Filk of "Modern Major General" from "Pirates of Penzance".


Several episodes mentioned, up to and including "Leonard Betts".

"Modern Major General" belongs to Gilbert and Sullivan.
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" belongs to Spielberg.
Scully, Mulder, and The X-Files belong to Chris Carter.

Anywhere, as long as this document is intact and my name is on it.


I am the very model of a Special FBI Agent
I've information paranormal, mythical, and alien!
I know where UFOs crash and I quote the sites historical -
from Arecibo to Roswell in order categorical

I'm very well acquainted too with matters most un-natural.
I understand mutations, both the simple and unusual
About liver-eating mutants I am teeming with a lot of news!
With many cheerful facts about the Gregor clone in Syracuse

I'm very good at finding explanations for nocturnal lights
I know the scientific names of viruses and parasites
In short in matters paranormal, mythical, and alien!
I am the very model of a Special FBI Agent

I know about astrology, and what was in that Martian rock
I even wrote a paper all about Einstein's Twin Paradox.
I quote - with trepidation - from those X-Files that are dangerous
With science I can floor peculiarities incredulous

I can tell undoubted UFOs from Venus and toys tied on string
I know the Cancerman's policy is to deny everything
Then I can recall facts and figures as the truth I try to find
And whistle that five note tune from "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"

Then I can write reports which will debunk outrageous theories.
And give you every detail of deadly bugs which live inside trees.
In short in matters paranormal, mythical, and alien!
I am the very model of a Special FBI Agent

In fact, when I know what is meant by recombinant DNA
When I can tell at sight a "bounty hunter" from a hybrid grey
When evidence of abductions and alien implants I get
When I know precisely what is meant when they say 'the date is set'

When I have learnt what progress has been made in military jets
When I know more of men in black than I do about Leonard Betts
in short when I've found out why Samantha was taken from me for
you'll say there's never been a better FBI Agent before

For my conspiracy knowledge, though I'm paranoid and so spooky
has only been brought down to me by the Lone Gunmen - they're kooky
But still in matters paranormal, mythical, and alien!
I am the very model of a Special FBI Agent

Chris Hadgis, May 1997

Author: Chris Hadgis

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