Apologies to Paul Simon.

A man sneaks down the street, he says
why don't you back up a little
why don't you back up a little and give me
a clean shot through the heart

I need a camera opportunity
I need a shot of Scully
don't want to end up a fiction
in a fictional graveyard

Langly in the moonlight
‘flecting into my shadowed room
Just Invisigoth, Invisigoth,
get that bitch out of here you know
I don't find "bite me" amusing any more

(Chorus) I don't need a bodyguard
I just need a cup of joe
You can call me tasty
but baby you just don't know.

Man hikes up the street he says
Where's my modem connection
I lost my modem connection
and oh my nights are all gone

Where's my Kevlar jacket?
What if I die here?
Who'll listen to me now that
Mulder is gone
gone, he ducked back down the
alley with some skinny gray-haired
gynecologist type
Then he's gone, she's gone, there
are incidents & accidents, there are
hints & allegations


A man ducks down the street
it's a street in a cold world
kind of a weird world
but it ain't his first time around

He speaks the language
holds all the currency
but he is a foreign man
he is surrounded by the sound
the sound of scratches in the
modem, .wavs in the iconry.
He looks around, around, sees
angels in the intel chip, spinning
in infinity, he says, hey. Hallelujah.


Author: Zara

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