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Graduate School of TESOL - Practicum/GEP Course

Graduate School of TESOL - Practicum/GEP Course


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This site will function as depository for information and updates on current courses. It is here that you will need to come each week to get new information on the course(s) you are taking. Stop by often and have fun.

This site and the sister 'Archives' site are devoted to the spreading of knowledge. For this reason I invite you to visit all the respective courses you might have interest in in addition to those you are taking. The 'Archives' site also has a lot more information including extensive links and other goodies. Don't miss going there.

I hope that the information contained here will provide some help for students that are interested in theories of learning languages, teaching languages, and general linguistics.

The page should be easy to use and is for the most part self-explanatory. Just go to the course that you are interested in and click it. You will be magically whisked to a file which has a further list of content files that you are free to view and explore.

I really hope that you get the maximum benefit from this page.

Look down!

Graduate School of TESOL

Teaching Writing

Introduction to Lingusitics

Practicum I

Graduate School of English

영어학개론 (Introduction to Linguistics)

Any problems, comments, or questions?? Send me a message.
