shredded and rewritten by Reade

 Lone Gunmen in the Sky 
(to the tune of Ghost Riders in the Sky...)

A young hacker went walkin' out one dark and windy day,
Upon a bench he rested as he went along his way
When all at once a group of panting Flovians* he saw
Came rushin' through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw.

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Lone Gunmen in the sky

Their loins were still on fire and their nerves were made of steel
Their stares were really smutty  and their hot breath you could feel
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
He saw the Gunmen running hard... and he heard their mournful cry

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Lone Gunmen in the sky.

Fro's gloves were on, Byers suit was mussed, 
  Langly's shirt was soaked with sweat
They're running hard to dodge those fans cause they're 
  playing hard to get
they'll have to run forever on the pavement in the sky
The FLO wants to ride them hard, and then you'll hear them cry

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Lone Gunmen in the sky.

The Gunmen leaned on by him he heard one call his name
Once you get some groupies boy, your life isn't the same
Young hacker change your ways today or with us you will run
Tryin' hard to dodge these fans.... and save yourself for the Tasty One.

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Lone Gunmen in the sky.
Lone Gunmen in the sky.
Lone Gunmen in the sky.
*Flovians=Members of the FLO (Frohike Liberation Organization), also known as Melvigoths.

Author: Reade

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