To the tune of "Never let me down again"
by Depeche Mode:

Never Lose My Phone Again
(circa Nisei/731)

I'm taking a ride
on a strange train --
Oh crap, I think I lost my phone again.
Who knows where it's taking me,
taking me away from Scully,
I'm taking a ride
on a strange train

Tracks flying past
I try not to fall on my ass
Really gotta get down
Really want to put my feet back down
On the ground.

I'm taking a ride
on a strange train
Oh crap, I think I lost my phone again.
Scully is out there trying my cellphone
She's gonna kill me when she finds out I'm all alone
I hope I never lose my phone again.

Never lose my phone.

I can get another phone,
If I can find a way back home...

(ps sorry for the phone/home rhyme. it sucks.)

Author: Zara

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