"You Shook Me All Night Long" by AC/DC
is now "Duchovny's Yumminess," a BAWDY anthem

Scully kicks ass in pants, you never see her prance
Sometimes I give her partner a second glance
He has these hazel eyes, searching for the lies
Why aren't there more Agent Mulder-type guys?
There's a shot from behind and I have to rewind
I see red speedos and I plain lose my mind
Self-control starts slipping, the drool is dripping
It's like I'm tripping and I am worshipping

Duchovny's yumminess, yeah, Duchovny's yumminess.

Didn't take me much time to join the BAWDY line
He's one of a kind, he's just plain damn fine
Mulder may be a punk, but the actor's a hunk
Made a convert of me, and I just come back for more
Need to break the spell that DD weaves so well
So I focus my stare on Scully's killer hair.
But control starts slipping, the drool is dripping
It's like I'm tripping and I am worshipping

Duchovny's yumminess, oh, Duchovny's yumminess
Knocked me flat I said Duchovny's yumminess
Oh --- I'm tripping from Duchovny's yumminesss
Dave Duchovny...so darn lovely...

(cool electric guitar solo)

Oh my those biceps yep Duchovny's yumminess
Oooh Duchovny's yumminess
Yeah, yeah Duchovny's yumminess
Oh my black boxers yep Duchovny's yumminess
Yeah Duchovny's, yes Duchovny's

Author: BAWDY Bryn

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