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Sailor Venus's SM Movie Guide

Hello. This is my page about the three Sailor Moon Movies.
Sailor R, Sailor Moon S & Sailor Moon SuperS
First we need to start with the people in the movies and their attacks, enemy's and some pictures.
MIDI - Route Venus

Sailor Moon Romance The Movie: The Promise Of The Rose

Sailor Moon R the movie takes place right after Sailor Moon R. Darien's lonley past is reveled to us. When Princess SerenityDarien was in the hospital, he meet and alien(like Anne and Allen) named Fior. Since Fior had to leave because his life would have been too short, Darien gave him a red rose to remember him by. Fior promised to return with flowers for him.
Reeny is here in this movie just to vist. Reeny and the Sailors, Raye, Lita, Amy and me catch Darien and Serena kissing in the flower nersery. Darien moves and leaves Serena there alone. Raye and Reeny stick a catterpiller on a leaf in her face so she almost kissed it! We laughed at her even though it was worng.
Darien standed outside and thinks about the flowers. Then it begins to rain Flower Peddles!Flower Peddless!? Serena begins to dance in them like a weirdo. Then a guy comes up and tells Darien the promise he made with him was finally foflilled. Darien dose not understand, either dose us! Then Serena gets the guy mad and he pushes her. He dissaperes and leaves us wondering who he is. That night Artmis and Luna tell us about this planet hedding for Earth, but it seemed hollow.
The next day we all head out to school when Raye gets a bad vibe and we all run to see tons of people laying in the street, their energy had been stolen. One grabs me put I kick him in the jaw. Soon all the people come and try to steel our energy. Lita beets the crap out of them. Amy gets the reading on the bad guy that is half human and half plant! We transform and kick her but with the help of Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon.