[ed note: this might well have been called "Die Fowley." Yeah, I kill myself.]
"Di Fowley" 
(to the tune of Tori Amos' "The Waitress")

So I want to hurt Di Fowley
She worked with the punk long before I--
If I hurt her fast, you know
I could claim it was accidental...

But I believe in proof,
I believe in proof, bitch,
I believe in proof, oh I believe in proof,
I believe in proof, bitch--
I believe in proof

I want to hurt Di Fowley
I can't believe Mulder still believes her
I so know she's doing the Cancerman--


I want to hurt Di Fowley--
There are too many enemies, and not enough friends
Boys all think she's living kindness...
Ask a fellow agent... ask a fellow agent...

Author: Bead

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