Edward Bunker

Edward Bunker directly touched the lives of both Jesse Wentworth Crosby and his son, Samuel Obed Crosby. Living in close proximity in southern Utah, the two families knew each other. Edward and Jesse were involved in the appointment of a Bishop for the Overton, Nevada Ward in the early 1880s. Samuel Obed Crosby married Edward's daughter, Hannah Adelia, and helped settle Bunkerville, Nevada.

Interestingly, Edward also touched the lives of the Rees and Edmunds families of Wales, Utah. These families emigrated to Utah in 1856 as members of the Welsh handcart company. Edward was the captain of that company.

Edward Bunker wrote a brief autobiography of his life. This document, along with an expanded history, images, genealogical information, and biographies of other family members can be found on the official website of the Edward Bunker Family Association.
Hannah Adelia Bunker Crosby

The daughter of Edward and Emily Abbott Bunker, Hannah married Samuel Obed Crosby in 1872. Hannah wrote a brief autobiographical sketch. This autobiography can be found here along with her patriarchal blessing. Also available is my biographical essay of Hannah and her husband, Sam Crosby, a number of family obituaries, and correspondence from Hannah and other family members.

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