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The Dragon's Fang

"Are you satisfied? Do you what to destroy Order, destroy the world, is
that what you what? We were needed, that's why we were born. People
can not live with Order, even if it is a lie! Go on living Raven. Which one
of us was ultimately right? You have the right, the duty to find that out."

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Welcome to The Dragon's Fang, a website about the root of society, the foundation of civilization. Can't guess yet? Each culture has it's own ethics, and a group of cultures with simallar ethics makes up a society. All societies are based on Order, and since a nation is just several societies who run under the same structure we know that government runs off Order, not Good or Evil. Why is this important? First let me explain exactly what I mean when I say Order, Chaos, Good, and Evil.

First I will explain the force of nature I call Order. It is the active, generative forces of the universe. It is structure, Law, and masculine. Leadership, building, controlling, and ruling. Chaos is pasive, destructive, changing, deep thinking, emotional, and feminine sides of the universe. Now for the harder two, Good and Evil. From our general knowledge of good and evil we can see that there is both good and evil in both Order and Chaos from my definitions. This should clear up any steriotype you might have about order being good and evil being chaos. Most people's veiws of good and evil differ slightly, but most of these differences is because there are two types of good. Lawful Good and Chaotic Good, Lawful and Chaotic being my definitions of Order and Chaos. If someone is Lawful Good then they would choose justice over mercy; if someone is Chaotic Good then they would choose mercy over justice. Mercy and justice are both good, so how could either person be wrong. It simply depends on the person's perspective, or point of view, if they would choose mercy or justice. So why did I say all this before explaining my definition of good? The same reason I made this website, to open people's minds to new perspectives. So what universal force do I mean when I say Good? Anything that follows the nine Virtues which are Spirituality, Faith, Peace (harmony), Mercy, Trust, Justice, Humility, Love, and Compassion. The meanings of the nine virtues can be taken almost strait from dictionary definition. From here Evil is easily explained because its simply the opposite of Good, but I like to call Evil anything that follows the "Darker Virtues" which are Disheartened, Deception, Strife, Cruelty, Corruption, Tyranny, Pride, Scorn, and Greed. These too can be taken closely to dictionary definition.

Now that we are all familiar with the words Order, Chaos, Good, and Evil and that Order is not Good and Chaos is not Evil, we can talk about the nine alignments that come from these four universal forces and the place in between them, or neutral. The nine alignments are Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. A summary of the Nine alignments can be found here.

Philosophy | Government | Raven's Nest | About this Site

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