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Screen Shot City

Quake3Arena Character Rendered Images.

Razor · Razor played a lesser known role in the Stroggos war. Now he's ready to start a well known one with you.
Tank Jr. · Tank is looking to prove that he's the big boy in town and he's going to use you as an example.
Klesk · Klesk believes the chitinid aliens are a superior to humans and his railgun skills will show you why.
Cadaver · Straight out of your worst nightmare, Cadaver seems to have more lives than a cat.
Doom · He's back and he can aim vertically now!
Hunter · This race has all the beauty and even more killer instinct than anybody else in the universe.
Keel · His armor enhancements make an M1 Abrahms look like a tin can.
Sorlag · Sorlag is in the business of ripping you to shreds.
Patriot · Patriot's vampiric origins give him reason to draw first blood in the arena.
Uriel · The Angel of Death is coming for you tonight...Sleep well.
Hossman · The only body he'll be guarding is your dead one.
Lucy · Lucy will dominate you with her big guns.
Phobos · You'll face Phobos early on but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the skills to wipe the floor with you.
Razor · Razor played a lesser known role in the Stroggos war. Now he's ready to start a well known one with you.
Tank Jr. · Tank is looking to prove that he's the big boy in town and he's going to use you as an example.
Klesk · Klesk believes the chitinid aliens are a superior to humans and his railgun skills will show you why.
Cadaver · Straight out of your worst nightmare, Cadaver seems to have more lives than a cat.
Doom · He's back and he can aim vertically now!
Hunter · This race has all the beauty and even more killer instinct than anybody else in the universe.
Keel · His armor enhancements make an M1 Abrahms look like a tin can.
Sorlag · Sorlag is in the business of ripping you to shreds.
Patriot · Patriot's vampiric origins give him reason to draw first blood in the arena.
Uriel · The Angel of Death is coming for you tonight...Sleep well.

Tier Images.

Screenshot 1.
Screenshot 2.
Screenshot 3.
Screenshot 4.
Sarge Model
Slash Model
Klesk Model

