[ed. note:  this is slightly risque. *cough*]

The sudden burst of filks on the list made me 
desperate to join in...unfortunately, the strength 
of the urge to filk has absolutely no correlation 
to quality in my case. Also, it would seem that the 
"they're doin' it" theories have embedded themselves 
deeper into my brain than I originally thought.

I'm sorry to put you through this (heheheh.)

Sister "Ice storm? What ice storm?" Beer

"In Bed" sung to the TV theme of "Rawhide"

Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
Rollin' rollin' rollin'
In bed

Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Though their lips are swollen
Keep them agents rollin'
In bed

Cuffs and rope and feathers
Scully's got some leather
She's got Mulder all ready for a ride
Only thing that's missin' (is)
Whipped cream and wine to christen
What happens next after seven seasons' ride

Get it on, get it up
Get it up, get it on
Get it on, get it up
In bed
Stretch it out, rub it down
Rub it down, stretch it out
Stretch it out, rub it down
In bed

Keep ('em) movin' movin' movin'
Though LOONs are disapprovin'
Keep those agents movin'
In bed
Scully don't have to understand him,
Just grab him, kiss and brand him
Soon Mulder will fall weak upon his knees
(but) Scully's calculatin'
That making love will hasten
Spooky's certain descent to insanity


Get him hot, make him beg
Make him beg, get him hot
Get him hot, make him beg
In bed
Wear him out, make him work
Make him work, wear him out
Scully, show him who's boss
In bed!


Author: Beer

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