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Humanities Web Site

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          In my humanities class, art is one of our main Subjects. Our Teacher is Mr. Frank and we study art history, architecture, art styles, and draw. This page contains art history on the Renaissance artists, Baroque architecture, and some of the art we have done in the classroom.

Renaissance Artists

Italian Artists:

Bruneleschi - A famous artists who discovered perspective.
Bramante - An architecture who designed St. Peters Basilica.
Donatello - An artist who started to sculpture like the Greeks.
Botticelli - An artists who is known for mythology and painting women with their head tilted to the right. "Birth of Venus"
Leonardo da Vinci - "The Renaissance Man" One of the most famous people ever. Painted Mona Lisa and discovered Atmospheric Perspective.
Michelangelo - "Renaissance Man" Wrote poetry, painted, architect, sculptured, and engineered. Some of his most famous work are: "David", "The Creation of Adam", and "The Creation of Eve"
Raphael - A famous painter who was known for painting portraits. "Baldassare Castiglione" and "The Alba Madonna".

Northern Artists:
Jan van Eyck - An artist whos medium was oil and loved detail. Some of his most famous paintings are: "Annunciations" and "Arnolfini and His Bride".
Durer - An artist who carves into pieces of wood and then printed them off. A famous one by him is: "4 horsemen of the Apocalypse".
Bruegel - An artist who painted Genre. "Hunters in the Snow"
El Greco - Loved Mannerism, painted stretchy looking figures. "Laccoon"

Baroque Architecture

The Sheremetiev Palace   The Menshikov Palace

The Winter Palace

Art that we have done

This is my Hard Edge

This is my sphere that I shaded

This is my face that I shaded

This is my Impressionist Painting

This is my Tom Sawyer Map

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Van Goph's Website| A List of Art Links|| Da Vinci


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          Our history class is taugh by Ms. Kiem. This page is dedicated to the Greek time period. A time when humans started to progess in all areas of mankind.


Acropolis - A hillside fortress that was located in Athens. It was very useful for discussing government and when being attacked
City-States - Cities and its surroundings that where ruled by one government.
          Athens - A city in Greece where they had lots of art, drama, archectecture, and was known for being the culture center of Greece.
          Sparta - A militerstic city in Greece in which they centered life around fighting.
Olympics - An event where nude male athletes competed and only men where allowed to attend.
         Aristocracy - A type of government when only a elite few rule, usually upper class.
         Tyranny - When one leader from the lower class overtakes the government using force.
         Democracy - A type of government when all citizens have a say in the government.
         Hippocrates - A famous person who dedicated his life to medicine. We adventually named the Hippocratic Oath after him.
         Pythagoras - A mathatician who developed the A^2 + B^2 = C^2 therom.
         Socrates - "Know Thyself" A famous philosopher who started to get people thinking. He                                       adventually died by drinking posion.
                             Socratic Method - A question answer technique devoloped my Socrates.
         Plato - A student of Socrates, who thought that the perfect government was Philospher/King.
         Aristotle - A student of Plato who taught Alexander the Great.
Golden Age of Athens - A time when Greece is at peace with a strong government and knowledge, economy, and government are all good.
         Pericles A ruler of Athens during the golden age who built the Parthenon
         Parthenon A temple for Athena that is made of Doric and Ionic columns.
         Greek Ideal The Greek ideal was perfect, simple, and ordered life
Alexander the Great - A famous man who was taught by Aristotle and spread Greek knowledge. He died at an early age of 33.
         Hellenistic Civilization - The blending of Greek and Eastern cultures. (Created by Alexander the Great)
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Ancient Greek World - View artifacts that tell a vivid story of life in ancient Greece.

Daily life of Ancient Greece - Information of Ancient Greece. A great website.

Greek Architecture - A Website dealing with the buildings of Ancient Greece.

Greek Philosophy Archive - Lots of information on Philosophers and Greek art.


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          Our Teacher is Ms. Nichols and in our English class we study grammar and literature. This web page has a summary of some of the books we have read and some useful links.

Book Summaries

Oedipus Rex- A interesting book about destiny. It is about I person named Oedipus Rex who adventually becomes king and marries his mother. I give it ****

Canterbery Tales- A book that is very different, because it has many stories within one story. It's about people going on some type of voyage and they all tell a story about themselves. I didn't have a chance to read that much of the book, but I give it ***(1/2)

Huck Finn- I have just barely started to read this book, but so far I really enjoy it. It is about a boy named Huckleberry Finn and his journey down the Mississippi River. So far I give it ****(1/2)

Les Miserables- A great book about the struggles of Jean Valjean in France during the French Revolution. I really enjoyed this book and I give it *****

On the Beach- A well done book that shows how humans have become so advance that we destroy ourselves. It is about how everyone in the Northern Hemisphere has blown each other up with nuclear weapons and the only people alive are the people in the Southern Hemisphere. One of my most favorite books. I give it *****

Time Machine- A interesting book about science and time travel. It is about this scientist that discovers how to travel in time. He winds up very far into the future. I give it *****


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Project Gutenberg - A Website dedicated to digitally Re-Published Literature that you can get for FREE!

Amazon Books - They have the largest selection of books that you purchase on the internet.

Shakespeare -An interactive, hypermedia environment dedicated to the enjoyment of Shakespeare's works.

Barnes and Noble - Another bookstore on the internet that claims to have the largest selection of books.

Famous Quotes

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This is a list of my favorite Quotes:

"Dare to Know. Have the courage to use your own intelligence." -Emanuel Kant-

"Know Thyself." -Socrates-

"Wise men talk because they have something to say - fools because they have to say something." -Plato-

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." -H.G. Wells-

"Many receive advice only the wise profit by it." -Syrus-

"Life is lived forwards, but is understood backwards." -Soren Kierkegaard-

"Not to be occupied and not to exist, amount ot the same thing." -Voltaire-

"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." -Elinoir Roosevelt-

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretsky-

"Happiness comes not from what you have, but from what you can do." -Steve Songer-

"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges." -Joseph Fort Newton-

"To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have." -Ken Keyes Jr.-

"The best way out is always through." -Robert Frost-

"You can cover a great deal of country in books." -Andrew Land-

"He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn, is in great danger." -Confucius-


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          I made a program that shows the differences of Ptolemy and Copernicus. The program is called HISTORY.bas and requires Qbasic.

Download Qbasic|Download HISTORY.BAS


1. After Downloading Qbasic and HISTORY.bas Open up Qbasic
2. Click OK where it says Parameters.
3. Go to FILE OPEN then select HISTORY.BAS
4. Press SHIFT + F5 to RUN the program.

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