"My X Files Things" 

Agents and
Bagels and
Cream cheese for snacking
Diana Fowley, whom should be sent packing
Extra Terrestrials and other beings
These are a few of our X File things

Freaks at the circus and
Goat sucking monsters
"Home" with the
Inbreds offended some sponsers
Krycek with no arm, the whole Russian thing
These are a few of our X File things

Livers for Toomsie and new
MUFON members
Nine MM clips so we can shoot Spender
Oil and
People, cross-pollinating
These are a few of our X File things

Queequeg the doggie, eaten by a creature
Ratboy left out of the big full-length feature
Sunflower seeds
Tapes with naughty things
These are a few of our X File things

UFO's often mistaken for planets
Venus, most commom said MIB's, dammit
Xrays and
Yaje and
Zombie beings
These are a few of our X File things

When the vamps bite
When the bees sting
When we're feeling sad
Just remember our X Files things
We won't feel so bad

[ed. note: she did the alphabet in the first letter
of each line. Which letter did she leave out? Hm?]

Author: Nicole

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