Title: Night at Casey's
Author: Kate Mulder
Tune of: "Piano Man" by Billy Joel

Note: Love this song!  I only mock because I care, Billy.

It's November 27, late in the day 
Regular crowd's come in. 
There's this guy in a suit and his red-haired friend 
Holdin' hands as they both walk in. 

He says, "Kid, there's this song, it just came to me; 
I can't remember how it goes. 
But it's like her--short and sweet-- 
I once knew the whole thing
But that was a long time ago." 

La la da dee da la la la da dah, dah, dah...

Two agents working for the FBI 
They don't do it just for the pay. 
Together they'll bring that strange truth to light 
Together they'll make it one day. 

I can tell that the lady's a good friend of his 
He buys her a drink, or three 
He's so quick to crack dry jokes, doesn't like the smoke 
I'm thinking there's someone that he'd like to see. 

He tells her, "Dana, I swear, the waiting's killing me." 
As the sly grins fades from his face. 
She replies, "Don't worry, my friend, the truth isn't far.
I just don't think that this is the place." 

Now Mulder's so devoted to his work 
That he's never had time for a life 
And Scully grew up with the Navy, 
Since she was a baby 
Got used to her daddy's way of life. 

La la da dee da la la la da dah, dah, dah... 

Two agents working for the FBI 
They don't do it just for the pay. 
Together they'll bring that strange truth to light 
Together they'll make it one day. 

Then they start talking FBI politics 
And as they get closer to stoned 
They discuss a little girl named Samantha 
And how Mulder would never make it alone. 

I spent the night just watching them 
And see a newcomer who smells of fear 
Mulder shoves away from the bar, 
Grabs the guy by his arm, 
Asks him, "Krycek, what're YOU doin' here?!" 

La la da dee da la la la da dah, dah, dah... 
Two agents working for the FBI 
They've never done it just for the pay. 
Together they'll bring the strange truth to light 
Together they'll find it one day. 

Author: Kate Mulder

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