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Friends of Lestat

Here are a few of my friends online and off.

This is my friend Synn. We have been friends for more than three years. We were originally penpals but now we just chat back and forth every so often online. She creates and developes an awesome 'zine called Satan's Sweet Slavery. You can check out her website below

This is my friend Naomi. (a.k.a. Akasha) I have known her ever since I first discovered the internet. She's one of my best friends online.
This is my friend Erin, better known as «¿‡ø£ådý Ðèå†hø‡¿». I've known her for more than two years. We still chat from time to time.

This is my friend Colleen. We met at Area 51, the club I frequent from time to time on the weekends. This picture was taken at the club.
This is my friend Curt. We also met at Area 51. He has his own website, selling custom made spiked Jellery. Check it out if you get the chance.
This is my friend Janine, better known as Gabrielle. We met on a gothic-classifieds chatroom.
This is my friend Missy. We also met at Area 51.
This is my friend Pixi. We also met in a chatroom in gothic-classifieds.
This is my friend Thyme. We used to work together, untill she decided to quit. I miss her. She was always someone I looked forward to working with.
This is my friend Brandie. We used to just correspond back and forth, but now we just chat once in awhile online.
This is my best friend, Troy. Unfortunatly, he is in prison right now and doesn't seem to be getting out anytime. If you would like to write to Troy, you can write him at this address:
Troy Harris
E #6
Sevier County Jail
835 East 300 North, Suite #300
Richfield, Ut 84701
It would mean alot to me and him if you decided to write him. He loves letters.
This is my friend Dani. Unfortunatly, she has disapeared from the net, without a trace. Dani, if you ever decide to come back to my website, please e-mail me and let me know you are ok.
This is a long shot, but if you know Dani, please tell her to E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!!!

If you are a friend of mine and you would like to be on my Friends of Lestat page, send me an e-mail with your picture and any other information, such as a URL, e-mail or anything else you would like me to say.