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created 21 OCT 99 | updated 26 OCT 99 2:26 PM EST
Welcome to Incubus Across America! The purpose of IAA is the recording and "treeing" of Incubus shows. Why? Because we love the band, and think everyone should experience the raw power and energy of a live show. There is no actual cost, all you have to do is send the blank CD-Rs and enough postage to get them here and back. It doesn't cost anything to join, and anyone can.

I know, it sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it's a lot of work, and everything doesn't always go quite like clockwork, but it DOES work! More importantly, it's fun. You get to meet other folks who love the same band that you do, and you get a bunch of cool live shows on CD-R out of it for the cost of a few stamps. Check out our links at the top of the page if you haven't already, they'll show you exactly what's going on. Thanks.

ø Open Trees
ø Incubus' tour dates and our progress of getting them taped
ø Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Join! It's sooo easy!

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