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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

JESUS Mass over physics masses.

Christ JESUS Offered Himself for You and Your Flock, though now Prophetically a JESUS Message, hence from this messenger typing this Sermon; so from JESUS Christ the first part is this message (JESUS Mission Work completed in this Sermon, now Luke 2.49 Leading/Preaching applies to this messenger).

And the second part is the JESUS Christ Your Fold so Doing. This JESUS Christ message is

the including of the Pleiades with it's cycle since the proper Elias Baptism of JESUS The Christ

(see JESUS Drawing below, upper right 2,000 year cycle pertinent in this generation now Malachi 3.1) so to start His JESUS Ministry;

so the first part is now Prophetically completed in JESUS Christ Victory concerning the Pleiades with the 2,000 years cycle timeframe (save further explained below).

Now the second part is You so going

JESUS Christ went to prepare a place for You.

JESUS Christ came from Heaven and then continued with His Vessel from Israel to Egypt to Israel and then ascended to where?,

it is to where You are supposed to go, it is to where JESUS Christ prepared a place for You: the Pleiades, where Your mansion is

(Revelation 2.1 the Pleiades), where the Throne is: Revelation 4.5 LDS:

In the name JESUS understand from Your Heart to be Wise to understand beyond pains and dying once for all, Do as JESUS Christ and go to Heaven (the Pleiades region) and return to Personally In The Heart And Positionally With JESUS Christ Authority to return at least message [rather greater in person] to attest to the Truth JESUS Christ Told.

Brag on JESUS Christ Preaching about Your Mansion(s) in the Heaven: JESUS You Give them on Earth the Your Miracle that JESUS Christ had prepared for You In Heaven, that they be with Your Miraculous greater JESUS Heart Wisdom reasoning to Believe to properly ascend likewise (to see for themselves of JESUS One You, of then Hearing Your Preaching):

So this JESUS Christ Faith Imparting key (making others JESUS Worthy for uplifting them [to a level])

and this key is for the ascending, for Evangelism, and for all: as described above Go From JESUS Prayerful Faithful Preaching [(already accomplished per se in this Sermon) so]

to JESUS One Faithfully Doing, to beholding not for selfishness though to witness to JESUS Christ One Returning For Attesting for their sakes.

Consider how a Christian Child (a Christian Church Membership prior to JESUS Baptism Grace key to consider for Your criteria)

goes off to play or to school and returns to Their JESUS Joyful family and tells all the wonderful things that happened that day (perhaps stating other though rather than dwelling on other than JESUS Christ in action in lives [and all]): such is a JESUS Joyful Blessing to the family, that the JESUS Proud family might go JESUS Delight other families likewise (note "family" lower case is stated in this sentence to refer to a generation).

Likewise in the name JESUS be Wise that the Pleiades are not merely stars with very many unseen stars, yet God is not only in the light yet also in the dark: enlightening (

The constellation of the Pleiades formerly known as the seven stars (Job 9.9 & Job 38.31) in ancient times, the rising and setting, was the beginning and the end of the season of navigation ( so key to trade, and

a JESUS Christ aloft Chapel Ark So Journeying key now,

not when out of alignment per se.

Welcome is not for to sin toward destructions nor to place at risk intentions, "welcome" refers to inviting the Holy.

Be aware in JESUS Christ, now to this day the former ways were toward Father or Holy Spirit or JESUS Christ;

toward sinful separation of state from the Christian Church With One JESUS Christ Inviting;

and former backslider ways were with backsliding concerning in the name JESUS Christ.

Instead needful now and hardly as previously is the overcoming in the name JESUS Christ to become started in JESUS Christ Righteous Highest Faith, to be most properly best inviting prayerfully through JESUS Christ that the start [away from backsliding] of the Father Spirit Will Commence (virtually unknown to this civilization).

Note "civilization" is a goodly thing, such is with many values (reference JESUS Convert, JESUS Harvest, JESUS Edify, JESUS Doing, JESUS Anew, JESUS Comprehensive,...).

Since it is no longer former ways of Father or Holy Spirit or JESUS Christ

it is JESUS Christ Father with JESUS Christ Holy Spirit with JESUS Christ The Son Of God The Father In Heaven Eternally,

and so enabling with JESUS Christ One.

This same Oneness in JESUS Christ also applies to not segregating Flocks (in the JESUS Grace sense): this is JESUS One Fold of All Christians, lest if this sermon has missed the point of the Righteous Teaching And Doing Of JESUS Christ.

There was a flock that illegally and immorally wrongly even sinfully mistreated another flock, and while it is true some evidently did not fully repent, even so be aware save the Heavenly, any other was from below, from this world (save children as long as innocent). So some have opted to start another Church. Let Your JESUS Christ Mission be the Guiding Wisdom whether to split or rather though if to stay with such mistreaters,

to work awhile independently and return to show Your Faith resultant Miracles of JESUS Christ, or to work from within the system even if corrupt [hence reason to leave and not ask again, a solution though seek the JESUS Perfect Solving Best Way (example Zechariah 12.7 so the return is not for sinful self gloating pride)]. Bear in Heart Your Longsuffering JESUS Mission to start each day for JESUS Christ such as Praying JESUS Christ and preparing JESUS Sermons, and/or as stated above to arise early to go to the JESUS Throne or to go feed the hungry if in the name JESUS Christ.

Verily, verily, perfectly build such a JESUS Christ Throne, and You Will be with such.

Prophetically in JESUS Christ One (see above "welcome") is JESUS We One(s) Will put together the stars and stitch the fabric of outer space as Given to Do, and to spell out the name JESUS [Christ]. If to constantly appreciate and if to live 1,000 years, it Will not be enough time to fully appreciate (see above for instance "2,000 years"). So this is the literal JESUS Christ Prophetic Victory over Mark 13.25 for You.

Some of the oldest JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series solved great Christian Bible Code mysteries for visiting Christian Leaders. Below is likewise JESUS Code though per se mainly see and JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons [after that Sermon and recently] since then.

This code is from the Affiliated GodMath Testament of the names of Ether 1.6-32 highlighted at (therefore many translation and interpretation former problems have been overcome in JESUS Christ as the name JESUS is written in Heaven [even so, see above Do "spell out the name JESUS [Christ]"]).

This JESUS Christ Code revealed the pertinent "theta" cluster of letters the Theta star cluster [vertically at the top of the Pattern 28 Code (toward Heaven)], with the pertinent "grail" at the bottom of the Pattern 28 Code (bottom of the Oak Island digging concern per se)

more and more such indicators for solving the mysteries are being JESUS Unraveled For Highest Purpose Greatest Good In Original Plan.

Learning to fly the JESUS Christ Golden Cube:

accounting for mass, engine power, vessel parameters, system control and so on.

JESUS Christ preparedness Christian President Don Trump Prophecy unprecedented to Test God 2020 Bible Code Theta star cluster Pleiades 2000 year cycle Grail Oak Island Nimrod Mike Pence how to move earth atmosphere, original Hebrew Lexicons, HAARP movie Clear and Present Danger Harrison Ford CIA Jack Ryan Operation RECIPROCITY Silence of the Lambs Jodie Foster FBI training academy Quid pro quo legal Golden Rule King Solomon Trifecta DJIA DOW SP NASDAQ leveraged subatomic charity Negative Gravitational Waves decommissioning skyscrapers elements straw gold align Earth NASA Thermal Emission Infrared Spectrometer rover mars Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2moro lethal Big Bang Theory comic books Great Depression flood Egypt Israel Smiling Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS explained, if to fly into outer space, then to first be with the proper Spirit. Proper Prayer is JESUS Christ Faith manifesting the Miracle In You: that You Go Do likewise. Spirit to Spirit, with the higher lifting the worthy lower, worthy in personal capabilities such as JESUS Exemplar Excellence over mass, engine,.... Top toward the right are maps to where the JESUS Christ Throne is (JESUS Christ also has a Throne in the center of the Earth).

JESUS Christ provides excellent secular expertise, though friends for Your Wisdom is stated that such is insignificant [meaning hardly significant and temporary] relative to the excellence of JESUS Christ.

NASA for instance reports of stars darkening

(in JESUS Christian Leaders this is a key to Matthew 24.29: already long ago hence a Victory previously known/Prophecy/that Prophet long ago [note this is "Prophecy" alive and active today, not isolated to Prophecies delimited to the Old Testament and B.C.]).

The NASA explanations include largely that in the vast distances of outer space civilization(s) drone building is occurring like unto building a blanket around a star(s) to collect source energies as powerful (close to the star(s)) as equipment enables or instead as powerful as JESUS Christ Mission would employ

(for instance it is normally better to let the house ["equipment"] burn if there are people within for first rescuing, though not as likely in the Given the situation but the need to first be JESUS Christ One clearly is key)

therefore if to arrange energy collector panels around a star or if to form a group of buildings then to consider how they might be seen from the sky (reference e.g. Nazca Lines): arrange to form JESUS Christ. Consider how that distant civilization (if NASA is correct) could have signaled all this distance to Earth, and consider the greater impact Your JESUS Sermons Give.

JESUS Christ Gave Precepts, and people can relate to the Good part of the heart of this NASA (so a mass problem Matthew 18.6 now tied to relatively fledgling Space Force) story even though secular, that is instead as You In JESUS properly Convert (Psalm 119.37) this story into agreeing with pertinent JESUS Christ Precepts (rather of JESUS Grace Precepting, creating from JESUS Eternal the counted in Your Flock as to see with JESUS Christ Anew Eye:

"the MERs Opportunity and Spirit were never expected to survive the cold Martian winter even if the rovers themselves survived. It was thought that a small potassium bromide (KBr) beamsplitter which was housed in an aluminium fitting would crack due to the mismatched coefficient of thermal expansion", [but dust first stopped mission continuance] "The Miniature Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES) is an infrared spectrometer" "on the [Mars] "Opportunity rover" (wiki),

(failure thwarted failure), "after the dust began to clear, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory had initiated recovery operations for Opportunity but received no response" ( thwarted failure, then failure with failure):

not in the name of JESUS Christ resulted in [risks and accumulated] failure(s) as indicated by secular sources, though note how some sins cause failure of that sin path to grow (as JESUS Christ explained see Lexicon according to "unitedly").

Sinners have killed sinners, though let this be a JESUS Christ lesson reason for a person to not commit suicide (such as if in hope of peace, being away from danger, being in heaven, and/or other assumption(s)). So this also applies to addiction, Marriage, and so on.

This JESUS Victorying in You is over such things as for JESUS Christ Guiding You Over Firmament Creating, and greater Guidance Creating With JESUS Christ For One Highest Best Purpose. These JESUS keys in You are not the same as

when NASA gave a record of failures to Space Force and others. The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil is not simply the Tree Of Good (except in JESUS Christ Whole Victory over such and instead for the Wise Good that the name JESUS the Christ is Written In Highest Heaven).

So this JESUS Christ Properly Ascending key is Given that the secular can fail,

though if a properly ascending Christian fails as something then at the free opting of JESUS Christ that or those "Christian fails" JESUS Christ Converts into JESUS One Victory(ies) (as a minimum to be written in the name JESUS in Heaven and if so then such needs be Converted to JESUS Victory)(also if a person and/or group and/or any would leave the secular to become Christian then Luke 18.30 applies).

Have Your Members dust Themselves then enter Church, in the Hope of Victory over Matthew 10.14, that They be unable to shake off dust against You if They exit (so perhaps offer a floor mat to wipe feet prior to entering). Your aloft JESUS Chapel of course would be with appropriate Precepts such as air filtration and such.

The above JESUS Drawing top and slightly left of center the arrows of [at least] sensors point many [more than shown (examples)] directions, though [save if Your JESUS Mission is such (to look around, reference watchers and similar witnesses)] such is not the same as the JESUS Christ Faith Path, and such in JESUS Christ is not to Guide toward confusions so is subset to the JESUS Mission and that is subset to the JESUS Highest Faithful Straight And Narrow Line.

JESUS Sensors And Communications / JESUS Mission / JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Straight And Narrow.

JESUS Gives You An Option (Sensors, Communications,...) / JESUS Gives Options (You opt to Agree to a Mission) / JESUS Straight Option.

You already opted to be on a mission (what a person does, such as toward fun on vacation, and/or such as often routine secular work,...): be sure it is the Mission JESUS Christ Would The You Do.

So with the above JESUS Christ now Gives Anew In You (if not already) Victory over Romans 8.10 NAS:

If not to commit suicide as stated above, then "dead" becomes asleep until the "spirit" (of JESUS Christ "Highest" as stated above) awakens to properly Best ascending.

Also (see recent JESUS ICCDBB Sermons) the Tree Of Knowledge is not independently Righteous (ibid.)("except in JESUS Christ Whole Victory over such" for JESUS "Highest" as stated above) even though if in JESUS Christ then with Holy Value(s) (reference JESUS Creator Given talents, Given situations, and such likewise).

So how to Evangelize is how to Best In JESUS Christ be awakening the resting spirits (if to try to awaken an exhausted You, then the Golden Rule applies, such as to let rest awhile, or such as to immediately awaken if there is an impending fire raging ["raging" is subset to Mark 4.39 such as concerning whether a body is JESUS Pure, even so protect the innocent lest as if to deny Hebrews 10.10 written in the Heart (in Your JESUS Christ Creator Original Soul Romans 8.27: JESUS The Protector And Rather Of Grace The Ascending Path Guide)]).

Of the JESUS Christ Spirit In The Father in a dream this morning February 18, 2019AD, and the JESUS Spirit continued through refreshed awakening yet with the great full awareness than the exhausted night, while asleep a spirit evidently of a person that had opted toward faithlessness

(a lower though secular level with a data set [even so, with values as high as that level])

and so as this writer witnessed and now attests in Faithfulness for JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ revealed a road sign that only stated "King" with an arrow, so this writer so Guided In The JESUS Spirit (Revelation 19.16 Victory over Revelation 17.5)

for that "spirit" though that "spirit" recognized it not and instead talked about their own self toward repeatedly saying they were lost seeking to place blame otherwise, and another spirit likewise to that "spirit" was confused though rather sought to help;

and with this writer awakening the explaining (from JESUS Christ having Edified this writer) was Given for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including for their spirits sakes and there in them became a greater uplifting for awhile but then back to secular.

Aside from that dream and such afterward, instead now for all is this greater interpretation in JESUS Christ Physics that partly obeying JESUS Christ is not the same as Eternal JESUS Righteousness.

Per se, if to follow the Golden Rule but not ascend in the name JESUS Christ is toward levels of hell (if to be more aware then such as reference Catholic descriptions of such levels).

In the great though secular movie Clear and Present Danger for instance Harrison Ford acted the role of a CIA Analyst, Jack Ryan, and discovered the Operation RECIPROCITY lie;

similarly in the movie The Silence of the Lambs for instance Jodie Foster acted the role of Clarice Starling, a top quartile student at the FBI's training academy faced a deranged convicted sinner that insisted on "Quid pro quo" which in the legal sense must include value;

but neither reciprocity nor value exchanged for equal logic value "Quid pro quo" is the JESUS Christ Golden Rule, much less the giving of proper credit to JESUS Christ (the Victor over worldly laws, and the Whole Of The True Prophets).

JESUS Christ is from the Highest Of The Heaven(s).

The insane have used the worldly laws for sins such as to wrongly puff up their self for selfishly sinful reasons toward self glorifications (reference above text about the previously stated movie). Similarly the lost, confused, and others similarly have done.

JESUS Christ is for Helping all enter properly into Highest Glory.

The sinner instead is for others to do for the sinner's sinful ways.

JESUS Christ does not need reciprocity nor quid pro quo since JESUS Christ is already the source of all creation and even all Eternity, and JESUS Christ Is The Good Source Of All Righteousness: Previously, Now, And Forever.

This JESUS Precept also applies to the secular levels even if not in the Name JESUS Christ, as for instance the search engine (for the JESUS Word, for the JESUS Mission,...) is of greater value than the uninvited sales known to include misleading info all too often.

JESUS Christ Faithfully Gave what He had [such as loaves and fishes (a Miracle Of Faith)]. If to try to explain in sinful secular former ways then perhaps of a truth upon so seeing then the secular started to give of their own "loaves and fishes",

though such secular is not necessarily for others, it has often been for selfish pomp glory, reciprocity, and quid pro quo.

JESUS Christ showed how to properly be with Masses of people, and not masses of physics and measures of creatures nor things, save for the JESUS Original Plan Highest Purpose such as Giving the loaves and fishes as He Edified, and such as preparing hearts and minds for the journeys in the Name Of JESUS Christ And Same One Father Spirit Will.

In plain language, the secular is dead, or asleep as JESUS Christ explained. They have opted to remain "dead, or asleep" ( see Pulpit Commentary). Secular "fair trade" is "dead, or asleep" since not in the Golden Rule in the Name JESUS Christ, much less in the Will Of God if at all.

Be of Good Cheer, JESUS Christ Offers

like unto King Solomon of the stars,

if in the name of JESUS Christ and in the Will [properly ascending] in JESUS Christ: the first love is JESUS Christ so already having Accomplished and You only need agree and so Be (including proper Christian Baptism and so ascending).

Baptism is not a stop sign nor a barrier, as proper JESUS Baptism (of Elias) is the Righteous Inviting To So JESUS Christ One Lead: and in this JESUS Sermon even to lead the lower Heavenly levels: to make the JESUS Path Straight And Narrow.

JESUS Christ tools per se include masses, electromagnetics, heat, cold, and so forth: even the same things involving JESUS Christ Within His Spirit Omnipresent In Good Creator Heart And Pure Flesh: He dwelt in the atmosphere, He was in the cavern under the Earth, He was in the ships, He was in the desert, and He was on the Milky Way Nile River.

JESUS Christ is for Oneness, rather than having to teach uninterested though selfish lower levels (Acts 28.27).

If the neighborhood sinners don't visit Your Church but imagine slavery to work for pay vital, then in JESUS Christ Give them pay. If the neighborhood sinners don't visit Your Church but imagine watching television as if vital, and/or playing video games, and/or texting, then in JESUS Christ Give them TV watching, video game playing support, and texting value(s).

Concerning texting for instance, according to [though known as secular] Google the top 8 listed today (2.22.29AD) involve the future, 6 directly (such as the top 3: "2moro - Tomorrow", "2nite - Tonight", and "BRB - Be Right Back"), and the other 2 if according the the future sense (various meanings).

They are texting one of Your likely top topics: Eternal JESUS Christ Prophetically: they text about the future and want it to be Prophetic (Your JESUS Texting key).

People don't want to be caught in lies (in the typical sense), and people want to be interesting so people often talk about the future (Your JESUS Righteousness [Including Truth] Prophetic key(s)).

JESUS Christ would that You apply this to their TV watching, their games playings, and so on: they watch TV for the future True Prophetic and such as for instance evidenced on that great though secular comedy show The Big Bang Theory and if they can't find it there (for instance in their secular physics) they seek such elsewhere (for instance in their secular comic books, or for instance in their love life(s) and among their friends).

So for instance JESUS Christ Gives You this JESUS Friendship key: Give them friends in the name JESUS. So hardly toward bickering spirits of the former, as JESUS Christ Offers True Highest Friendship. Even so JESUS Christ Gives You Wisdom that You are in this world of lusts though hardly to be so worldly save Heaven on Earth and enlightening unto confusions and so lust for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and thirst unquenchably for such.

They play games for as though to find the real truth, such as concerning thirsts for riches and laziness and authority and leverage Prophetically, as JESUS Christ You invite unto all these for JESUS Christ One Highest Heaven Purpose: hence unselfishness often applies, telling the truth often applies, though also hearing JESUS Christ amidst the spirits applies, and Doing applies including Doing laziness though not as former lower levels, yet instead JESUS Responsible Doing such as to build mansions where others can [lazily in the moment as much as evidenced] recuperate from exhaustions.

JESUS Christ can Give You great funding and even outrageous fortunes to be discussed and greater, though not for former lower ways (even so as long as time is Given to continue lifting lower levels within former ways) so not toward sins nor pains as much as that lacked JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Value (some examples are below).

Crown Him with many Crowns, if so, build for JESUS Christ many Thrones in many places. It is considered easier in secular to dig to the center of the Earth: let such be so for now, though enlighten as to the Higher above also, and according to previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons make the above Path the rather Path of JESUS Grace. If JESUS Christ went to the center of the Earth Throne then Truly You Will find value there, including how to drive the Earth around the Sun and such: very valuable for deep space travel: so look for controls and equipment in the center of Earth where JESUS Christ Did Travel.

Even so rather look to the JESUS Christ Of The Pleiades, that is, leave the Earth controls for the earthlings and for the control of planet Earth.

Even so consider what You would need Do to manipulate Earth through the Heavens: JESUS Christ Spirit Gives this enlivening in Your Heart to reveal what You already know is True. If the Earth strays too close to the Sun, let Your JESUS Records reveal for them: how to gently Pray JESUS Christ and so prepare and gently move Earth back on course: the JESUS Course (the revolving circle becomes the JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow).

So You have Your Prophetic Circle key, though if to place solar collectors then the "Prophetic Circle" becomes subset: weight the shade, and measure the masses of the changes each and all such collectors accomplish for JESUS Good. The Highest JESUS Christ Good affects You and effects You. Let Your measures be of record and Truthful.

Let Your JESUS Records be for the greater Good so let them be Prophetic for the greater Good coming in the future.

So how much money does it take to do this becomes instead the price of freedom and living freely, so such becomes secular similar but instead all vested in the same JESUS Christ Teachings You Offer.

In the above JESUS Drawing upper left the magnets are made with right angles, therefore the magnetic fields are with right angles accordingly, or if to be with such shaped magnetic fields and to place not magnetized bars such as of iron in those fields as shown, then the bars become magnetized. So there is a spirit to be (straight or) a right angle per se if You JESUS opt, and there is a spirit to transfigure that (straight or) a right angle per se if You JESUS opt and to put it into another medium (vessel including whether air, bars, liquid,...).

Magnet making and fusion making [fission material often] are with similar JESUS Christ Physics Givens (in subsets, such as subset to the Eternal Spirit, and such as subset to Your JESUS Mission if Perfectly for an even more excellent Way along the JESUS Christ Best Straight And Narrow Highest Purpose (reference for instance "more excellent" JESUS Guidance In Luke 15.7): such as including time in the field or time near the source per se, distance likewise, and if shielding applies (other also applies such as JESUS Growing Spirit, JESUS Seeds,...).

Even in the secular, great discoveries have been made due to contaminations being converted or changed into values (perhaps Space Force would add wiper blades and heaters for examples).

If to send a projectile "bar" (or other shape and such as with net: reference enveloping mitt) into outer space to the other side of where a non-magnetic particle is expected to be, and then when appropriate to JESUS Give the "bar" per se a wave to cause it to be of appropriate vector velocity then as Tractor or Repulsor with catching (or diverting) the "particle" for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Graphically the JESUS Right Angle is portrayed with X (1D), Y (2D), and Z (3D) axes (the Z is depicted via the above swirl on the map). So JESUS Christ Gives You Victory over the JESUS Christ Pleiades (as JESUS With The True Prophets Agree Jeremiah 42.4)

but only if You so Do.

Christ JESUS Gives Your Heart to know that if to be able to control and drive the mass of Earth, then needs be for greatest Good Purpose So In The Name JESUS Christ, for Best: safety, farming, and so on; yet also for tides: therefore JESUS Christ is for piloting the Moon with You and the Sun and so on.

So JESUS Christ Gives You This Exemplar key: You are alive in the Christian Leadership Spirit And With Living Flesh: therefore You already know in Your JESUS Heart this JESUS Given Of The Spirit Father In The Name JESUS Christ is Good for Implanting Impregnating Magnifying Birthing Growing And Baptizing Son JESUS Christ (like unto JESUS Christ With Spirit And Flesh is in His Image You Christian Leader In His JESUS Christ Name, also with as this civilization lives

(this is not stated to exclude others, though suffer such awareness for JESUS In Your Heart now).

Therefore in the name JESUS Christ the center control of the Earth has been kept from sinners that if sinners repent then such JESUS Christ Wise Joy is to become perfected in them if properly Baptized, then when they properly ascend to become Worthy;

even now of JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow (coreferring with JESUS Precepting, reference Affiliated JESUS GodMath Testament) this is told beforehand as all JESUS Good Highest is being unraveled.

So this JESUS Exemplar key subset is this JESUS Prophesying "is told" beforehand, according to the greater JESUS in any so Doing: the greater set Coming In The Name JESUS The Christ One.

So this same JESUS Christ is enabling this JESUS Christ Even More Excellent Way For Highest Purposing key

To JESUS Maintain (JESUS Maintenance) Earth, Moon, Sun, and such for proper JESUS Christ Living, as such with JESUS Straight And Narrow is with JESUS Christ Even More Excellent Way For Highest Purposing.

So it is not for undoing Good that JESUS Christ already accomplished.

The Sun moves throughout the Milky Way, but if to go toward disaster, then how to JESUS Solve: JESUS Christ Victory already exists, so Pray JESUS Christ Apply, and in so Praying then therefore in You, even so for the Glory Of JESUS Christ and such as with the New Covenant Eucharist Holy Grail Cup Of JESUS Christ Blood Remembrance: to be Wise and so with Pure JESUS Flesh to be with Heart to Save.

So if the Sun goes toward lethal rays and/or asteroids for instance, then to steer the Sun, and a simple idea is to move a mass, such as a planet to influence (i.e. to JESUS Christ Straighten For Highest Good) the path of the Sun, so from a JESUS Christ One Preacher Leader At Mass so then the JESUS Christ Flock In One Heart be with redeeming the Sun: but if they not then opt to protect such as underground toward Earth's core, though that hell Christ JESUS already accomplished once for all so an option for Christians, save already detailed in the Old Testament to rather ascend in JESUS Spirit for better living.

The previous sentence is not to be contingent upon sinners, therefore other JESUS Highest Purpose applies, even if the Second Coming be enabled via JESUS Final End Time (out of order from the logic of sinners, though for the JESUS Of Heaven Heart that JESUS Christ finds in Christians if the Christians are stuck in an unjust civilization)(also see JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Noah's Ark advanced materials, Nimrod, and Mount Ararat tied to related evidence on underground temporary living [with cattle]).

So the proper arranging of JESUS Christ Given: precepts Righteously on other pertinent precepts Faithfully Vertically ascending in JESUS yet as JESUS Responsibility applies from JESUS Christ Faith yielding Miracles then JESUS Maintenance Responsibilities over such Miracles toward greater JESUS Christ Faith (JESUS One Living Eternally And Best): key.

So concerning the above stated "JESUS Christ can Give You great funding and even outrageous fortunes", then with the previous stated keys in JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose precept on precept as stated. So a JESUS Christ key is that levels apply.

JESUS Christ Gives to be in the Name JESUS Christ First,

then over each precept level, lower and lower as much as with time to so Convert For JESUS Glory.

JESUS From Heaven went a little lower to serve, but not to continue lower and lower, instead

JESUS Christ arose after the sufficient Perfect Victory was achieved.

This JESUS Christ Perfect Victory is You is You becoming Perfectly Ascending (key) and so in the Name JESUS Christ Perfectingly Ascending Perfectly (key): so to be Edified in the JESUS Word to so JESUS Christ One Do (key).

So the levels are key to ascend as JESUS Christ Edified and yet in so JESUS Christ One Doing therefore: You Miracle (JESUS Maintenance key responsibility to longsuffer to maintain) as the Faith Guides the flesh to be Highest JESUS Pure, therefore the greater part is the JESUS Faith to Serve to a JESUS Christ Specified Parameter (of Rightly fitting key appropriate precepts) to JESUS Christ One Raise the Pure JESUS Flesh

(3 Nephi 28.9 toward the end of the Gold Pages yet with New Testament footnote and the older of the JESUS ICCDBB Drawings)(JESUS Flesh With As Many As Become Best Lifted).

Maximize Joy In The Highest Heaven Of JESUS Christ / Worthy Pure Flesh Lifted (Miracles) / Faithfully Serving.

The above is with JESUS Christ each and every step of the Way, even if unawares.

In more clear plain language for to Righteously Edify: Christian Faith is not dead (JESUS Christ Victory) so similar to that low are sleep and money

(but not the love of such except through JESUS Christ and not for that level but for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as JESUS Christ Charity In The Name Of JESUS Christ)

so there is a JESUS Christ Faith to serve, a direction down (from former worldly levels of perspectives) which results in Miracles over sinners and over backsliders ascending less than appropriate rates.

JESUS Christ Faith is actually ascending to JESUS Christ One Best Serving Eternally, and so actually with proofs in Miracles over sinners and backsliders.

Backsliders don't want to serve, backsliders want relaxation (conditions apply).

So lower sinners don't want in their low opinions to serve, sinners want to be served.

If people don't serve JESUS Christ then to have opted away from the Eternal Faith and as long as with time the temporary Miracles (except if the Miracles Are Pure JESUS Christ Eternal, so JESUS Highest Level Miracles fit for the Eternal King Christ JESUS).

So the lovers of pets, and monies, and sex, and drugs for fun, and power to make people servants, and those anxious to imprison,...:

as much as some love such more than to love all people, the same is sin.

To such sinners with wrongful thoughts the above stated "JESUS Christ can Give You great funding and even outrageous fortunes", in the calendar sense of JESUS Christ rewarding with cash, is later than many more important Good Values For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose;

though for the Christians it is not necessarily that "calendar" matter and instead as the Will Of JESUS Christ Purposeth In One Mission Given Heart Talent so whether the Mission requires subset cash or not.

Now this JESUS Christ Cash Timeline key is if the sinner waits for JESUS Christ to provide cash, then since not to help sin, therefore End Time comes prior to that root of all evil (1 Timothy 6.10).

The Christian is already Given Victory: but if to place one million tons of cash on top of a person in the traditional sense then to smash the person. Consider a penny left on the street, but if a lender demands repayment of a penny it is aggravation costing time, effort, and 100 times and more to repay the penny: hardly cost effective overall from lower level perspective though for the Christian Luke 7.43 applies so this is a JESUS Christ Given Love key toward JESUS Christ Eternal Love, hence a JESUS Christ Eternal Love key!

So this is a proper growing of precept on precept key in Christ JESUS, so now You know how to properly interpret 1 Corinthians 13.13: whether the greatest is love or charity.

Charity is an after-the-fact Miracle of Faith. Love is from source JESUS Christ: Faith before-the-fact.

(reference Lexicon agrees).

So to Give one's own life for one's obeying friends is love (already accomplished once for all via JESUS Christ) to the "obeying friends" though to if any higher such is merely charity (since ibid. applies). If a mother loves a child and properly raises that child lovingly for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose perfectly, then this love is greater than others giving lives (ibid.) though not without a range of value applications.

Verily some have given their lives for the confused mobs anxious to be served by more sins.

A kind perfect (hence JESUS Christ) word (so from a properly ascending Christian In the Name And Doing Of JESUS Christ [a key]) can Convert mobs and save lives.

Money and charity are subset to the Righteous Christian Properly Ascending Leader, even though JESUS Christ Charity is like unto the Highest Level: JESUS Christ Is Love, and all Wisdom and Good Understanding.

So You are Given this JESUS Christ Good Understanding key of the Body Of JESUS Christ Pure Charity, Led In One JESUS Christ Highest Faith.

So if to be Perfect Flesh And Pure, Be Charity Giving Flesh Vessel, so to properly Lead such for JESUS Christ: Love JESUS Christ In Highest Faith.

So rather of JESUS Christ Love: make them such that all be JESUS Christ One Love With Charity.

The previous is the True Richness Of Heaven.

Cash, that's for Christians, or should be. Cash is like unto a fruit tree that can bear fruit or not, though the unseen root produces no fruit save to produce the trunk and tree and limbs and then the fruit: so to make cash work Best, all these inbetween (trunk,...air system, water system, nutrients system, mass tensile support system, seasonal change system, adapting system, flowering system,...limbs,...) apply as much as pertinent in JESUS Christ precept on precept if that tree it to become Eternal (so also that tree needs first become human [according to some norms])(JESUS Christ Firmaments apply, proper Firmament Making Responsibilities apply).

If unrepentant love for lower instead of higher then gathered for the furnace then if time allows to provide nutrients to soils (not toward cannibalism nor from human directly to be eaten as if swine food directly eaten as if human food since such is of sins, also proper JESUS Christ Firmament over proper JESUS Christ Firmament must apply).

Behold for Exemplar 3 Nephi 26.19: when all people rose most Righteously in JESUS Christ They were One and there was no need to envy nor steal nor sin, and instead They were with the Risen (see above from "Throne" to "Throne") JESUS Christ One commanding and leading and "Blessed" and Did "work miracles, and prosper in the land" for nearly 200 years.

But then in 4 Nephi 1.26 was some undoing (from having opted for self pride when the glory could have rather been for JESUS Christ And Converted Into Outpouring Eternal Glory

[so a JESUS Christ Outpouring key and a JESUS Christ Eternal key).

These two previous keys and Firmaments and precepts apply to all and for every greater Good JESUS Christ [aspect including situations and Given] Talent(s).

So monies for JESUS Christ Highest Purposes can be consumed as JESUS Christ Victories (examples: Your Christian Church might receive money that You Charitably Of JESUS Christ Love Give, or You JESUS Christ Convert such as into a broom for Your Christian Church...). If to Best In JESUS Christ Righteously Know Charity, then akin to Truly Knowing Love [reference proper Christian Marriage though note previous stipulation "for every greater Good JESUS Christ [aspect"]] hence

if to Truly Know Love then to Know JESUS Christ

understanding to "Know" in Faith since to "Know" the Leader (of Miracles), hence to "Know" to uplift JESUS Christ if to "Know" JESUS Christ.

So this JESUS Christ Knowing All Creator key: to uplift the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit Highest Level Greatest Good Purpose

so if to opt to meet then to properly prepare to uplift.

Does bringing a can of food with You [to meet] suffice?, hardly per se (that "can" does not suffice), a penny?, now (ibid.), bring all the money and books in the world?, no (ibid.): bring You Highest In The Name JESUS Christ Doing?,


So this is JESUS Christ Praying With You key, this is a Highest Purpose One key.

This is a key to attain the highest best unattainable, because if Highest then unable to go astray to find Highest. JESUS Christ Goes For You, that is, JESUS Christ Creates Anew Highest For You To Properly Attain to JESUS Christ Lovingly Guide so with to Do Accomplish The Victory Making key to Give In The Name JESUS Christ.

Note that if You [as stated] "bring You Highest In The Name JESUS Christ Doing", then "Yes" and acceptable, and if to bring other such as a can or a crown, then conditionally:

Perhaps bring a "can" for JESUS Christ Glory (such as to Give to a person in need) / Arranging JESUS Precepts / JESUS Gives You Your Mission

(likewise Mark 11.2).

If You need fuel to travel across the cosmos to the Pleiades, then use the mass of the Earth And Moon and such and of gravity drag the Sun with You for fuel(s). Even so JESUS Christ offers a more excellent Way, Pray With JESUS Christ as Best as You Can for greatest Good, then let the Heart Lead Most Wisely In JESUS Christ Work.

What can money buy?, a can, a crown, perhaps to rent workers (though only of their morale spirit which since lower, the root, so temporary): money is best at buying money.

Lower level than money is only JESUS Christ Goodness in being aware, but not in doing save if a JESUS Christ Mission (e.g. a manuscript a Priest discarded 2,000 years ago and now discovered might be for JESUS Christian Highest Mission Purpose). Higher than [former] money level is money in the name JESUS Christ: if so, then the Christian Leaders can be anxious for JESUS Money, though of JESUS Christ Grace to rather be only anxious to Do the Will Of JESUS Christ: so to start JESUS One Doing real value(s) with money (conditions in JESUS Christ apply including precept on precept).

JESUS Christ Edified people more than money: JESUS Christ Edified money but money understood it not a relatively significant amount (though reference greater JESUS Christ Highest Talent Luke 8.25). So it is because of JESUS Creator Christ Heart that money, feasts, Weddings, and other can become greater value (or Job 18 with example Matthew 21.19).

So Christ JESUS Gives this key over money, items, systems, and such lower things: JESUS Christ is already the Victor, and JESUS Christ can give outrageous amounts of funds though typically depending on JESUS Mission Given, rather JESUS Christ Gives You from the higher level where the fruit is: Members Of Your Flock according to Your JESUS Christ Giving Heart even if You don't see any Member at all.

Now JESUS Christ Gives this subset key that properly in JESUS Christ a Christian can be worthy to receive outrageous amounts of funds according to higher reasons, such as They handle the situation with greater fruits leveraged, such as employing [professional Evangelists for instance], such as doing well at operating certain complex systems helping multitudes, and such; and secular faiths have also done such if given time [and rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

A leak in a system can be as a balloon exploding or as a ship sinking, or as a rocket being properly launched.

JESUS Christ Gives for the soul this example per se for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, if to take a straight pin with a sphere on one end and a point at the other, and if to stick the point into a reasonably filled balloon the balloon can pop starting with tearing at the puncture point like unto an uncontrolled black hole devouring others then if no others then it devoures itself (similar to sinful paths);

though if the sphere end of the straight pin is pushed into the balloon then to form the likes of a wormhole (ibid. often)(in nature twists to other directions and swirls happen, see above JESUS Drawing pic and reference JESUS Coriolis Effect and JESUS Eddy Currents...).

Like unto the JESUS balloon, if to JESUS Control mass, then with JESUS Leader Heart so to JESUS Best lift JESUS Christ Black Hole puncturing of the Sun if JESUS Best for the Given JESUS Mission.

JESUS Christ also Gives a JESUS Way to not explode the Sun, with JESUS Christ Synthetic Wormhole, and the mass of the Sun can drag along the mass of the JESUS Christ Solar System and the Christian Mass(es) as One (Angel).

Though if to do such then to no longer be the Masses guided by the stars as previously: if to be a Good Angel and fly among the stars then so prepare in JESUS Christ The Victor.

The very tiny pin prick force can outweigh the wormhole effect (perspective applies, depending on type of measuring criteria,...though instead JESUS Christ Mission Highest Purpose properly clarifies). A woman gave "all she had to live on" which was more than "They all" that "gave out of their wealth" (Mark 12.44). JESUS Christ went into a little tomb (see above text "Throne in the center of the Earth") relative to into the above Heavens (see above text "Revelation 4.5").

The large Sun (or a big thing such as the Known Multiverse) is leveraged by the subatomic, the subset key, and so on at in JESUS Christ in situations at times (see a former range of knowns [including "10 raised to the -18 seconds" "and 10 raised to the 18 seconds" at previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon site

So while You might move the Sun and the Moon and the Earth and the stars and all the Masses and masses with such then JESUS Christ Gives You great funding and even outrageous fortunes, but the money does not smile nor is given in Marriage money as if to Marry money: it cannot be of current proper Firmaments (under the JESUS Original Plan): money does not so smile nor enjoy joy, unless money properly ascends precept on precept in JESUS Christ, similar to dust or seashells if such would hope to ascend.

Interchangeable parts do not make a JESUS Christ Highest Christian Marriage, though the parts can be joined in computers in the lower level sense of marrying like unto fastners.

At the other end of the scale if to prick the Sun then not necessarily Highest Purpose even if done by Christians. In other words, if a sinner hires a Christian, that hiring does not launder that sinner nor it's system, though on the right track.

See the verses below though if properly ascending in the name JESUS Christ many Christians have enjoyed the results, such as King Solomon financial results

(trifecta likewise in current lingo: e.g. DJIA, S&P, NASDAQ [secular example at

and a greater than Solomon is here: You if to move the Sun and planets (Matthew 12.42): destructions come in many ways (James 1.2 often including if ascending), JESUS Christ is the only Highest Good Best Way.

JESUS Christ Gives Highest Good Edifying for a person to be Faithfully Wise to Maintain their own soul that they not lose their Pure Flesh Vessel option by their own sin option [as if a choice (Romans 12.20)]. Only the Eternal JESUS Christ is Righteous Choice.

Make planet Earth: Christian Planet Earth for real JESUS Value if to be over outrageous fortunes in the former sense as much as the Good part (JESUS Convert any other). Though be aware of stray precepts, consider JESUS Christ levels with talents (JESUS Realms) with the following verses Luke 8.5-8:

In JESUS Christ be aware lest Your "straight pin" plan and/or the money ideas, as verse 5 lost (JESUS Conditions apply Malachi 3.9&10) "by the way side" or other as stated in verse 5,

and be with Immersion Baptism and the Living Word,

and be awake that the wicked, if any, not come as thieves in the night lest they reveal their true natures, verse 7, and

be on Good Ground Rooted In JESUS Christ.

Aside from trade and rare coins..., the best money can be is money, save if in the care of a higher level (such as Christians For Highest Purpose), yet the higher level than money is the person, and a person can be worth bail, and another worth stardom and/or such as a corporate comptroller, and for instance insurance companies have their own ways of determining worths (see above text "DJIA"...).

The above verses explain natural physics forced JESUS Christ Gives of the Original Creation Plan, though only one (verse 8) of the four is key per se.

In the name of JESUS Christ is Given now in pertinence this key over some of the Book Of Genesis concerning Your Actual Ark Construction (toward Christian Fleet)(hardly as the previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons with Drawings on the Book Of Daniel Nebuchadnezzar image [giant, which is also illustrated in many Christian Bibles]) for Edifying and formerly hoped some would so prepare not for sin rather of JESUS Grace for greater

(as many in the secular [even if of sinners, be mindful that sinners also have hearts] have recommended to governments for a multitude of great reasons).

So now JESUS Christ unravels the past Anew Into Your Soul, for Good Greatest JESUS Christ Highest Purpose involving Victories, Conversions, Joys, and Love.

Just as a person alone hardly makes a highway, though people can; so too an expert can hardly or greatly do great things depending on perspective though the counsel of many experts is likewise for example an expert can lift a pole vault pole, it is a pole of minimum and maximum parameters for that plan, mass, journey, vector shift, and so on for that pole vaulter with the manufacturer as part of that team, and certain others likewise; and yet instead JESUS Christ One Team: One Team Of JESUS Christ Experts.

Whether JESUS Christ Gives You the Mission to pole vault, Pray, Plan, manufacture poles, and/or so on ([so prepare JESUS Best now for these] Matthew 6.33 & Matthew 25.2): not merely talk: so in other words, if You find none so Doing the Will Of JESUS Christ ["talk"] Edify And Preach, and then if without proper results perhaps talking is hardly Your talent: so Do (even so this is not to say quit [Preaching,...] rather an improvement to routine since with Doing, You might better relate to the Hearers

so consider the Mission JESUS Christ Give You and therefore Your Pleiades and/or Your other target such as Your target audience(s) (as much as Best for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose).

Perhaps a Flock member mentioned a news article, or a clump of weeds, if without straying from Exemplar Perfect JESUS Christ perhaps utilize some measure of time to so consider to Give JESUS Christ greater glorifying at least among the people as much as at least some might be interested as one or some indicated: perhaps fascinated for Your Greater Better JESUS Preaching And Doing.

If to travel through the JESUS Creator Given Space Time Continuum, consider the value of Your "time" such as in the previous stated sentence. If to consider "Your target audience(s)" and Your own JESUS Given time opting, consider this pertinent though somewhat lost to secular statement

[about the potential colonizing of the Moon and Mars] ..."is so far into the future (a minimum of thirty years) that I don't believe it's worth arguing about today" (

: there is evidence of goodly aspects though also so much other (that You Christian Leader know JESUS Christ already answered).

Their secular time is valuable. Your Christian time is more valuable. Consider the JESUS Christ Given time Firmaments and the Given space Firmaments and a person's body Firmaments, and their secular position Firmaments...

You know Christ JESUS already solved each and every one of such things: yet JESUS Christ Gives for You to present to them the pertinence for today, this generation, for their specific involvements and yet applying for all in this generation and the next. Noah lived long ago, but it is wrong to say JESUS came so we don't need to discuss Noah: instead Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Apostle Paul, King James, Christian Vice President Mike Pence: each and all of these have very great pertinence(s) today in this generation in You Christian Leader. Because You are in JESUS Christ. Also because each has walked on the same Holy Path as JESUS Christ.

You did not go straight hoping on one foot (likely) though of JESUS Pure Body likewise some lateral JESUS Grace but not toward sin (e.g. 2 feet, 4 wheels,...).

JESUS Christ did not use a Popemobile, but if it [JESUS] Helps You to concentrate on Your Preaching and Your JESUS Mission to not be distracted, then build one, build many if of value likewise. Build great walls, and arks, though minimize JESUS Maintenance (excess would point the hearts toward Miracles after-the-fact(s)) and maximize JESUS Christ Faith.

The balance of this section is of Noah and Nimrod.

Noah lived a total in the census measure 950 years, though after the Great Flood Noah lived 350 years (Genesis 9.28&28).

You are aware of this relative to this generation: a long lifespan. A generation is from a person's birth to first and last of the person's [after Marriage (in the normal sense] newborns, so a range of times: such as normally between [legal age at the timeframe or physically:] between adolescence 13-18 or 13-19 years of age [(various sources)(around 16)] and menopause around 50 years of age [+/- a decade (various sources)]

though reference Genesis 17.17 Abraham 100 "years old" and Sarah 90.

So a generation presently ranges from 13 to 60 years averages 36.5 years, though this range is not the same in every generation (as JESUS Christ sees appropriate such as Matthew 17.3 and see recent JESUS ICCDBB Sermons).

So within the current generation for instance, JESUS Christ Gives the time frame of a generation as though 36.5 years (+/- 18.25 years according to the census generally, though the current law precludes that by about 14% at the lower end [reference Old Testament valuations though with JESUS Sermons In This ICCDBB Series]).

Noah begat Ham ( 5.32),

Ham begat Cush (Genesis 10.6), and

Cush begat Nimrod "the mighty hunter before the Lord" (Genesis 10.9)

so the Old Testament varifies or at least strongly indicates the JESUS Mormon version of the Biblical 3rd Testament Nimrod story: hence a fleet of arks

(though see above text "as JESUS Christ sees appropriate"). So Pray And Hope In JESUS Christ that Your days endure in the flesh for their needful JESUS Guidance Giving from Your Vessel Christian Leader.

Plan Your Fleet so You can JESUS Best plan Your Ark Chapel with malls, mansions, factories, entertainment, and such (though consult Your Christian Church criteria [update for JESUS Christ Anew as much as might be appropriate]).

In other words, bring Your Christian Family With You to meet with Your Maker in the skies (bring Healings in Your Wings, Holy Comforter).

Prepare for the Christian President Don Trump Prophecy

(the Prophecy about Christian President Don Trump).

You are not alone. If to tell a child to work for free doing chores such as picking up things and cleaning things and putting things where they belong, they might not be anxious to do such. "Hey, come out and play with us" might be heard.

Though if You ask a child if they would like to start JESUS Christ Praying With You to receive JESUS Christ Wisdom (Genesis 6.8) as to how to start building their idea of the perfect Eternal Home with playground, friends, and Mansions and candy stores (and such to accomplish such) and to be able to fly into the [unseen] beautiful wondrous Heavens, the child might be anxious to work with You JESUS Guiding and invite their friends [and families].

Let each adult find their perfect way for all. To one JESUS Gave a hammer, to another a saw.

To another the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament Daniel 4.10-17 talent was Given [Of JESUS Christ] for that time frame [JESUS] Highest Purpose.

Though now You are in this generation and this time frame JESUS Christ Gives for You, and You are with JESUS Christ Teachings and the sum of Prophets and with this current generation need (including for future generations) so You are with this current JESUS Highest Purpose.

Your current generation faces not all the exact same things at hand (see above text on Maintenance),

though Your Faith responsibilities are very similar (see above text "each has walked on the same Holy Path as JESUS Christ"):

JESUS Christ Creator sees everything (Proverbs 15.3 [for JESUS Christ Good Highest Purpose]) and visits Christians with Baptism (Eternally), and visits sinners (Mark 2.17)

so JESUS Christ is with the Righteous in Faith (and JESUS Maintenance with and for the Pure: Christian Leaders [note others are also anxious even if indications have been unseen]), and JESUS Christ sees sinners, and visits sinners though JESUS Christ is over the Tree Of Knowledge as sinners consider options such as counted as if allowed to turn away (reference JESUS "sees everything" and "visits sinners" though for Good [e.g. Matthew 11.19]).

Wisdom is proved right by her deeds, but

JESUS Christ Gives You Victory Anew In You over those former ways of thoughts (JESUS Christ New Mind) so over those secular ways (Revelation 17.1/Hosea 1.2).

That extension of the Tree Of Knowledge of the spirits of [the bowls of] destructions can now with proper Doing be done away

so to make room for the greater Good JESUS Christ Offers

(though the same JESUS Christ has been offering through the generations).

Even so, You Christian Leader In JESUS Christ Oneness have been with the precepts step on step sufficiently until now this Victory.

JESUS Christ Gave Your Heart Power to interpret Anew and pertinent now for the future and for this generation [(even to see into the future) yet for this sentence to hardly interpret from various "gods" (Daniel 4.8 applies now over the bulk of the lower levels of the Old Testament...through Your Faith Anew In JESUS Christ).

There was a perhaps best effort according to at least one person concerning the interpretation of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament Daniel 4.10-17 and now in Your JESUS Interpreting Heart key concerning the interpretation of the dream (from Daniel 4.10-17) Anew is with JESUS Christ Converting the words into the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Word, and therefore likewise the Work.

From JESUS Christ :

"10 Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a tree in the midst of the earth, and the height thereof was great.",

can become from the JESUS Christ "Throne in the center of the Earth", and

"11 The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth:"

can become Your elongated JESUS Fleet Envelope (see above JESUS Drawing center) to the Pleiades.

Good parts can remain the same, though if able (JESUS Christ is able) Convert the other parts.

Look at verse 14, to cut down that tree:

"14 He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches:"

yet JESUS Christ already in Your Heart (including this Sermons Series info in pertinence if not in "Your Heart", and with for JESUS Christ referenceing) Prophetically knows that if to be on a tree to Prophetically be cut down, then for Good Purpose, therefore be Wise In JESUS Christ to know this "Good Purpose", and then to so plan accordingly to JESUS Convert any such to be cut down

(not grow such, grow only the good part, intermittent JESUS Options may apply, circumstances of levels above may apply,...) such as to JESUS Christ Continue Faith Growing [Leaping,...] though JESUS Christ Maintenance so including JESUS Christ Planning so including JESUS Christ Praying even to be with the JESUS Christ Highest Original Plan One.

You know some of the Good that transpired and You know why it did not continue in this world, so You know to JESUS Christ Convert, the lack of proper Praying, and/or the lack of proper Planning Precept on Precept in JESUS Christ, and/or likewise from the JESUS Highest Wisdom Level then the subset levels to Best Serve any subset levels.

If to know a person can change into a beast, consider JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at .

"16 Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him."

JESUS Christ would that You be aware of JESUS Christ Power In You Over Matthew 2.9 [if You make it so] ..."the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was."

Ah! great the joy to be where the beasts were, that is, the beasts that were with being present with the newborn infant JESUS The Christ! The Magi, the Kings from far, the shepherds tending flocks, the great ones, the ones that left all, to go be with the King JESUS The Author Of Levels, Positions, And Titles; JESUS the personally loving greatest in Spirit, in Father, and in Name.

JESUS Christ the Righteous enabler of the Tree Of Knowledge and the whole of the created Garden Of Eden (Heaven On Earth), enabling Praise with expanding the Garden Of Life For Better Living, the Holy Converter of bitter tears into tears of JESUS Joy Eternal, the Enabler of the JESUS Christ Heart to enable other hearts even in the lower levels and transplanted beast hearts and things synthesized as much as for the better purpose.

JESUS Fearers, continue to so Fear JESUS Christ, though in JESUS Awareness that if a thing is to sinful for You to do or too deranged or such: Jesus Christ would hardly give You such to do unless needful (within limits: extreme example is Genesis 22.10 though for the Worthy: Everything God Does Is Extreme and beyond worldly limits save the Grace prepared for You [and created] in the Heart Of JESUS Christ).

God tells You to kill that person, rather interpret properly: go properly with JESUS Christ Word to gather into Your Christian Church that person to remove their rags and bathe and put on the new best kingly garments You had struggled to buy for Yourself though now to serve to dress that person in the fine luxurious clothes, so now go Do

in JESUS Praying to interpret this from "kill" to "dress that person" and from that to the higher proper Righteous Way of Baptizing (note to "kill" is far lower level than the beasts that live, higher conditions and options apply from Creator Christ JESUS [the Tree Of Life is not the as-if-tree-to-kill]).

"17 This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men."

Behold the above verses (from Daniel 4.10-17) and what the "watchers" have done: in JESUS Christ be it a lesson unto You that You should not make people suffer needlessly, nor even beyond JESUS Gentle parameters as much as their worthiness level and talents and such apply; so key in JESUS Christ is to be aware of their ascending rate (possibly a negative rate)

so this JESUS Christ Rate key is a Help for You with subset JESUS Distinguishing key and with JESUS Lifting key and so on in JESUS Christ keys for You

(note: so this is not in response to do for the biddings of sinners for more sins to be made, so not for any sinner over the rate over you: Creator JESUS Gave the Holy Rate and this JESUS Christ Rate key).

So for instance how fast Your JESUS Christ Space Force rocket or other aloft Chapel goes through the Heavens is contingent upon what JESUS (Has In Store For You [so:]) Gives to You. If to encounter space debris, perhaps go faster or slower, perhaps increase shields perhaps decrease such as to gather discarded though valuable equipment and materials or such as to gather space ice and rare materials from far.

Superfund after-the-city has been destroyed is not good enough: former secularism is not good enough.

Secular generation after secular generation is not good enough.

The city planners know certain types of problems are on the increase, and so seek to raise taxes and such for funds (see above secular Superfund "is not good enough"). So even if to have all the money in the world so to speak, the secular needs be before-the-fact: the sum of Righteous Prophecies Are In JESUS Christ.

In the JESUS Drawing above, center bottom, a skyscraper is shown: it can be with controlled fall rate to the Earth, or reign aloft, or lift the Throne(s) higher into the Heavenly places. NASA solved many spinoff things for many people. JESUS Christ is greater than NASA and the whole of the Created Save JESUS Christ From Heaven.

The secular has said civilization not of earthly origin have advanced technologies. JESUS Christ offers exceedingly greater.

So in the JESUS Drawing above center, the JESUS Power Envelope is as stated in the Bible

They did not go to Heaven as if independent. The "heavens were opened", and They Went. Now the Heavens can open (but people would hardly ascend if without reason Matthew 8.21 such as to not stop on the way to work). Or, as JESUS Christ Invited [for when You are Righteously ready and so have appropriately prepared]

You One JESUS Christ can open the Heavens properly.

To Give Heaven something of value (JESUS Christ Flock Souls) is Good reason for JESUS Christ to consider Agreeing (also reference [complexity not shown in the above] Exodus 4.25/Genesis 17.14).

As Your JESUS Christ Golden Cube falls upward, slow it so as to not cause suction beneath which would wither the others left on Earth (low pressure dries the soil,...) and so as to not cause an improper amount of Earth's atmosphere to leave with You, reference holding tanks, and

"HAARP opens its doors to the public" at secular site

(note "opens" is toward goodness since planned ignorance for all others does not normally look good on a resume).

JESUS Christ is hiring. It pays according to JESUS Worthiness/JESUS Christ Awareness With Proper Doing.

People are bending waves and particle paths as never before of this civilization, though the above Drawing lower right [newer] is nearly the same as the above Drawing upper left illustrations. JESUS Christ is the great organizer of data, systems, formulas, people, Masses, the Heavens, the Eternal, and the Original Plan. If Earth moves from where it was, it is negative mass left behind.

Note JESUS Christ "negative mass" inertia is therefore with and over JESUS Christ Negative Gravitational Waves (over decommissioning skyscrapers for city safety, for deep space travel, JESUS Converting mass matter elements [straw into gold],...).

If Earth spins it is negative mass with positive mass as One In JESUS Christ: moment of intertial mass (in pertinence somewhat but secular illustrated formulas are at [note the energy backward "x" and the forward dot "." in terms of a square wave set see above JESUS Christ Drawing "Z" in the Golden Cube hence whirlwind effects]).

Saying is [the fruit of, and] the symbol of Your Faith (high levels distinguish lower levels of faiths), Doing In JESUS Christ (Baptism JESUS Name With JESUS Doing) is You Christian Leader not only making Miracles yet also greater [even if currently unseen, or counted (House Of Bondage) as though unawares from former secular contaminants to this fine JESUS Given Created [see above tied to former HAARP for instance as if for Your protection].

JESUS Good Awareness Giving is not for to become ignorant yet faithful to and under ignorance. A child is properly raised, not improperly subdued, not as cattle, nor as wild beasts. JESUS Christ withheld awareness if people were not Worthy and would more [counted as though likely opt to] go astray with such knowledge. A tribe must not injure it's own people with giving them ignorance.

Earthlings need Give Good freely, and greater for the properly ascending in JESUS Christ Leadership as Christian Preachers (And Doers) have been Doing since JESUS Christ circa 2,000 years ago (and previous e.g. Matthew 11.13).

Truly, truly, guilty prisoners need the opposite of ignorance

lest toward Warden instruction to offend again. There is a JESUS Christ Righteous hence One Truthful Way to Best Instruct. Edify in the infant and in the JESUS School before the fact of "guilty prisoners". In other words, consider how many innocent infants should be tagged for prison. Prison is costly, JESUS Christ offers Good without price.

The above JESUS Drawing top toward right is the JESUS Highway with hard to read distances to pertinent stars (such as nearest star to Earth/constellation). Concern Yourself, though be aware (and not ignorant) such is subset to the type of JESUS Space Vessel You opt.

Under friendly smiling JESUS Christ in the upper right of the Drawing is an illustration of JESUS or God or similar in an aloft vessel, with wings for Healing. The Golden Cube in the center is with similar to wings effects, as with shine indicators, points of light. A rocket has a bottom flare with smoke cloud sometimes of wing shape, and if to maintain position in the sky then to fire jet plumes likewise sideways for JESUS Christ One Mission Highest Good for all to benefit the most, healing the aloft craft positioning.

How to explain such to the ancient cave dweller person?, is the plumage to kill or terrify the clan, no; is the plumage for [JESUS Highest Purpose] good health for all such as toward Healing: Yes!

Would the sinners be terrified, of course; let the Masses Of Your Flocks be prepared in the Heart Of JESUS Christ.

In the JESUS Drawing lower right is a vertical antenna (added to the illustration) along with the shape of a horizontal antenna with vertical parts that gather types of energies for processing, such as to gather electro- aspects to blend with some electronic components (more with some than others), and the reverse from receive is true to transmit levels of electro- values.

JESUS Christ created electromagnetic values all around and through, and the spirits are not immune save JESUS Christ is the Author And Finisher Of Inclusive Eternal Faith.

The Body Of JESUS Christ is a key mass value, and the symbol of the greater Good unseen over which You are Given Mission to gain Victory For Uplifting JESUS Christ. Each position of each vessel is to so Do likewise for JESUS Christ (John 4.13&14).

Bring masses of waters on Your Heavenly Journey(s) subset though to bringing JESUS Christ Faith.

Worship JESUS Christ (reference above text on "Pure") though not any subset images nor idols. JESUS Christ is symbolized (image) in the above Drawing upper right. In the lower right are two arrows pointing to the right, in the secular as to normally read English the not yet read words (future) words are to the right (and then down)(JESUS Christ GodMath Testament specified on comprehensive and with properly prioritizing

[(ascending, also with rather from JESUS Christ in the first place) e.g. to read larger triad groups a direction such as upward (Faithfulness) or any direction for Edifying And Serving](JESUS Christ Offers Up Victories with greater Up Victories).

Christian Don Trump, The President Of The United States Of America is with JESUS Christ Wisdom in His Heart

(One)(Baptized, also as witnessed, as evidenced, and certain facts in Christian Heart(s) for all "United")

so He knows that as goodly as former President Thomas Jefferson may have been (Matthew 19.8), that former President

turned to

["ἐπέτρεψεν (epetrepsen)" ( Lexicon)]

faithlessness in government

hence without proper guidance from Creator God

hence without JESUS Christ Righteousness

hence without truth

hence with with the fallings away from loyalty and subset support.

The former President likely did it to further peace, but hindsight is easy, and to agree to lower level temptations is wrong:

this is in the sense that the higher should lead [so to be in the name JESUS Christ United States Of America],

and of JESUS Christ Grace the higher should not be without some amount of JESUS Maintenance.

It should not be that the sinful crooks lead

nor that innocent flirting and playing be overly toward abusing rights and privileges.

It should not be that Faith and Praying and Doing be last

nor that JESUS Christ be remembered too late (per Given, see above on JESUS Christ Rates).

It is a great concern for this leadership [government and private leaders], nation, Earth, and beyond.

Yet a far greater concern exists now in these years:

others similar to the "former President" per se straying more would come (hence quickly be upon the people)

if not properly guided now.

Let all properly prepare now and be rather already so Doing In JESUS Christ for the Christian President Don Trump Prophecy as JESUS Christ would that such Be.

Value added Prayerfully, starting in the Name JESUS Christ.

If to control many funds, it can be difficult in the secular, so JESUS Christ offers the distribution to the lacking. Be Wise in JESUS Christ that many might not be as smart as You

(so for instance the JESUS Christ Leader Given for all for Good elastic clause applicable for their wasted money needs such as welfare including housing, and real job Best JESUS Christ Mating, and JESUS Christ Rating System over job offers and likewise over ad claims,...[once in the name JESUS Christ These Benefits Prophetically Come With JESUS Christ Faith])

many are smart but become exhausted (ibid. applies), and there are many emergencies and other distractions (ibid. applies, including for the private sector and foreigners Numbers 15.16).

You can create JESUS Christ Firmaments, and if so, and if this is Your Personal End Time With New Beginning In JESUS Christ Spirit Father then You can offer in the Name JESUS Christ Victory over poverty: it Will Be Done.

Whether President, servant, personal, or other position: JESUS Christ Gives You All Power To So Do if You Do Perfectly.

Likewise unto the first (previous two sentences) an option other than a Leap To Victory is a JESUS Christ Rate You may Give, very much like unto the above Golden Cube care for all if to move the Golden Cube.

If to put all that gold on the back of a sinner it squashes the sinner. JESUS Christ can lift though it is about You lifting it. Likewise unto the first (the previous sentence) it is about the rate as with Your Flock lifting it.

The first is a leap to (such as money, gold, power(s)) value, while the second Commandment is JESUS Christ Given as a rate (including lest to offend others).

When a nation first leads as JESUS Christ would prefer, it prospers clearly and dramatically: in other words great changes have taken place.

As discussed above is to plan so that the change is in JESUS Christ in order to be Eternal And Good.

The JESUS Force over the government and private sector leads the masses and can lead greater in this generation according to JESUS Christ Faith With So Doing.

Who Will pay for it?, You already paid for it, You bore Your cross daily (as much as so and JESUS Righteous); even with Thank You very much, JESUS Christ already fulfilled all that suffering and any to come, though the Second Commandment

(JESUS Christ Rates, JESUS Christ Maintenance, e.g. artisans utilizing gold such as to build the corners of the Ark Of The Covenant)

is like unto the First (JESUS Christ Faith).

More about who pays: JESUS Christ [Glad To Give (see above over "Worthiness")][(and a future concern how to repay those that suffered) perhaps now dead asleep]: it was impossible until JESUS Christ, though pertinent from that "former President" time frame is corrective action needed through JESUS Christ: to restore the True Faith Privilege enabling Loyalty for proper Leadership.

Will the welfare recipients pay?, yes. They do just like everybody else (carry Your cross, and in JESUS Christ theirs without weight of mass can be leveraged). The wealthy would pay and the middle class too. Each pays according to any amount other than Perfect JESUS Christ and this is not a statement against other religions nor against other faiths such as in former logic since as if without good given to each and all.

Each and all receive good and each an all pay (Mark 12.44), what amounts do they pay: out of the treasures of their hearts, some agrees with JESUS Christ, others are explaining (giving) reasons for JESUS You One Highest Converting into Good Holy Fruit.

Be the babysitter (Proverbs 13.24) except John 10.12 & 13 applies. The wolves, if any (see above example "former President") are improper leaders, leaders that do not keep the faith (Luke 13.31 & 32)

and such can be counted from below as if hard to do if of exhaustion, distractions, and such.

So Be JESUS Christ Merciful.

None in this world have been as innocent as JESUS Christ from the Garden Of Eden

where His Throne is with One Eternal Living Heart.

Perhaps sit on a log and ponder in the woods, children have done as much,

rather lead hardly as babysitters, and rather as JESUS Christ Edifying that there be no ignorance toward calling people animals as in former ways

(that of "former President" are evidenced to this day).

Proverbs 13.24 is former, JESUS Convert it into John 10.12 & 13, and yet JESUS Christ would that instead all be One JESUS Christ Name Leader not merely to ascend from animals yet also to Best Lead [With The] Christian Highest Priest, as all should Be: this is hardly about an individual nor a group, yet for each and every individual and group.

A concern considered needful in this generation involves: Money Will Prophetically come pouring in Malachi 3.10 NAS:

In the name of Your JESUS Christ make Your nation.

Test God: it is a rare idea to put God to the test, typically forbidden, though similar to JESUS Christ Offering Himself (Luke 24.39 and John 20.27).

So You are Given a "rare" value from Heaven: a Prophetic Fact.

JESUS Christ Test key: now Yours.

Money Will come: what to Do with all of it?, even so, more importantly is the JESUS Superabundance of values, bear Your cross to remember the JESUS Heart Faith over JESUS Maintenance, that solving is often toward negating the need to invest in obsolete ways, save such as to Edify, for entertainment and museums, sales efforts become toward Victories, like unto other employee efforts

and the greater Christian Charity Leadership Efforts (according to already invested JESUS Christ Faith also applies).

Bible Food, Good Health, Energy, Pure Heart, Clear [Thinking] Wisdom, and much more Goodness Will Prophetically come from in the name JESUS Christ Don Trump With Leaders Whose Names Are Already Written In Heaven And Facing Greater Reward(s).

Some of the immediate effects (see above text "put God to the test") include the JESUS Trifecta of DJIA, S&P, And NASDAQ need skyrocket to Give Credit to the Father Spirit JESUS Christ One for such an unprecedented event

(even new Israel "Zion" did not praise JESUS Christ as much [nor Christian President Don Trump key to their being set free][reference New Jerusalem]).

Other stocks and indices as much as together (greater before-the-fact) in this "event" too would proclaim such "overflows".

Now hear and Pray JESUS Christ and be aware and Do Prepare with considering that if money is not needed the market would crash as the Great Depression

(Love JESUS Christ: He already thought of it, and for You Solved!: Genesis 9.13-15, likewise prisms, magnifying, bending waves around masses,...),

so prepare (government prepare and other prepare) to [invest] Given into JESUS Christ Charity.

Note if the DJIA for instance soars, then many of various faiths would also gain monies. Christian, it is alright to Help others. This is a JESUS Christ key to Proclaiming the Kingdom Of JESUS Christ One. Help the JESUS Missionaries feed the hungry.

Do this, and "test" to see if it is true that

"such an unprecedented event"

produces so as never so enabled

JESUS Christ One Victory over poverty (Matthew 26.11)

according to JESUS Christ Finding You So Doing (Luke 12.42).

As JESUS Christ Explained In Matthew 26.11 NAS:

As JESUS Christ Edified in Luke 12.42 NAS:

For Edifying this is stated to clarify from the JESUS Christ Heart:

so that He need not kill people in the fire upon His Second Coming, instead to bring greater value leveraged upon the amounts of JESUS Christ Faithful Good.

Though continue even if to not see JESUS Christ: Faith: Consider how the Earth rotates and some trees see the Sun while the others don't: it doesn't mean the Sun disappeared. Heed the higher most important, and forget not the lower sufferers in need of JESUS Help before the fact of perhaps becoming exhausted (such as from too much money to count noting money is toward to root at the lower level).

Many sinners (and youth,...) look up and see the level just above them: money. Let them look higher than money alone, to what the higher levels are Doing In Christ JESUS (this is not the former lower ways such as the caste system, though from below it has been counted similar).

This does not say undo government nor corporations nor money (though JESUS Christ offers such optionally). This does not even say change policy, except for Your sake(s) to get it right (JESUS Christ is the Highest Author of such "right" "for Your sake(s)": see above "test").

What does a person have to change, if to so "test"?, most are required to do nothing: it is an option if a person or group wants to do something per se; it is not up to the author of this Sermon nor any other Christian except if a matter of JESUS Christ Faith; it is not up to anyone except Christian Don Trump since He holds the President position, and as many as responsible to so be involved (in the legal sense)(and per se if opted in a person or group as sufficiently motivated "if a matter of JESUS Christ Faith" such as to vote for or against).

If to vote "against", note the above that this is a "rare" "test" (see above ramifications such as to justify other to those in desperate times and poverty, and such as to justify to those being sent for sinful reasons into a battlefield, and consider many other complications such as if to see wealth increased and to have to justify to friends why "against" so don't wrongly make enemies out of friends so do not be as Matthew 24.11, instead make friends and help and be with good trade values).

This did not say tear down a building that housed people of another religion. This said to Help.

The above Drawing upper right is JESUS Christ Smiling (symbol), being in Heavenly Eternal Joy. This is a Faith symbol (not the secular pic, not to worship the pic).

Often paintings of JESUS Christ have been on the cross, such is a JESUS Maintenance symbol (ibid.).

Rather be with the JESUS Christ Faith "Smiling", though leave not the other undone.

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

February 28, 2019AD

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

tags: JESUS Christ preparedness Christian President Don Trump Prophecy unprecedented to Test God 2020 Bible Code Theta star cluster Pleiades 2000 year cycle Grail Oak Island Nimrod Mike Pence how to move earth atmosphere, original Hebrew Lexicons, HAARP movie Clear and Present Danger Harrison Ford CIA Jack Ryan Operation RECIPROCITY Silence of the Lambs Jodie Foster FBI training academy Quid pro quo legal Golden Rule King Solomon Trifecta DJIA DOW SP NASDAQ leveraged subatomic charity Negative Gravitational Waves decommissioning skyscrapers elements straw gold align Earth NASA Thermal Emission Infrared Spectrometer rover mars Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2moro lethal Big Bang Theory comic books Great Depression flood Egypt Israel Smiling Christ JESUS