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Eclectic Theatre

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Love Muffin to enter this site
Hello there all my little love muffins. I am so very glad that you could make it to visit my webpage. I swear Im putting new things up now. Ive recently gotten back into my art work and will putting up some links to other artists websites. I have new pictures of my daughter and myself. I have a lot of things that i will be doing and doing within the next month or so. I will be putting up quite few different little things in the next few weeks.(I'll believe it when I do it) If you have any kind of tidbit that you would like to share, let me know. I would love share your poetry, artwork, or anything else with everyone too. If you have any suggestions for my webpage please feel free to email me and let me know. I will take everything into account.

This page was last updated March 27, 2003
Pictures added to bottom of the Cora gallery and Moi gallery.

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Have something
that you feel the sudden urge
to talk about or express...
just post it here.

Poet's Corner

My Gallery of artwork



My daughter Cora

My Family and Friends

California Vacation

Meet Zoi (zo-ee)
If you would like to adopt your very own dragon click on the link on the other side of Zoi.
Very shortly I plan to have a page full of Dragons and links to Dragons.

Meet Serra, the newest addition to the dragon family. Zoi was getting lonely and starting to tear the place up so I had to get her a friend. While the first few days were rough Serra has adjusted and Zoi has a friend.

My favorite little old lady / Spirituality / Kid links or just kids at heart / Educational Links / Artsy Stuff / Wrestling / Paranormal Activity /
Find Your Inner Hidden Self / Time Waster and Laugh Makers /

These are a few sites that my brother Jason recomended to me. Thanks little bro.
Welcome to the Fantasy Heaven / Otaku World / The Anime Web Turnpike

I only recently found these ones
Dinny The Pooh

The Black Rose Tournament Series Utah's premier site for sanctioned play from Wizards Of The Coast.
Most of the tournaments are Magic The Gathering and you can find lost of decklists, articles and tournament reports.
