(I'm sorry, Christina Rossetti! I'm sorry 
 I've borrowed your poem! Don't tell the 
 Gods of English, lest I get smitten with 
 a curse! )

"MoTW Market"

Morning and evening
I heard the Carter cry:
"Identify our weekly monsters,
Identify, identify:
Tooms and Pfaster,
Fowley and Modell,
Naked Jersey Devils,
Morris and Bremmer,
Deep-inbred Peacocks,
Flame-headed L'Ively, 
Wild one-armed Kryceks,
Kindred, oh scary,
Kilars, Duane Barrys,
Van Blundht, Gerry Schnauz;--
All "ripe" together
In summer weather,-- (eww)
Satan that subs,
Scary Eves that kill;
Identify, identify:
Our lizard aliens from the V, 
Plastic surgeons evil and fine,
Dates and el Chupacabra,
Householder and shadows,
Nanites and killer kitties,
See them and cry:
Fellig and cannibals,
Big-giant-bug men,
Fungi to fill your mouth,
Vampires from the South,
Lucius to tongue and Hooboy to eye;
identify, identify."

Author: Bead

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