
iiiiiiiIf you want to help this site, click on of those pictures, and help increase the trafic!

Philip Zeplin: Hey, its nice to see you again.
Why did you want to do another interview?

Orac: People were asking me a lot of questions over email, I thought this would
make it easier.

Philip Zeplin: Well, as far as I have understood, many people have asked you a lot of questions about the latest update at your site, your video of Natalie’s graduation. One of the more asked was, if it gives out Natalie’s real name, right? Now I have to ask you, does it?

Orac: It does give her last name but can you hear it? I hear but that is probably
cause I already knew the last name. When it was played for people that never
heard it before they could not tell what was said. It is very hard to hear.
Also we (AQ) tried to remove it but we hit some problems. It was either post
it with the name or don’t post it all. Our first rule of the site is make it
for the fans, not for Natalie. If news is bad for Natalie but its still news
to fans we will post it. I am sure 90% of the fans would like the video. I
was not going to let the fans not see it cause of one thing that can easily
be found anyway. All you need to do is go to yahoo.com and search "Natalie
Portman's real last name" Its not really hard to find the name. I do update
and things for the fan, that comes first.

Philip Zeplin: Does it give out anything else?

Orac: Maybe her High School name, not sure, I do know the whole video does.

Philip Zeplin: Why did you actually post it? As I remember reading on your message board (which I can only recommend) you wanted to go out with a bang, and have been planning it for some time now, right?

Orac: I had the video for a few months and new about it for about a year. (However
this one is not the same as the one being sold on ebay I am told). It took me
a long time to get it made to MPG format. Once I had it made it was close to
the end of the site. I wanted something big and new for fans, so this was it.

Philip Zeplin: Anything you’d like to add about this?

Orac: Other thing about the grad. tape
We do know that Natalie's Pub. Kelly Bush sees AQ time to time. She has
never had a probally with us posting the Grad. pictures or School pictures.
We are told that even Natalie didn’t care. It seems that Natalie or her people
have no probally with us posting the video/pic. If they ask them to be taken
off they would. But if they are ok with it, why should anyone care?

Philip Zeplin: There you can see people, she does check us out (which is a much discussed topic) Now you said a bit earlier that you thought the fans always came first, how did you get that attitude?

Orac: To me the site has always been for the fans and that made the number #1. I
started the site to give fans news about Natalie. They have always been the
main reason for doing the site, not Natalie.

Philip Zeplin: Now one of the things that have been bugging me, and a lot of others I think, is why did you actually decide to close down your site? I heard a rumor saying that you thought Natalie didn’t have much more of a future in acting, is there any truth in that?

Orac: I posted all this on the message board and have a link to it under End of a
Era. There a lot of reason. That one you brought up is not true at all. The
main reason is that I do not have the time to make it the best site it can

Philip Zeplin: If there was one thing that could make you change your mind, what would that be?

Orac: mmm, hard one. If someone said they would pay for the server and my time
maybe. Not sure. Probably nothing. Maybe if I could get a team together of
great webmasters that I know could handle the site 110%.

Philip Zeplin: If this was assembled, would you get the site back up immediately, or would you still have doubts?

Orac: If I got a team of about 5-6 people that could give 110% to the site, a
serves for the site (not a free one with ads) and everything seems to be going
good I would probably bring it up again. I would want to have a good designer
to redo it and other things before bring it back.

Philip Zeplin: Are there any chance that we might be lucky enough to see Americas Queen come back later?

Orac: It could happen but I would say it would be while. A year or most at the
most. However after I take off a little time I want to work on some website
ideas. One of those idea has to do with Natalie. It would not be Americas
Queen but it would be something, if all goes to plans. However I don’t want to
work on that for about year.

Philip Zeplin: Any chance you’d give the fans (of both you and Natalie, which also makes me) a little hint to what this project is all about?

Orac: All I can say now is if for the project to work, and I would only do it if it
would work, I would need the help of a lot of other top Natalie news sites.
That is all I want to say about it now. However I will be happy to share my
ideas with you, off the record.

Philip Zeplin: Well thank you! (This may some day end up as my site bringing some original news! ;) ) Now that the site is closed down, what would you call the most fantastic and favorite news that you broke?

Orac: That is hard one cause we have had so many. The biggest had to be the bootleg
Star Wars trailer picture. That cause us to get the most hits for any news.
We were the only site to have a picture of the trailer and we also had the
first ever picture of Jar Jar Binks. The picture had to be removed after
24hours, due to legal issues. However it was the biggest breaking thing we
ever had. Next to that it was probably posting news on Natalie doing Star
Wars long before anyone else. Other big stores was Natalie nude pictures and
her Fake ID story. Those got us some big hits.

Philip Zeplin: Now at the end of the sites closing, do you regret anything about your past with Americas Queen?

Orac: Not really. There is no news or anything on the site that I wish I never
posted. I did do something years ago to make some over at natalieportman.com
hate me.

Philip Zeplin: Care to tell me what that was? Did it have anything to the hate that later was between the two of your sites?

Orac: I posted with other nicknames, not Orac, to screw around with a guy at
natalieportman.com that didn’t like. To me it was joke, me and others got a
kicked out of screwing with him, but they (a few at np.com) took it to far.
They didn’t understand it was all in fun.

Philip Zeplin: Are there any news you WISH you would have broken?

Orac: Maybe some Star Wars stuff that the big Star wars sites had. But I cant
really come up with anything special. AQ did our best at breaking Natalie
news and I believe we did the best job.

Philip Zeplin: And indeed you did! Since this really is the end, I have to ask you, what was all this with the Site Wars?

Orac: It was a dumb thing. My fault for acting like a jackass on the message board,
doing jokes that was funny only do a few friends. However it was also the
fault natalieportman.com for making to much out of things and attacking me
and the site. Other than that I don’t want to say anything else, its over.

Philip Zeplin: Now I’ll shoot a classic comment at you: Any last words?

Orac: just Take care and I want all Natalie fans to know that with out them the
site was have been nothing. I always cared more for the fans of the site than
Natalie herself.

Philip Zeplin: If you had a chance you give some news that would be great for the fans, but seriously hurt Natalie’s career (for example a porn video with her (not that there is any)), would you post that?

Orac: It all depends, if they porn was made by Natalie and not a private event then
I don’t see why I should not post it for those over 18. Now if it was a
homemade sex tape or some stalker took it I would not post it. Like the nude
pictures. However porn is not really news. Kinda like her dating. Americas
Queen has never posted news on who she was dating. We did more news on her
acting and other things. Now lets say I found out she was doing The
Professional 2 and she and her people didn’t want the news out that she was
doing it. If AQ found out about it, we would post it.

Philip Zeplin: Ahh, and so would I! Lol. Did you ever withhold any news?

Orac: Yes, some rumors. There was a time we got rumors from 3 different source
about drug use. We felt that there was no reason to post that. We felt that
it wasn’t really news but more of gossip.

Philip Zeplin: Were there ever some of the news you wish you had actually gone with? Or were there any of them that got up on any of the other sites?

Orac: Not really, I mean we only posting news that could be back upped with two or
more sources. 99.9% of the time this worked out for out best. In the last
year however some sites started doing great covering on The Seaqul. We missed
out on some of that stuff and I wish we didn’t. In the start other sites
kicked out ass at getting new pictures. However we wanted the site to be more
news site so we didn’t look for picture. But we wished at times we had the
first ones. That sure if that really answered your question.

Philip Zeplin: I guess it do. What have surprised you most about the feedback about your closing?

Orac: Probably the fact that people really seemed to be upset about it. I mean some
people were down right mean about it and some were down right upset hard!

Philip Zeplin: Yeah, and I’m one of em’! ;) In your time with AQ, have you gotten more praising mail, or more hating?

Orac: More hate mail, but I believe more people like the site (and myself) than
hate it. I found that people that love the site don’t care that much about
writing. However those that hate it seems to have want to tell me everything
they hate.

Philip Zeplin: Well, I figure that’s logical enough. Now, I figure you gotta be one of the best people to ask this, given your long knowledge of Natalie, what do you think was Natalie’s biggest proven mistake in her career, and what do you think was the smartest? (that we know of, of course)

Orac: I probably will be bashed for this but if I had to say Natalie made a mistake
in her movie choices that would be Where the Heart is. The movie I felt was
okay, AQ bashed it hard once we read the script, but I feel that as her first
staring role this was not the best she could have picked. The smartest? Has
to be picking great scripts that are linked with great actors and film
makers. Look over her movies, look who she worked with. It amazing the talent
she been with. She is very smart at picking roles.

Philip Zeplin: Well then, what do you think was the news that made the biggest impact on the Natalie community (beside she being in Star Wars) and the news giving the biggest impact on your site?

Orac: That is hard one. I don’t believe it was just one story but the fact that we
had a lot of news over time bad the biggest impact. It showed fans that we,
don’t had a lot news but we also had a lot of good inside sources. All the
news together made the impact not just one thing.

Philip Zeplin: Any last thing you want to add?

Orac: How are you hits doing? I have a link to your site now on the main page, how
it helped?

Philip Zeplin: Well, thanks for your concern. Well, I haven’t checked today, but yesterday my referrer URL was down, and that’s the one your using, so people couldn’t see the page, but I’ll have to check that, and get back to you. And thanks for it by the way :)
Anyway, I’m glad you chose my site to do the interview. I, and many other people I think, hope to see and hear more about you in the future!