Drop Your Gun

From the Hoover building outward
You try to keep your sig
It seems to slip from your handhold
Even though it's not all that big
I know you don't intend to
Compound all my tribulations
But this annoying habit's turned to a
full-blown aggravation

Cause you
Drop Your Gun
Twenty to one, it'll
Hit The Floor
Before we make it home

Why do you bother with target practice?
Pragmatically, the point is moot
What's left by the time the chase is over
That could possibly be used to shoot?
Now, how long would you have lasted
If I hadn't been around to watch your back
How did you get through Quantico?
Are you aware that I always pick up your slack?


We're running down our target
Your handgun hits the floor
And there's nothing else to do then
So I save your ass once more

Once you're issued a new one
Don't lose what you have found
I'm talking 'bout those expense reports we file
Because these days, they're enough to shut us down
All they need are some numbers that
Prove were not worth the cost
I'm asking you, couldn't you
Track down some of those other guns you lost?


Author: FortunateOne

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