It all starts with evolution or Adam And Eve.
Your not a Christian or whatever religion if you believe in evolution?!?
So, now you're labeled a nut job, but according to the "good Book" you're not suppose to judge! That's the "Creaters" job! Hypocrite!
Humans judge All the time in one way or the other. Humans are in general, the lowest life-form on the planet. You won't see any other life forms judging one another!
Point to ponder? If God is the father and Mary gave birth to Jesus and wasn't married nor had sex with Joseph, does that make Mary a slut or is incest best? Since having a kid out of wedlock is frowned upon and having a fatherless child frowned upon, does that make Christianity good? I guess our Southern American friends have it right then: You know you're a Redneck if you go to family reunions to meet girls! Don't cry darlin', just because we got a divorce doesn't mean you're not my sister. Puke!
Humans have been evolving for thousands of years. There's scientific proof humans are decendents of apes, not from the fact the Adam was created from a lump of sand and busted a rib and there was Eve! Whatever!
My God is better than your God! Another ass hat! Is there "really" a God? No one knows...You're just suppose to have "faith"?!? Yea right...that's like saying Obama is good for America!
The roman emporer Constatine "decided" he was going to take four teachings of the "main" apostles and hash out with the various religious leaders of his time and form his own "book". So, now Catholicism is "born" so to speak. Millions of people were slauaghtered or forced to convert to his way and point of view! And it still is going on today...If you're that ignorant, Google it, I'm not that far off!
If there was suppose to be an "official" religion(s), it would be: Judiasm, Muslim, Hindu, Buddist, Pagan, and all forms of North and South American spiritual views. No Christian beliefs, because they didn't come around for hundreds or thousands of years later! Christian beliefs and views came about when it was beaten into you by the marauding armies of their leaders...
more to come...just my point of view and since I am a Vet, I know I deserve to exercise my 1st amendment right, so if you don't like it, bugger off!
Please excuse my typos. I will fix them later..
This is what I Am: "The Transcendentalist adopts the whole connection of spiritual doctrine. He believes in miracle, in the perpetual openness of the human mind to new influx of light and power; he believes in inspiration, and in ecstasy. He wishes that the spiritual principle should be suffered to demonstrate itself to the end, in all possible applications to the state of man, without the admission of anything unspiritual; that is, anything positive, dogmatic, personal. Thus, the spiritual measure of inspiration is the depth of the thought, and never, who said it? And so he resists all attempts to palm other rules and measures on the spirit than its own." Keep an open mind and treat others as you would want to be treated. Plain and simple!!!!

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