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My Personal Interests

So Many People Misunderstand BDSM.

It Is *NOT* About Beating Someone, Or Hurting Someone.

It's about A Loving, Trusting, Safe, Sane, and Consentual

Relationship. A Very Strong Bond - Let Yourself Learn.

Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Tai, Y/you've probably already guessed that by now. However, Y/you're still reading, so Y/you must have some interest in what i have to say. I am 23 years old, female, currently single. I lead a very happy, healthy life. No i was not molested as a child. No i was not beaten as a child. I have simply always felt a strong pull towards being submissive, even as a young child.

I can't even begin to count how many times i've told someone that i have an active interest in BDSM, and received a response very similar to: "Oh, so, you like to beat people? Or do you like to be beaten?" The answer? Neither! I am submissive, i enjoy having a Man who i can feel safe with, who i know can *and* will protect me. Someone who watches over me, lovingly points out my faults and helps me overcome them.

The mind of a submissive in the BDSM lifestyle (yes, lifestyle. This is not a game, to me, at least) is a very complex thing. Her Dom/Master needs to know everything about her - her needs, her wants, her fantasies, her desires. He needs to know everything which terrifies her, everything which upsets her, what her limits are. And, in return, He needs to be willing to give her a reason to feel as if she can trust Him with that much information. She needs to know it won't be used to His advantage -- too often. This is where the trust issue comes in. Everything MUST be consentual, This is a give and take, a power exchange. That is a lesson many still need to learn.

One very good reference guide is a book called Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns
It is a step-by-step manual, almost. A beginner's guide to sado-masochism, if Y/you will. Very well written, humorous, and easy to read. I strongly recommend it.

If Y/you do not already know, BDSM stands for Bondage/Discipline, Sado-Masochism. Although, i personally prefer to view it as: BD-Bondage/Discipline, D/s-Domination/submission, SM-Sadism/Masochism. They are all parts of the lifestyle, but please do not confuse that with the lifestyle being a part of them. Every one of U/us are different. Some prefer the B/D aspect of it, tight bindings with none of the pain or mental games involved in D/s or S/M. Others prefer S/M only, while still others enjoy all three aspects near equal.

If Y/you're looking for reading materials for any of these, try to Search for Sadomasochism
Or try to Search for Sexual dominance and submission

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