the black sorceress's final fantasy tower

Last Updated:July 8, 2000

Lady Kefka's Final Fantasy Tower of DOOM

Now featuring Broadway Showtunes

I've awoken from the dead(and isn't it about time?) I see big updates(and I mean BIG updates) on the horizen. I dunno why, but I was just inspired. OH yeah, for those of ya curious, HUgging villians is now up and running again. If you don't see your name there yet just chill and it'll get up there sooner or later(hopefully sooner). And one more thing. Bastards who are sending me emails about putting up frames, I am not going to do it. Why? Simple. I DON'T LIKE FRAMES. They make your site look evil. Devilously evil. Plus adding about ten more minutes to the boot up time for the site. So piss off buggers!

On another note, Please visit herefor a site dedicated to my best friend who was killed a few days ago.

My small tribute to the best car on the face of the earth.

Casey and Laura Borgstien
Please visit this site dedicated to two very important people in my life who's lives were cut short.

Mail bag!
The mailbag o' wonders.Check it out!

Love a Villian
Hug a villian is just a little game I started. Come on and love them all!

The touching history of my homepage*Wipes tear out of eye*

I only have Final Fantasy III quotes right now but I'll get more.

Come on, Send me your Fanfics!

Ways to tell that your obsest with Final Fantasy
Send me ideas for some if you have any.

The Links of No Return
Have a link? Send me it!

Take the survey people!

Awards Webrings and Adoptions
You must really have a problem if you don't know what this is.

Kefkalove mail
Oh please get this fun free e-mail!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!

E-mail me
Please don't ask me for help, I'm really not that good at giving help(I don't even want to give help in the first place)...

View My SlamBook! |

Sign the book of Doom
Oh just Sign it you fool!:)

View the book of Doom
These idiots came here!?

Quote of the day:If I ever wish to critosize someone, I walk a mile in their shoes first. That way, if they get mad, they're a maile away and shoeless. -Scott Adams

You are the no good, not knowing bad, has no life, idiot to visit this site of DOOOM

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