(By Sister Squat)

with *no* apologies to George Michael)

Well I guess we are all here
To worship in St. Scully,
Our smart and saintly Scully,
Who keeps us all so pure and true.

And when temptation comes along,
Say, in the form of Mulder,
That punky, selfish Mulder,
She tells us what to do.

Some of us think of him in red Speedos,
Or jay-bird nekkid in a storage crate,
Or even wet and starkers in the shower,
Our Scully comes to save us before it is too late.

'Cause we gotta have faith.
We gotta have faith.
Because we gotta have faith-a, faith-a, faith.
We gotta have faith.

Hoo boy! 
He gets us where it really hurts.
He really can be such a jerk
He really gives us all the blues.
But then
He gives us very naughty dreams,
And really shippy hallway scenes
And "Irresistible" hugs where he pays up all of his dues.

Before we get too far down this dark path,
Before we get so lost and all alone,
O Scully, we reconsider
Our foolish notions.
Though we look with lust at Mulder,
For our sins we must atone.

Yes, we've gotta have faith.
We gotta have faith.
Because we gotta have faith-a, faith-a, faith.
We gotta have faith.
Author: Sister Squat

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