RAISED ON CONSPIRACY (to "Raised on Robbery")

She was sleeping like a baby in her black push-up bra
It was early in the morning
It was barely 3 o'clock
The phone awoke her with a terrible start
She picked up the receiver with a sinking heart
He says:

"Why not come down here
Working alone's a crime
(It's a crime, it's a federal crime)
I'm surrounded by rednecks
Stuck in their hick paradigm
Hey Scully - it's just across the state line
Come show me your theory
And I'll show you mine
Abduction's what I'm thinkin'
I was raised on conspiracy

I've been here five minutes
I've already done my profiles
Come down to my office
We'll go through some old X-files.
I try and I try but I can't make a case
I'm up after midnight, sneakin'
Onto the air force base
I'm spooky but I'm pleasin'
I was raised on conspiracy

I had a little sister once 
My parents gave her up to the Greys
Government gave'em an ultimatum
You should have seen her fly away
There's so many of her now
I can't tell which is which
Now I think maybe my dad is
That son of a bitch
His blood's bad tobaccy
I was raised on conspiracy

You know you ain't bad looking
I like your slightly-out-of-sync blink
You gotta see this Scully
I may have found the key to everything
Hey where you going . . 
Don't hang up . . .
This is important, what do you mean 'shut up?'
You're mean in the mornings!
I was raised on conspiracy."

Author: Serin

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