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The summer after my freshman year I went to Paradise Island in the Bahamas. This sparked a HUGE interests in me to travel.


Six months later I was on a plane to the tropics again. This time I was going to Hawaii though. While there, my girlfriend, her family, and I swam with sea turtles, walked three feet from flowing lava, and hiked through the rain forest. It was here that I got hooked on the tropics.

Puerto Rico

Over the summer after my sophomore year I managed to save enough money to go twice to Puerto Rico. Both times were incredible. I hiked through El Morro (the rainforest that covers the center of the island), swam in the neon bay (a bay that is filled with microscopic animals which glow a neon yellow when you swim through them), and was completely engulfed with a carribean culture.

Puerto Rico

During this pasted summer I traveled to South American for the greatest six weeks of my life. I started in Santiago, Chile where I traveled all over the city and the surrounding areas. Then I went to Buenos Aires, which was and incredibly European city (filled with beautiful buildings and a diverse group of people). From there I flew into Foz de Iguazu, the largest waterfall in the world. This was an incredible hike (both the Argentin side and brasilian side). From here my last country was Brasil - a GREAT way to end a trip. I spent six days in Manaus (capital of the Amazon), four of which was spent on a jungle tour that consisted of me sleeping in hammics in the jungle and bathing in the Amazon river. This was the best experience of my life. It was seconded closely with Rio Di Janeiro. This is a story thats worthy of much more than just a webpage. If you would like to see pictures then come back soon - they should be posted.