Welcome to Christina's Webpage!
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Welcome to my life!

My name is Christina.
I've lived most of my life in Moab, Utah.

I went on to pursue a bachelor's degree from Weber State University.

It was there that I met my husband.

We were married in the Jordan River Utah Temple.

Here are my fingernails

I am also proud of my Southern heritage.

Days of My Life Photo Page.
Random Picture Page.


Coming Soon!

  • Twilight
  • The Jungle

  • Some really neat places to go:

  • Formerly My Dad's Page
  • Alice's Page
  • Stan's Blog
  • Cabe's Blog
  • The Standard Works

  • E-mail me!

    Pictures from our trip to Boston

    Quote of the Millennium: "Shutup brain or I'll stab you with a cutip!" - Homer J. Simpson


    (But not meaning the messages within are stupid.)

    Against my better judgment, I subscribed to the Reader's Digest, again. When it came time to renew, it gave me the option of getting gift subscriptions for friends. It was a great rate, so I renewed and gave the gift subscriptions to some family members. Then I stopped getting my magazines. I called the number and they explained that I had paid for the gift subscriptions and would have had to renew separately. What? Why would I buy the magazines for others if I didn't even want it myself?! What a joke.

    Have you finished Breaking Dawn yet? I love that question. No! My stupid FTC group flaked and got me started way late and now I have to work!