Title: Kolopak Author: Yarb Rating: PG-13 (a couple of not-so-bad words) Authors Note: Ok, I sort of took the idea from Imzadi, with the Guardian of Forever, sort of. Disclaimer: We all know by now that Star Trek, and every one of the characters belongs to Paramount. Yadda yadda yadda, I don't own them, they're not mine, I'm getting no money. "Captain," Harry spoke up, breaking the silence on the Bridge. "I'm picking up an M-class planet in this sector." The image on the main viewscreen magnified to show the nearby solar system. Kathryn looked at the yellow and brown marble that rested on a backdrop of dark, glittering velvet. "I'm detecting trace energy fluxes," he said with a puzzled look. "Perhaps resulting from a warp capable society," Tuvok cut in. harry nodded. "Maybe," he said, almost doubtfully. "Lay in a course then, Mr. Paris," Kathryn said, curiosity ebbing. "Aye, Captain." A few hours later, Harry reported that Voyager was within communications range. "That's odd." he said, "I'm detecting no intelligent life sign." Then...where is the energy coming from, if there aren't any people?" Tom asked from his post at the front of the Bridge. "Right here," Harry said as a view of one of the smaller continents came to life on the screen. A small range of red near the center. "The energy pulses emanate approximately every half an hour." Kathryn thought a moment. "I want a report on the environment, and the effects it would have on humanoids within the hour." She rose from her command chair and glanced at her tall first officer, who had risen to stand beside her. "Chakotay, you have the Bridge." The door chimed. "Come in," Kathryn called as she ordered another cup of coffee from the replicator. Chakotay strode in holding a datapadd. "The report you ordered is ready," he handed it to her as she sat down. "Harry didn't have the nerve to present a late report to the Captain?" she chuckled. She then scanned the padd. Harry still hadn't mastered the art of getting to the point. She wasn't interested in geological formations, she wanted to know if anything would pose a threat. No wonder the report was late. Then she found what she was looking for, "Well, it looks safe to me," she said looking up at Chakotay, who wore a concerned expression. "What?" "That makes your fourth cup today, and it's only 1300 hours"> "That's for me and the Doctor to worry about. Besides, it's been a rough week, I need the caffeine." She said as she stood, challenging him. "When was the last time you slept?" She glared at him in mock-rage. "I'm going to hit you, if you don't cut that out!" she threatened, brandishing Harry's report. He raised his hands as if to defend himself as he backed away. "Isn't it against regulations to beat up your first officer?" She lowered the padd, "Alright, you win...for now. But that's only because there's work to do." And I wouldn't want to damage that handsome face of yours. She added silently. She walked towards the door. As she came out onto the Bridge, Harry quickly found something incredibly fascinating on his personal viewscreen. Kathryn raised an eyebrow, but decided to let the late report slide, just this once. "Tuvok, you're with me, you too Chakotay. Tom, you have the Bridge." "Yes, Ma'am!" he replied, a little too eagerly. She grimaced at the way he always said that. The three stepped onto the turbolift. "Janeway to Engineering." "Engineering, Torres here," B'elanna's soft yet tough voice answered. "Meet me in Transporter Room 2, five minutes." "Right away, Torres out." As soon as the away team rematierialized on the planet's surface, Kathryn noticed the emptiness. It wasn't the lack of physical things: plants, rocks, or wildlife. It was the realization that they were the only four sentient beings on an entire planet. And this planet was rather large compared to Earth. "The energy source is about one half kilometer in that direction." "Let's go," Kathryn said as she made her way around the boulders. Fifteen minutes later they reached a clearing, surrounded by a natural stone wall. In the middle was an archway. "Somebody must have been here at one time to have created that." Chakotay mused. Kathryn had to agree. B'elanna scanned the area with her tricorder. "That thing." She indicated the archway with a nod, "seems to be the source of the energy fluxes. All the readings are the same." Chakotay spoke up, "That's odd. There aren't any signs as to..." he was cut off by a flash of light coming from the center of the clearing. Everyone had to protect their eyes from the blinding light. B'elanna was the first to notice. "What the hell?' she said as her eyes focused on a red and black uniform tumbling out of thin air beneath the arch. "Whoa!" everyone looked at her. "I just got a surge of information. During that flash there was a window opened into another universe." "A portal between universes?" Kathryn said, as she looked over B'elanna's shoulder, unable to believe it without facts. "That's right, Captain." "Then, who is that?" Chakotay asked. The person was too far away to be recognized, but they could tell that it was a man. As he moved towards them, Kathryn was the first to distinguish who it was. She looked up at her own first officer as he realized he was looking into a perpetual mirror. "Thank God!" the other Chakotay exclaimed as he neared them, "Someone is here!" The team shared a confused look. He went on to explain. "My ship...Voyager...it was captured by the Laroicans. We were abandoned...to this planet." He looked around, then continued. "We set up a camp...knowing we would probably be here...well there...for quite awhile. When the Laroican ship returned I was hunting alone. And when I returned to the camp...everyone was dead." He looked at Kathryn with grief in his eyes. "But here...you're all alive." Chakotay looked around at his group, the thought of losing any of them was a little too unsettling. "We'll have to have the Doctor take a look at you, to make sure you're all right." Kathryn said, "Then we'll figure out where to go from there. Tuvok, I want you to bring a team back down here, and look into that thing." "Aye, Captain." "Voyager, five to beam up." "You seem fine. Aside from a few cuts, scrapes, and minor dehydration. I give you a clean bill of health." The Doctor said as he finished his scan on the new Chakotay. "Thank you Doctor," Kathryn said as her newest crewmember slid off the biobed. "Have you any idea what you would like to do now?" she addressed this Chakotay, who was slightly different than the man she had known for the past five years. His hair had flecks of gray and his eyes were sunken, probably from lack of sleep. "I was hoping to stay here, on Voyager." He said as they left sickbay. Kathryn nodded, thinking about having two Chakotays on board. "We'll see, in the mean time, consider yourself on vacation. I'll also have to give you guest quarters." She added with a touch of sympathy. They rounded a corner and stopped outside of his new quarters. "Thank you, I can understand your unsureness," he replied. He then looked at her in that way that made her feel like he was reading every thought in her mind. Then he stepped through the door, leaving her in the empty corridor. B'elanna walked into the mess hall and noticed a familiar sandy-haired ensign, sitting at a table, his back to her. She stepped up behind him mischievously and covered his eyes, "Guess who?" "What the hell?!!" he yelled as he spilled his coffee. B'elanna stifled a laugh as she sat down across from him. He glared at her, but soon forgave her. She did after all know something he didn't. "So, I heard something on your away mission. Care to tell me?" "Well, actually not that much happened," she said, intent on making him wonder. "Come on B'e, if I don't know then I'll have to jump back into the betting pool." "Oh, and what is your theory as to what happened?" "Well, I heard from a couple of ensigns..." "Tom, you are an ensign." B'elanna cut in. "Yeah, I know, don't remind me. Anyway, I heard that something happened with the commander. I don't know exactly what, but I'm willing to take a few guesses." He finished with that ship-wide known gleam in his eye. B'elanna had come to know Tom well enough that she could tell he didn't have a clue as to what had happened on the away mission. It was just luck that he had chosen Chakotay. She thought she'd let him stew for awhile. Besides, he would know sooner or later. Probably sooner, considering the gossip chain on Voyager. "Really Tom, not that much happened." She said as she got up to leave. She had intended to get a cup of coffee, but now she felt like talking to someone. Not Tom, somebody who was just as close to Chakotay as she herself was. "Come in," Kathryn said. She couldn't think of who it could be. But when she looked up, she was pleased to see who entered. "B'elanna, sit down. Would you like something to drink?" This is better than mess hall. Now I won't have to use my own rations. B'elanna thought as she accepted. "Now, what can I do for you?" Kathryn asked as she sat back down behind her desk, sliding the reports she had been reading out of the way. "Well, it's about Chakotay, or rather, the new Chakotay." Kathryn nodded, letting her mind wander to the delicate situation. "I was wondering what's going to happen now?" Kathryn sighed, "He has asked to stay on board. I know it will be quite stressful, for everybody, but I just don't see any other solution. We can't very well leave him here." "What does Chakotay think?" "I haven't really discussed it with him yet. I'm sure he'll feel the same way, though." B'elanna thought about that, "It'll be really awkward for him, for both of them." Kathryn nodded again, in agreement. "Wait a minute," B'elanna spoke up after a moment. "What are we going to call him?" "Oh...hell, I didn't even think of that." Was the reply as Kathryn realized another problem had just been added to her already towering mental pile. "Yes?" was the reply that came from inside the room. Kathryn stepped through the door. Chakotay, or rather the new Chakotay, was sitting at a desk. He looked up and smiled at her. "Kathryn," he said, "What can I do for you?" he stood and motioned for her to sit down on the couch. She relaxed a little at his use of her first name. Maybe this whole thing won't be so hard after all, he's almost exactly like our Chakotay. "I don't know how to put this," she started. "But, first of all it's not going to be entirely easy having..." "Two people on the same ship who are exactly alike." He finished for her. She smiled, "You read my mind." "Well, I've been thinking about it for awhile. Ever since my father died, I've wanted to honor him, in some way. Maybe now I can by using his name." "Kolopak?" He nodded in response. But his mind wasn't really on the topic they were discussing. If I don't act now, I might not get another chance. He thought. She started to stand, but he put his left hand on her arm, and looked into her eyes. He had gotten her attention. He then leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. He was relieved to feel her kissing him back. I shouldn't be doing this! Her mind reeled. I'm the Captain, it's against protocol, besides, what about Chakotay? Her mind gave her a million and one reasons to stop this here and now. But she couldn't. In an instant, the tender turned sour. In one swift motion Cha-Kolopak reached up and snatched the commbadge off of her uniform and hurled it across the room. He twisted her arm up and behind her back, then threw his right arm around her neck. He had her right where he wanted her. Letting out a cry of pain, Kathryn tried to retaliate. But he had had it all planned out. She didn't have a second to defend herself. Two decks up Chakotay woke, he had an odd feeling. Something was wrong. He didn't know how, but he knew it was Kathryn. "Computer, locate the Captain." "Captain Janeway is on deck 5, guest quarters 13." Was the reply. He reached for his commbadge. "Chakotay to Janeway." No response, "Kathryn are you there?" Kathryn strained her eyes to look over towards where her commbadge had landed. "Chakotay!" was all the got out before Kolopak clamped his hand over her mouth. Chakotay leapt out of his bed. He tapped the badge again. "Security to guest quarters 13, deck 5!" he shouted as he threw on his uniform. By the time he got there, a security team was outside the door to the newly named Kolopak. "Commander," one of the lieutenants turned to him. "he's overridden our security codes." Chakotay tired his own code, to no avail. "Trying to get in?" Chakotay heard his counterpart's voice from inside the room. "If you try anything, I will her." Chakotay knew very well who he meant. "What do you want?" He didn't have to wait very long for a response, Kolopak had it all planned from the start. "A shuttle, rations, and 500 federation credits." "We can do that," Chakotay said. He knew that Kathryn would have tried to bargain. But all he was concerned about right now was her. Who knew what Kolopak might do if he didn't get what he demanded. Besides, he had a plan. "Chakotay to Tuvok." "Tuvok here." "I want you to meet me in Shuttlebay 1 with a full security team." "On my way, Commander." Chakotay turned to the lieutenant. "Stay here, don't let anybody out." Chakotay and Tuvok went over the plan one last time, to make sure everything was set. Chakotay had changed into an off-duty outfit, so as to avoid confusion. “And remember, when I say ‘set to kill’ that means stun.” “There is no way that I would forget.” Right, right, I know. Vulcans. Chakotay thought. “Chakotay to Lieutenant Arrendson. Lieutenant, escort our guest to the shuttlebay.” “Right away, sir.” Came the response. A few minutes later Kolopak entered, followed by the first security team. Kathryn was bedside him. Anger flashing in her eyes at being held hostage on her own ship. Tuvok had his team near the shuttle, their weapons drawn. Chakotay wasn’t about to give up Kathryn without a fight. He’d kill Kolopak first, if that’s what it took. “Lieutenant,” he said, turning to Tuvok, “set to kill.” He looked back at Kathryn with a look in his eyes that said please-trust-me. “You shoot, I kill her, too.” He threatened, “Don’t think I won’t.” “Fire!” the word had barely left his mouth when two phaser beams lurched across the room. One hit Kathryn while the other caught a very much surprised Kolopak square in the chest. With quick reflexes, Chakotay had caught Kathryn before she hit the floor. Nobody bothered with her captor, except for Arrendson, who was ordered to haul him down to the brig before he awoke. Chakotay carried Kathryn to her quarters, and laid her down on the couch. She would be out for awhile longer, so he decided to take care of Kolopak first. Chakotay arrived in the brig to find the Doctor there, he was giving their prisoner a little wake-up call. “Thank you Doctor, somehow you read my mind.” He said as he watched Kolopak come to. Suddenly rage overcame him. “How in hell could you do that?!!” he bellowed. “I can’t understand how anyone who is supposed to be me in another universe, or wherever the hell you came from, could do that to her! Who are you really?” 20 minutes later, Chakotay had the whole story. His wonderful counterpart had never really trusted his own Kathryn Janeway at all. He blamed her completely for them being stranded in the damnable Delta Quadrant. Just as this Kathryn had hoped to put the past behind them, so had the other Kathryn. But Chakotay, or Kolopak, or whoever he was, had staged a mutiny in spite of it all. And from what he told, he relished in killing every one of the starfleet officers. That hadn’t been enough though. He had an uncontrollable urge to make all of them pay, so when they had stumbled onto the planet harboring a window into the next universe, he willingly leapt through, to complete his horrid mission. “Well, it looks like you didn’t succeed after all,” Chakotay glared at him. He made his way back to Kathryn’s quarters, wanting to be there when she woke up. When she did, she looked right into his dark eyes. She drew in a sharp breath and backed away. But then the last hour or so came back to her. “Chakotay?” “Yes, it’s me. Don’t worry, he was taken care of.” Suddenly he found her arms around him. She repeated the lovely moment she had shared with Kolopak or-oh whatever! Kissing him in one fluid, tender movement. It went on, much like before, but it turned out much more to her liking. And she had the right man this time, too. FIN