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>From Cox, Elza B., "The Genealogy of William Tobias Phillips nee Alice
(Elsie) B. Henson...", (Copyright 1989), p. 3 & 4. >>>>>

Pittsylvania Deed Book 3, page 211, 14 Dec 1772, Hannah Dodson conveyed 5
slaves to Tobias Phillips
Pittsylvania Deed Book 4, page 53, 12 April 1774, Hannah Dodson conveyed 150
acres on Pigg River to Tobias.
Pittsylvania Deed Book 8, page 518, April 10, 1790, Hannah Dodson conveyed
100 acres to Tobias.

1781, Tobias and Margaret moved to Montgomery (now Floyd) County, VA and
settled on Greasy Creek (branch of Big Reed Island) near the Grayson (now
Carroll) County line.
April 28, 1778, Tobias Phillips was listed on the Master Roll of Militia
Company of Capt. Jonathan Isom.
1782, Tobias was taxed in Montgomery County, VA and enlisted in the Militia
of Montgomery County in Capt. William Bobbit.
May2, 1782, Tobias proved claim for 22/6 for provisions furnished to the
Montgomery Militia under Major Cloyd while they were in search of Tories.
Oct 10, 1782, Tobias Phillips survey of 190 acres of land on Greasy Creek.

Montgomery County, VA, Survey Book D, page 252, April 20, 1786, Tobias
Phillips entered a survey for 370 acres.

Montgomery County Tax List, 1782, Tobias Phillips recorded as having 1 tithe
(one son over age 21), 3 slaves, 4 horses, 19 head of cattle.

(May have gone back to Pittsylvania County for a time)

Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 293, Oct. 12, 1792, a Tobias
Phillips of Pittsylvania County conveyed 150 acres of land on Pigg River to
a Joseph Towler.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 295, Oct 12, 1792, Tobias
Phillips conveyed 100 acres of land to Joseph Towler.

Grayson County tax lists, 1795 to 1806, Tobias Phillips listed as taxed

May 24, 1808, Tobias attended court

"The Smith manuscript, among others, states that Tobias was found laying in
Indian Creek in the year 1808. The horse on which he was riding when he was
last seen alive was wandering nearby."
He was a welthy man at the time of his death, owning several hundred acres
in Montgomery (now Floyd) and Grayson (now Carroll) counties.

Will of Tobias Phillips

This the twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and Six, I do make this my last will and testament being weak in
body but sound in memory. First, I recommend my body to the dust and my
spirit to God that gave it. And for the desposing of my worldly possessions
first, I do give and bequeath unto my daughter, Hannah Hanson One dollar out
of my estate. And to my daughter, Franky at her coming of age I give Twenty
pounds and a feather bed and furniture and cow and calf and other property
to valuation. And further I give and bequeath to my other two daughters,
Nancy and Rachel each of them a feather bed and furniture and cow and calf
and other property to valuation to make them 20 pounds each. Further to my
sons namely, John, Joseph and Jehu I give and bequeath at their coming of
age to each of them a horse to be valued at 20 pounds or to be made up to
that valuation out of my estate. Furthur I do leave unto my loving wife,
Peggy Phillips all the rest of my real and personal estate during her
natural life or widowhood, and at her second marriage or decease then to be
disposed of to my children and grandchildren hereafter named to wit: William
Phillips, Thomas Phillips, Robert Phillips, John Phillips, Richard Phillips,
Joseph Phillips, and Jehu Phillips, daughters, Molly Quesenberry, Franky
Phillips ,Betsy Dalton, Janey Cock, Nancy Phillips and Rachel Phillips, and
to my daughter, Hannah's four children namely: John Hanson, and William
Hanson, Anne Hanson and Peggy Hanson to wit: to each of them an equal part
of my estate real and personal except my four grandchildren here-to- fore
named to heir, but one child's part and in the willing of legacies I
mentioned not my oldest children they having received their parts. And
lastly I do constitute, and ordain my loving wife Peggy Phillips Executrix
and my loving friend, Andrew Cock Executor to this my last will and
Tobias Phillips (seal) Signed sealed witnessed the day and year above
George Smith
Thomas Dinkins
Ephriam Courman
Grayson County Court March 1809. This last will and testament of Tobias
Phillips,deceased, was proven in court by the oaths of Thomas Dickins and
George Smith subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
Martin Dickinson

<<<<< End of info from Cox, Elza B., "The Genealogy of William Tobias
Phillips nee Alice (Elsie) B. Henson...", (Copyright 1989), p. 3 & 4.

>From Smith, Janice Kinsler, "Goad and Webb Family of Southwest Virginia,
With Allied Families, Vol II, Goad Family", 1994 Revision" >>>>>

"He was enrolled into William Bobbit's militia company, but the only extant
muster roll carries him as 'not fit,' presumably meaning that he was not
able to attend muster. In May 1782 he appeared before the Montgomery Court
(Summers, Annals, p. 770) and claimed reimbursement for provisions furnished
to the Montgomery militia under Major Cloyd while they were apparently
camped on his property in a Tory hunting expedition. He had furnished
Cloyd's men with two muttons, a bushel and a half of corn, pasturage for
sixteen horses and other sundries. His claim was allowed."
"He was a prosperous man all his life, apparently able to manage business
and make a good living. He was one of the few slaveholders in what is now
Carroll." (Alderman, The Settlements, p. 134)

<<<<<End of information from Smith, Janice Kinsler, "Goad and Webb Family of
Southwest Virginia, With Allied Families, Vol II, Goad Family", 1994

>From Payne, Joseph A., "Descendants of John Phillips and Elizabeth Tobias"
cites Mary B. Kegley, "Early Adventurers on the Western Waters"
In August 1780, Col. Walter Crockett at Fort Chiswell advised sending the
militia into Greasy Creek and towards the Flower Gap. Therafter the
montgomery militia did from time to time come into the country searching for
Tories, because Tobias Phillips, Andrew Cock and William Bobbit furnished
them with supplies.
<<<<<<End of information from Payne, Joseph A., "Descendants of John
Phillips and Elizabeth Tobias"

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