


Wow, the wonders of reincarnation.  More fanfic.

Somebody better bust Tygra out or I'm gonna do some bustin'. Main page.