Not to mention that someone dug up the heretofore unknown lyrics to "The Stars and Stripes Forever" which go like this:

Hail to the OBSSE!
All glory go to thee!

Oh, say hello to nuns who drink
And pray to the little redhead saint,
While videos they watch that deal with ditches and love and "taint."

We wear a wimple, smile a dimple.
Yes, we are Scullyists, Saint Scully is the best.
Pass the lard and laugh too hard
When we get together at Fest!

Have you seen the brother who goes twirling with the 'ritas?
Hooboy, that's a fancy trick!
And there is no snacking that you're lacking with Nanchita -
Find the tray and take your pick!

Get a plastic doll
And dress it up and maybe you will win a prize,
Then throw a Mulder ball
To save on stress and nail him right between the eyes.

And like Our Little Sailor
We say "Dammmit!"
Bastards who would fail her,
They can ram it.
We are brethren who
Can laugh
And sing
And drink
And quote from ep'sodes long gone by


Hail to OBSSE, best of all!
With its newsletter bright as the sunshine!
To Autumn and Paula and La,
Who love us even when we whine.

From all of us, sisters and bros,
We say "thanks for the love and all the friendship."
You do it for us, we suppose,
So take a bow, relax somehow, and pass the cheese dip!

Author: Jezebel

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