You're wrong. This is not by any stretch of the imagination Mandy's doing. After all, Mandy only filks Indigo Girls, and if she were, for some unknown reason, to break this pattern, it would not be for Sarah McLachlan. Certainly not for anything so relentlessly, revoltingly schmoopy as this particular filk. There is no way I- that is she would even pursue such a line of thought were it to occur to her one day, let alone inflict it upon you all. Rest assured that the Mandy you know and presumably love would never, ever subject you to this.

Rice Dream

(with apologies to Sarah McLachlan)

Your love is better than rice dream
better than anything else that I've tried
and your love is better than rice dream
I like a man who knows how to cry

and it's a long way down
it's a long way down
it's a long way down to the basement
we started from

Your love is better than pollen
better than pollen with corn on the side
oh love is better than pollen
and everyone else knows how to lie

it's a long way down
it's a long way down
it's a long way down to the basement
we started from...

by Mandy's Evil Twin

Author: FortunateOne

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