TITLE: 11:21
(To the tune of Walkin On The Sun, by Smash Mouth)
AUTHOR: The X-Piig
POINT: Absolutely none.

"There ain't nobody here, the FBI's big joke"
She taught him how to find the answers that he needs
He taught her how to keep her rational mind open
All we need now is iced tea and a bag of sunflower seeds
She called him Fox, he laughed
But then he's the one who sang "Shaft"
And MSR's a must
But they can't say "Love", it's "Trust"
Cuz she's so rational,
His passion's all he seems to care for
Then again a certain hallway scene
Says they both want something more

When Mulder calls, she's there
Sometimes it seems so unfair
Thought it's each other they love
They eye the spaceships above
And she will follow
But Scully knows tomorrow
HE won't admit SHE'S won
For now it's just 11:21

It was eight years ago she walked in when they talked
And found each other, one another, now together they stand
With his hand placed on her back, possessive partner
They fight and they argue, "Tooms, what the hell are you?"
So meet the Gunmen we all love them, they help out when
Mulder's ass gets kicked and even Scully gives in
Byers acts, Frohike slacks and Langly hacks
To keep chasin and facin the conspiracy facts

When Mulder calls, she's there
Sometimes it seems so unfair
Thought it's each other they love
They eye the spaceships above
And she will follow
But Scully knows tomorrow
SHE won't admit HE'S won
For now it's just 11:21

Those who care know they're searching and the truth's out there
Somewhere hidden in the X-Files, all they ask is "Where?"
Each time they break up they wake up and find new fights to take up
Mr. Carter has fun throwing in the fights he makes up
Bring it on now, show that paranormal know-how
Mulder rants, all Scully does is raise that eyebrow
No more C.G.B. man since the rat put him away
And at 11:21 guess who's out hunting for greys

When Mulder calls, she's there
Sometimes it seems so unfair
Thought it's each other they love
They eye the spaceships above
And she will follow
But Scully knows tomorrow
They still won't know who's won
For now it's just 11:21

Author: The X-Pig

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