Like CathyB, I was happily humming Genesis tunes throughout the 
ep (SpawnFF must get our crack from the same supplier).  Even 
thought about filking one.  But I didn't.  After reading several 
posts about Fowley, I pondered the possibility of the following:
Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" --- "Gonna Hurl"
	Gonna hurl
	She's disrobing; someone plam that girl
	I bet that Mulder's gonna start to scream
	I bet this part isn't some mushroom dream
	Thanks 1013! Now I'm gonna hurl...

or Gershwin's "It Ain't Necessarily So" --- "Hell Yeah She's a 
Skanky ___/ Ho!"
	(sample lyrics not included due to naughty language)

However, these were Hardly About Scully.  Thus I picked some -- what
else? -- early 80's tunes (ok, coulda been showtunes).  Apologies to 
all the composers and lyricists whose work I've tinkered with this 
season, but, well, XF parody is a relatively sincere form of 
flattery.  Right?

Thank too to Spiced for agreeing to proof the second part :)

Bryn, who is currently running through the Abbey yelling in a
self-aggrandizing fashion, "Look Ma I filked the whole season!" and who
will probably get smacked pretty soon

I like to call it "Biogenethis"

to the tune of "Africa" by Toto

I hear her voice speak of humankind
She talks of cycles and chance of annihilation
Flash to a strange Iv'ry Coast find
Matches with another piece the prof has: integration
It flies and impales a Bible good
Merk calls Sandoz; sets off a secret chain of death and video
The agents get the case from Walt
With a rubbing of the artifact

(chorus 1)
It's gonna take a toll on Mulder's sanity
That leaves all the deduction to our Saint Scully
They found this thing down in Africa
Gonna take some skill to work out what is going on

Scully tells Mulder that he's won
But he's not really hearing her; he's dealing with a headache
She brings Chuck in; a fraud's been done
Navajo signs on object found in Africa? Mulder thinks big mistake
They check out Sandoz' living space
See their old pal Albert in a pic

(chorus 2)
They're gonna find Merkmallen cut up in the trash
Tell Skinner their thoughts while he has a hidden camera stashed
They found this thing down in Africa
Krycek's lurking round but of course we don't know what for

(cool electric marimba type solo)

Scully's in New Mexico?  Okay...

It's gonna take a lot to make Scully side with Fox
And Fowley's stripping down?! Aaaaaaah!  Mulder, change your locks!
They found this thing down in Africa
They found this thing down in Africa
They found this thing down in Africa
They found this thing down in Africa
They found this thing down in Africa
Gee it's bringing all sorts of bad guys back out to play

Author: Bryn

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