[I stole this from the OBSSE archives to embarrass 
    Shan.  Sadly, then I didn't update for a year, so she 
    will probably never see this.  Still:  Heh heh.  --ed.]  

Just though I'd submit this lil' ditty I came up with one day 
in Economics class. It's sung to the tune of "Battle Hymn of 
the Republic."  Anyway, if you don't know it, ask someone else. 
I call it :

"Battle Hymn of the Agents"

Mulder : "Oh, My eyes have seen so many things that                       
              Cannot be explained,
              By scientific method, or intellect and brains,
              My partner Scully thinks that all you need 
                     To do is search,
              And the answers will appear."

Chorus : " Are there Aliens and Flukemen,
                Werewolves and the Jersey Devil,
                Are there Poltergeist that haunt us,
                We know THE TRUTH'S OUT THERE."

Scully : " Oh, My eyes have seen so many things that 
              Cannot be explained,
              My horizons have expanded so much more from   
                      Whence they came,
              But still we'll disagree about most anything,
              Except the government."

Chorus : " Are there Aliens and Flukemen,
                 Werewolves and a Jersey Devil,
                 Are there Poltergeist that haunt us,
                 Or are they all just lies ?" 

Both : " We say 'The Truth Is Out There', but the
            Government denies,
            And then they cover all of it in heinous
                   Acts and lies, 
            They've given Scully cancer, and the           
                   Cigarette Man died,
            So we'll just 'Trust No One'           
Chorus : " Are there Aliens and Flukemen,
                Werewolves and the Jersey Devil,
               Are there Poltergeist that haunt us,
               We know but we Deny."

Shadowy Syndicate : " We've got Mulder's sister, plus a 
                     Hundred of her clones,
                     Stole Scully's daughter's body, put it where 
                           Agents don't roam,
                     They will never catch us, 'cause we've got so 
                          Many drones,
                          Apology Is Policy.

Author: Minor Shannon

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