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, you have entered the realms of the Daemon World, Skalagar. Ruled over by the Immortal Lord Varius, Bloodlord of the Magi.

The Daemon World of Skalagar is split up into many different regions. Some dedicated to Khorne, where the blood of warriors is spilt all day and all night, in praise of the Blood God. While in other regions strange magics light the sky as the Sorcerors of Tzeentch weave their strange powers for a purpose that none but they and Tzeentch know of.

Then where the northern polar cap should be, rising thousands of miles into the air, as only somwhere situated within the Eye of Terror can do, stands the mighty citadel of Lord Varius, Immortal Chaos Space Marine Lord of Skalagar, Blood Champion of Khorne, Mage Lord of Tzeentch, the Bloodlord of the Magi.

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Email: lord_varius@yahoo.co.uk

This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. It is intended for the use by fans of the games. Used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended. All other content within this site is copywritten by their respective authors. Used without permission. Come to think of it, this site contains images and ideas nicked from others but no challenge is intended but as a devout follower of the blood god, I'll accept any challenges with "Handbags at 50 paces at dawn". So beware I'm leathal with a handbag. :)