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Southwest Airlines

This is my shrine page to the greatest airline to ever exist the airline that has won the Triple Crown Award(see picture) 5 consecutive times SOUTHWEST AIRLINES. This is my site to say thank you to all the hard working people of Southwest Airlines, and also a big thanks goes out to Herb and Colleen because well THEY ROCK!!!!
Brief History: The whole idea of SWA was begat on a cocktail napkin by Rollin King back in 1966(isn't that just the coolest story!) Even way back then Herb was with the company, he has got to be the worlds coolest guy!!! And now 27 years later it is the coolest airline!!!
I spoke with a SWA pilot at work the other day, wow that was the coolest thing I have ever done. He had even flown Triple Crown One. He gave me his address and told me to put him on my application when I apply with Southwest. I am the luckiest kid in the world!!
