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Rasta Patois Dictionary

A GO: aux. going to do, as in "Me a go tell him"
AGONY: Sensation felt during sex
ALIAS: adj. (urban slang) dangerous, violent
BABYLON: 1-the corrupt establishment, the "system", Church and state
2-the police, a policeman
BAD: good, great
BAD BWAI: (bad boy) 1-refering to a bold man;a compliment
2-one who has commited a crime
BADNESS: hooligan behaviour, violence for it's own sake
BAFAN: clumzy, awkward
BAG-O-WIRE: a betrayer
BALD HEAD: a straight person; one without dreadlocks; one who works for Babylon
BAMBU: rolling paper
BANDULU: bandit, criminal, one living by guile
(a bandalulu bizness is a racket, a swidle)
BANGERANG: disorder, disturbance
BASHMENT: party, dance, session
BATTY: bottom; backside; anus
BATTYBWOY: a gay person
BEAST: a policeman
BLACK UP: smoke some weed -Someone would ask "you Black up today?" meaning did you smoke weed today?
BLACKHEART MAN: a rascal, a hooligan
BOX: to smack or hit in the face
BRINDLE: to be angry
BUCKY: home-made gun
BUCK UP: meet
BWOY: boy
CAT: a woman's genitals
CARD: to fool someone
CHALICE or : a pipe for smoking herb, usually made from coconut shells CHILLIUM or and tubing, used ritually by Rastas CHALEWA
CLAP: hit, break, stride
CLOT: 1-cloth, an essential part of most Jamaican bad words, such as Bumbo clot, Rass clot, Bloot clot, ect. The essence of Jamaican cursing seems to be nastiness, rather than ther blashemy of sexuality wich is carracteristic of the metropolitain countries
. COIL: money
COME Dung: come down, get ready
CONTROL: to be in charge of, responsible for, to own, to take
COLLIE: ganja (weed)
CORK UP: jammed, filled, crowded
CORN: 1-marijuana 2-money 3-a bullet
CUTCHIE: pipe for communal smoking
DADA: father
DARKERS: sunglasses
DAWTAa: a girl, woman, girlfriend
DEAD WOOD: (the W is silent) a man that cant perform sexually
DON: one who is respected, master of the situation
DONKYA: careless, sloppy, lacking ambition
(to)DRAW CARD: the act of fooling someone
DREAD: 1-a person with dreadlocks 2-a serious idea or thing 3-a dangerous situation or person 4-the "dreadful power of the holy"
DREADLOCKS: 1-hair that is neither comb or cut 2-a person with dreadlocks
DREADY: a friendly term for a fellow dread
(him a) FISH: a gay person
FRONTA: tobacco leaf used to roll herb
FUCKERY: wrong, unfair
FUNDS: money
GANJA: herb, marijuana
GENERAL: cool operator
GORGON: outstanding dreadlocks
(DON) GORGON: outstanding dreadlocks, a person who is respected
GROUNDATION: large,island-wide meeting and celebration of Rastas
GROUND: home, yard
HACKLE: to hassle, bother, worry, trouble.As a noun, hackling
HAFFI: to have to
HERB: marijuana
HOOD: penis
HORTICAL (DON): respected, acclaimed
HOT-STEPPER: fugitive from jail or gun court
I-DREN: male Rastafarian
I-MAN: I, me, mine
I-SHENCE: herb
ILIE: adj. "highly", valuable, exalted, even sacred
IRIE: excellent, cool, highest
ISMS and SKISMS: negative term denoting Babylon's classificatory systems
JA, JAM-DOWN: Jamaica
JACKASS ROPE: homeground tobacco, twisted into a rope
JAH: God
JAMDUNG: Jamaica
JAMMIN: to be having a good time, to be dancing calypso/soca
KALI; COOLY: marijuana
KAYA: weed
KOUCHIE: bowl of a chalice or chillun pipe
LABA-LABA: to chat, gab; gossip
LAGGA HEAD: stupid
LARGE: respected
LICK: to hit
LION: a righteous dread, a great soul
MAAMA MAN: a gay person
MAFIA: big-time criminals
MASCOT: denoting inferior status
MASSIVE: respected
MORE TIME: see you later
MR.T: the boss
NATTY, NATTY DREAD, NATTY CONGO: 1-dreadlocks, 2-a person with dreadlocks
NO KYA: no matter as in "no kya weh im tun", no matter where he turns
PHENSIC: JA equivalent to Tylenol, Excedrin, etc..
RANKING: highly respected
RASTA, RASTAFARIAN: a follower of Marcus Garvey who worships the Almighty in the person of haile Selassie
RATCHET: a switchblade knife popular in Jamaica
RED: high on herb
RED EYE: to want another persons belonging, envious
RUDE BOY: a criminal, a hard hearted person, a tough guy
RUNNING BELLY: diarrehea
RYAL: royal
SCREW: to be angry
SEEN: I understand, I agree
SHAG: home-cured tobacco, straight from the field.
SIGHT?: do you understand
SKANK: to dance on reaggae music
SKIN: rolling paper
SPLIFF: large, cone-shaped marijuana cigarette (joint)
TEETH: bullets
UPTOWN: the upper classes
WANGA-GUT: hungry belly
WHEELS: vehicle
WOLF: a non-rasta readlocks
YUSH: Yush talk is bad boy talk. Or it can be a way of saying "YO". In other words it is a way for rude boys to hail each other up
ZION: Ethiopia, Africa, the Rastafarian holy land