Everyone who's sorry that I found a new lyrics site, 
raise your hand...and apologies to any of you who may 
have already filked "Aquarius."

St. Scully Save Us

When the Punk is in leap-of-logic mode
And Skinner aligns with the OPR
Then Scully will guide the O-B-S-S-E
And NFF won't have to pull out the RP car

There is a pleading cry from each and every nun:
"Oh Scully Please Save Us", "St. Scully Please Save Us"
"Scully, Save Us", "Scully, Save Us"

S.R.E.'s and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions,
Crazy Punkly dreams of visions,
Or sick crystal revelations...
Just the mind's true liberation:
"Scully, Save Us", "Scully, Save Us"

When a loon follows you to your house
Or a spacecraft washes up on the beach
Then Scully will guide the OBSSE (pronounced 'Ob-See' here)
And give a kickass SRE speech

This is the pleading cry of every OBSSE (again, 'Ob-See') nun:
"Oh Scully, Please Save Us", "St. Scully Please Save Us"
"Scully, Save Us", "Scully, Save Us"
"Scully, Save Us", "Scully, Save Us"

Let the science in
Let the science in
The sciii-ence in...

I promise, I'm going to bed now. By the way, is there 
an OPR? I can't remember anything but O-something 
Professional Conduct...but I seem to remember an OPR 
ref in some ep or FtF 

Sister Beer
is it normal to find stress relief in filking?

Author: Beer

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