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Return of the Condor Heroes
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Hi there, welcome to my homepage. My name is Keary and I am a senior at

Provo High School

(home of the mighty bulldogs). My favorite book is "Return of the Condor Heroes". My favorite author is Henry David Thoreau, if you don't know who he is, then you should read "The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail" by Jerome Lawrence. You will find that Thoreau's a bit weird, but that's one of the reason why people love him so much.

Don't they make a cute couple?

This homepage is dedicated to my most favorite novel ShenDiaoXiaLu "The Return of Condor Heroes" written by Kum Yung (Jin Yong). This masterpiece has been made into the movie series by TVB HONG KONG LTD. in 1983 and most recent one in 1995. However, my best liked one is the old TVB series in 1983 starring Andy Lau Tak-Wah and Idy Chan Yuk-Lin.

ShenDiaoXiaLu is written as a Mo Hup novel, but it is more likely as a love story. This story is centered the teacher/student love relationship of Yang Guo (Yeung Koh played by Andy Lau) and XiaoLongNu (Xiu Lung Lui played by Idy Chan). Since the teacher/student love relationship was forbidden and unacceptable in the old ancient Chinese society that they lived in, both Yang Guo and XiaoLongNu had to face many difficulties when being together. For nearly 20 years of struggling many obstacles between lives and deaths, they finally got together but separated themselves away the whole society to live with each other. The most remarkable and tormented one was the 16-years waiting of Yang Guo for the return of XiaoLongNu. After knowledging that his wife XiaoLongNu had been dead for 16 years Yang Guo was so heart-broken that he decided to jump into the bottomless cliff just like his wife did 16 years ago......

This story is best described with the Chinese poem below.......

Yeung Gor by Louis Koo Tin Lok


Yeung Gor is the core character of this story. His mother died when he was only 11 years old, thereafter which he spent most of his time stealing to survive until he met Kwok Jing who brought him to To Fa Island. As the son of Yeung Hong, he was not well-liked by Wong Yong and Hor Jeung Lok ( Kwok Jing's teacher ) since he resembles his father in terms of look. Later, due to some misunderstandings between him and Hor Jeung Lok, Yeung Gor was sent to Chong Nam Mountain where Chun Chan Sect was situated. However, Yeung Gor was treated badly by his teacher and fellow taoists, and Yeung Gor once got into trouble which brought him to the Tomb where Siu Lung Lui lived. As Siu Lung Lui promised to take care of Yeung Gor before Granny Sun died, Yeung Gor became the disciple of Siu Lung Lui. On one occasion, Siu Lung Lui was injured because she was disturbed when she was practicing with Yeung Gor. During the ordeal, their hearts were brought together. However, these lovers were seperated once and again due to misunderstandings and the inability of the society then to accept their love. Although he loved only Siu Lung Lui, there are five girls who loved him - Kwok Fu, Cheng Ying, Lok Mo Seung, Gong Sun Lok Yee, and Kwok Seung. Kwok Fu's love for Yeung Gor may not be obvious but at the end of the novel, when Yeung Gor was saving her husband, Ye Lui Kei, from the Mongol soldiers, she was more concerned about Yeung Gor's life and death than her husband's; but it was exactly this love for Yeung Gor that brought all the troubles and seperated Yeung Gor and Siu Lung Lui for 16 years.


Yeung Gor, according to a book about Gum Yung novels, is the most well-liked character of the 3 male leads in the trilogy of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Return of the Condor Heroes" and "Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre". He is every woman's dream man, being tall and handsome, witty and humorous, as well as passionate and sensitive; but what attracts readers most is his ultimate love towards his one and only Siu Long Lui. Although Yeung Gor is ,if not smarter, as smart as his father, his personality traits belong to that of his mother - kind and soft hearted. Yeung Gor is a man of principles, which many people think is not apparent. This is because on many occasions, he seemed not to have accomplished what he promised to do but that was because he realised what he had promised to do were wrong. As he said before, if he is wrong, he will admit it but if not, he will stand to what he think is right. This is his principle. Yeung Gor is always at the brim of being good and evil. Although kindhearted in nature, his young mind are often misled by many things but lucky for him, his conscience and the fact that he put the country and people in priority to personal feuds pulled him back from the brim of dropping into the valley of evil. Yeung Gor was also a temperamental man who exudate a lot of emotions. He was so temperamental that even Wong Yong said that while she could guess what others were thinking, she could never catch what Yeung Gor was thinking.

Louis Koo as "Yeung Gor"

Personally, I feel that Louis Koo was a near perfect choice for "Yeung Gor" because his appearance fits the description of the book snugly - tall, handsome, with a witty look and an evil air or what I would prefer to describe as 'cult'. I have to admit that Louis' acting was more towards the superficial side initially but as the story developed, he slowly got himself conditioned into the role and his depiction of Yeung Gor is, in my opinion, close to perfect during the last ten episodes ( i.e. after he lost his arms ). One more factor which puts Louis in preference to other actors of his time as Yeung Gor is the nobel air in him. Being the son of Yeung Hong, who was a prince, and the grandson of Yeung Tit Sum, who was the descendent of a court official, it was natural that Yeung Gor should possess this air of nobelty and the aristocratic feel. I will not say that Louis' acting in "The Return of the Condor Heroes 95" is excellent but his depiction of Yeung Gor in the show is, in my opinion, good. This is because his natural attributes already compensate for his inadequency in some areas of acting and it is exactly the natural attributes that give him an edge over other actors of his time for the role of Yeung Gor.

Siu Lung Lui by Carman Lee Yuk Tung


Siu Lung Lui is another core character next to Yeung Gor. She was an orphan and was taken in by her teacher when she was very young and had lived in the tomb eversince. She was 18 years old when she first met Yeung Gor and was forced to take care of Yeung Gor as she promised to do so before Grandma Sun died. She and Yeung Gor lived in the tomb quite peacefully for a couple of years while she teached Yeung Gor martial arts. It was not until she and Yeung Gor decided to practice "Yuk Lui Sum Geng" ( a form of martial arts ) when their life began to change. On one occasion when Yeung Gor and Siu Lung Lui were practising "Yuk Lui Sum Geng", they were disturbed and Siu Lung Lui got her internal strength messed up and suffered a major visceral injury. Not long after, Lei Mok Sau came to snatch "Yuk Lui Sum Geng" and she and Yeung Gor had to went through a great deal to shrugg off Lei Mok Sau but it was then that Siu Lung Lui found out her love and liking for Yeung Gor. She went through a lot of suffering physically and mentally as she was raped by Wan Chi Peng, almost married the lecher, Gung Sun Chi, and was severely injured by Gum Lun Fat Wong which was aggravated by Lei Mok Sau and Kwok Fu so much that she is almost certainly dead. She jumped off the cliff and left a message for Yeung Gor to wait for her for sixteen years as she thought Yeung Gor will slowly forget her over the sixteen years but she underestimated Yeung Gor's love for her. Both of them were reunited after sixteen years as Yeung Gor jumped off the cliff to commit suicide, but instead found Siu Lung Lui in the other side of the mountains.


Siu Lung Lui as described by the book, was an extremely beautiful and cool-like-an-ice-peak lady but she was extremely sweet when she smiled. In the novel, Gum Yung described Siu Lung Lui as " a young lady not much or any older looking than Yeung Gor ". At the end of the book, she still looked as young as before. This was because she managed to keep herself cool and calm without much emotions except towards Yeung Gor. Some analysts, however, do not like her and describe her as "a demon under an innocent coat" because she encouraged Yeung Gor to kill Kwok Jeng in exchange for Yeung Gor's life and this showed how selfish she was. Personally, however, I think that Siu Lung Lui was just pure like snow in her character because she never stepped out of the tomb until after she left the tomb with Yeung Gor. She never knew the importance of keeping the integrity of the country and race and all she could think about was Yeung Gor because he was the only person she could depend on and whom she lived for. That was why it was inevitable for her to put Yeung Gor's life in priority and encouraged Yeung Gor to kill Kwok Jeng. But Siu Lung Lui did have a flaw in her character and that was to easily believe in what other people said, which also stamped from the fact that she was so new in the society. Though she loved Yeung Gor, she lacked faith in Yeung Gor or else she would not have left Yeung Gor during the first ( after Wong Yong talked to her ) and second ( after she heard what Yeung Gor said to the Mo brothers ) occasion.

Carman Lee as "Siu Lung Lui"

Cool-like-an-ice-peak and sweet-like-a-blossom, Carman Lee was the perfect candidate for Siu Lung Lui. Though Carman is not stunning looking, her beauty comes deep from within, which is what makes me like her after The Condor Heroes 95. She possess this sense of superiority when she does not smile and looks extremely cool, clean and pure, which puts her ahead of other actresses of her time. In addition, she is not fetish like many other actresses and show a lot of elegance and grace as she played Siu Lung Lui. However, like Louis, her acting was less than superb, though acceptable, but again, her natural attributes more than compensated for all the lack. But what is important too is that Carman and Louis makes an extremely good couple because while Louis looks stunningly handsome and charming from the outlook, Carman looks subtle and deep in her beauty, possessing a lot of elegance and both blended very well with each other to result in a perfect screen couple.

Kwok Jeng by Bak Biu


The character Kwok Jeng was an extension from the novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". He was the son of Kwok Hau Tin and the husband of Wong Yong, as well as the sworn brother of Yeung Hong ( Yeung Gor's father ). In this novel, he mainly played the role of a father towards Yeung Gor as well as a hero trying to defend Song's sovereignty against the Mongols.


Kwok Jeng was an extremely honest and trustworthy person, and also a person of principles and word. He was extremely caring towards Yeung Gor because he always felt that he was partly responsible for Yeung Hong's death and for the plight that Yeung Gor went through in his childhood years. However, he cared too much about the norm and ethics of the society then and was against the love between Yeung Gor and Siu Lung Lui.

Bak Biu as "Kwok Jeng"

He might not look so much of a "Dai Hup" as compared to the books but his fatherly feel made his depiction of Kwok Jeng a well-liked one in my opinion. As the first generation Kwok Jeng in "Legend", he played the honesty and trust-worthiness of the character very nicely.

Wong Yong by Wai Chau Wah


Wong Yong was the daughter of the famous "Tong Che" Wong Yew Shi. She was also the wife of Kwok Jeng. Like Kwok Jeng, she was an extension of her character from "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and continued to be the lady of wit in the show.


Wong Yong had always been described as a pretty lady with a lot of brains and wit in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and she continued to be so in "The Return of the Condor Heroes". However, in the story, she was no longer the Wong Yong who did things out of the norms but instead, she changed into a lady of tradition and ethics, which was shown from her strong disapproval of the love between Yeung Gor and Siu Lung Lui. But she also showed herself more of a power women in this story as compared to "Legend" and was able to hold more superiority. Her greatest failure, in my opinion, was to have raised up a daughter like Kwok Fu, but her greatest achievement was to have convinced Yeung Gor to wait for Siu Lung Lui for sixteen years. Many thought that Wong Yong showed too much guard and distrust towards Yeung Gor but that was because she thought that Yeung Gor resembled his father Yeung Hong, whom Wong Yong hated very much.

Wai Chau Wah as "Wong Yong"

Never had I expected Wai Chau Wah to be able to depict Wong Yong because she had always been portrayed as a gentle lady in the shows I had seen but she showed that she was able to hold the character "Wong Yong". Pretty as she is, Wai gave Wong Yong this motherly touch which made Wong Yong's character more likable in the serial. She also portrayed Wong Yong's wit satisfactorily. Some viewers, however, thought she lacked the touch of power and superiority of Wong Yong in the novel.

Kwok Fu by Gigi Fu Ming Hin


Kwok Fu is the eldest daughter of Kwok Jeng and Wong Yong. She first met Yeung Gor when they were in their teenage years and Yeung Gor actually liked Kwok Fu then according to the novel but was put off by her character. She was partly responsible for the sixteen-year part that Yeung gor and Siu Lung Lui had to go through as she chopped Yeung Gor's hand off in a fit of anger and injured Siu Lung Lui as she unintentionally threw poison needles at Siu Lung Lui, aggravating Siu Lung Lui's injury so badly that she was almost certainly dead because the poison had already spread to her viscera.


She is one of the most hateful character in the novel, being stubborn, temperamental, commanding and petty. Kwok Fu, in my opinion, got the worst of her parents- Kwok Jeng's brains and Wong Yong's stubborn nature. She liked Yeung Gor but because of her pride, she always put up an air in front of Yeung Gor and cause Yeung Gor to dislike her. She liked to command other people, like the Mo brothers, to do things for her and she always liked to find excuse for the mistakes that she made. An extremely spoilt kid, it was not until the end of the novel that she finally did something more sensible - apologise to Yeung Gor. It might not be obvious but even towards the end of the novel, Kwok Fu still love Yeung Gor.

Gigi Fu as "Kwok Fu"

Kwok Fu is an extremely eye-catching lady and Gigi Fu's suitability for the character stamps from her resemblance to this image of Kwok Fu. Although a hateful character in the novel, Gigi Fu's Kwok Fu was not that all unpleasant. At least she showed that Kwok Fu was not so much lack of brains.

Kwok Seung by Theresa Lee Yee Hung


Kwok Seung was the youngest daughter of Kwok Jeng and Wong Yong. Her name was in remembrance of her birth place, Seung Yong. She went through a lot of things as soon as she was born and was in the hands of Siu Lung Lui, Yeung Gor, Gum Lun Fat Wong, and Lei Mok Sau after her birth. Although she only appeared towards the end of the novel, she was a relatively important character because she layed the foundation for the sequel novel, "Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre".


As an adorable infant, Kwok Seung was very well liked by Yeung Gor, Siu Lung Lui and even Lei Mok Sau, who was willing to sacrifice her life in return for Kwok Seung's life. Well, she grew up as a cute young lady as she met Yeung Gor after sixteen years. Kwok Seung had a special meaning to Yeung Gor because she went through with them one of the most difficult times for Yeung Gor and Siu Lung Lui when both of them were hopeless of surviving. When she said that she was sixteen years old to the "Sun Dil Dai Hup", Yeung Gor remarked how time flies and it was time for him to meet Siu Lung Lui again. Kwok Seung was one of the women who loved Yeung Gor and even up to sequel novel "Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre", she showed that she only loved Yeung Gor, which was one of the reason, I believe, why she never married. She liked Yeung Gor so much that she was willing to risk her life just to tell Yeung Gor not to commit suicide as she jumped off the cliff with Yeung Gor. Kwok Seung's love for Yeung Gor created the foundation for the sequel novel because if she had not went to find Yeung Gor in the beginning of the sequel novel, she would never had created all the trouble that resulted in Cheung San Fung leaving Siu Lum and setting up Mo Dong Sect. She was also a smart young lady who, according to her Grandpa, "Tong Che", resembles her grandmother.

Theresa Lee Yee Hung as "Kwok Seung"

She is one of the best chosen character of the serial, being as cute and adorable as the Kwok Seung you can find in the novel. Although she spoke bad cantonese, but it was exactly that which made her portrayal of a sixteen year old Kwok Seung more convincing.

This is my best friend's favorite couple.

Against the Blade of Honor

Deng Pang ( Louis Koo ) was a swordsman who is vying to become famous. With his ‘Tin Ngoi Lao Xing’ sword skills, he defeated several famous swordsman, and he eventually wanted to have a deal with Lau Yok Chong ( Eddie Cheung Siu Fai ). However, Lau Yok Chong made use of his wife Cun Ho Cheng ( Irene Wan ) to steal the ‘Tin Ngoi Lao Xing’ sword manual from Deng Pang and defeated Deng Pang, while at the same time accusing Deng Pang of stealing his sword manual. Deng Pang jumped off the cliff into the sea in anger, but was washed on shore of an island known as ‘Mong Yao’ Island and was rescued by the chief of the island’s daughter, Cheng Cheng ( Vivian Leung ). Deng Pang was even taught the informidable ‘Wan Dou’ sword skills by the chief of the island, Yam Ngor Hang. Deng Pang also fell in love with Cheng Cheng and they eventually got married. Later, Deng Pang and Cheng Cheng travelled back to mainland to seek revenge of Lau Yok Chong. With Deng Pang’s ‘Wan Dou’ skills, he successfully destroyed all the fame and name that Lau Yok Chong achieved over the years and revealed Lau’s unscrupulous methods. At the same time, Deng Pang was also made the chief of the pugilistic world. was at this moment that Deng Pang discovered that Yam Ngor Hang was actually the chief of the evil world decades ago and he was actually made used of by Yam to revive the evil world. Although Deng Pang was unwilling to help Yam and wanted to back out of the evil sect, he was afraid that by doing so, he would lose all the fame and fortune that he was enjoying then. Deng Pang also broke up with Cheng Cheng because of this. Deng Pang was really at a loss of which direction he should head towards, and he still missed Cheng Cheng……
