Cell-Phone Me

Cell-Phone Me
When you've made a big breakthrough
Or just to make sure
I've got it close at hand
I haven't heard from you in hours
I almost wonder if maybe I've lost power

Because, you know   
I'll be the first to get the phone
If it should ever ring
If you don't check in, then I'll have to 
And say "Mulder, it's me"

Cell-phone me
At ridiculous hours
Cause it'll be received
Not matter when you call
Oh I, I'll run through the streets
After terr'rists and hybrids
If you give me a call, you know I'll soon 
  be there


(guitar solo)

Cell-phone me
When I'm on vacation
and though I may not want to
You know I'll still come back
Slave to the phone?
Yes, that's me, but I reckon
That I can make it a weapon
A big, white, clunky weapon

Author: Mandy

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